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Windows Quick Start

Christie Ewen edited this page Oct 10, 2016 · 4 revisions

This file is a no-fluff Quick-start to get nightwatch.js set-up on a WINDOWS system. Here nothing is 'explained'. For a more narrative explanations see the main website.

This is describing set-up on a Windows 7 Professional 64-bit system with Firefox installed.


1) Base folder

  • On your system create a folder called dev on the root, e.g. C:\dev

2) Install Node.js

  • Under C:\dev create a new folder called nodejs.
  • Go to and install nodejs in the new folder, ensure you include the npm tool in your installation. npm tool installed with nodejs is very old, and needs to be updated. In a command window type "npm install npm -g", -g flag is for global

3) Install nightwatch.js

  • Under C:\dev create a new folder called nightwatch.
  • Got to Start > Run > and type 'cmd' to get a console window.
  • Type npm install nightwatch and note the location and structure of the install.

4) Get Selenium Server

5) File to call the runner

  • On your system navigate to C:\Dev\nightwatch\node_modules\nightwatch
  • Create a new file called nightwatch.js
  • Add the following line and save the file; require('nightwatch/bin/runner.js');

Basic set-up is now complete!

6) Start Selenium

  • Open a console window (or reuse the one from step 3) and navigate to: C:\Dev\nightwatch\node_modules\nightwatch\lib
  • Now type java -jar sel-serv.jar to start Selenium Server.
  • Open Firefox and navigate to http://localhost:4444/wd/hub to check the server is up.

7) Run some tests!

  • Open a new console window.
  • Navigate to *C:\Dev\nightwatch\node_modules\nightwatch*
  • Run all example tests by typing node nightwatch.js
  • Run a group of tests by typing node nightwatch.js -g google
  • Run a single test by typing node nightwatch.js -t examples/tests/nightwatch.js

You are now ready to start modifying the installation and adding your own test libraries.

Next steps