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A simple repository which helps you to have a lock system over your application components or the application state


  1. Any component which extends NgLockComponentBase will be added to the lock system
  2. NgLockComponentBase will cleanup it's data after each ngOnDestry


  1. Install npm install --save ng-lock-system
  2. Add to app root imports
    imports: [NgLockSystemModule.provideLockSystem(
    true | false // enable logging
export class AppRootModule {}
  1. Use the lock system inside a component

    selector: "my-cmp",
    // The locked observable will always reflect the correct value
    template: "is Locked {{isLocked$ | async}}"
export class MyCmp extends NgLockComponentBase {
    // isLocked$ => is an Observable<boolean> from the base class which should be true if the component is locked (do not subscribe to this subscription unless you unsubscribe from it manually)
    // isLocked => boolean from the base class it will not reflect the observable value only if we call this function `this.unWrapLockSubscription()` which creates a subscription to isLocked$ Observable, this subscription will be cleaned up after on destroy cycle
    constructor() {
    markAsBusyComponent() {
        console.log("is Locked ", this.isLocked) => will write false
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("is Locked ", this.isLocked) => will write false
        }, 500);
    markAsBusyWithObservableUnwraped() {
        this.unWrapLockSubscription(); // call this fuction only once
        console.log("is Locked ", this.isLocked) => will write true
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("is Locked ", this.isLocked) => will write false
        }, 500);
    // The base class assignes to the component unique id to identify it
    // if you want to change the id you can do that like this
    markAsBusyWithChangedIf() {
        // you can call this.unWrapLockSubscription(); before changing the component id
        // the subscription will update with the new subscription based on the new id           
        console.log("is Locked ", this.isLocked) => will write true
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("is Locked ", this.isLocked) => will write false
        }, 500);
  1. Use LockManagerService
    selector: "my-cmp",
    template: "is Locked {{isLocked$ | async}}"
export class MyCmp {
    isLocked$: Observable<boolean>;
    constructor(private lockManager: LockManagerService) {
        this.isLocked$ = this.lockManager.listenTo(); // listen to manager to full state 
        // the value will be true if a components will lock the whole manager
        // and false otherwise
        // the lock manager is a Dictionary<{ status: string, lockManager: boolean }>
        // lockManager affects the manager state 
        // status lets us to lock single components to not affect the over all state
        // for example I have a list component and it should be locked while I read data from the server I can use lockManager -> true and have a lock over all app 
        //or just lock the simple component
        this.isLocked$ = this.lockManager.listenTo("MY_COMPONENT_ID"); // listen to one component (true if component is locked, false otherwise)
        this.isLocked$ = this.lockManager.listenTo([
        ]); // listen to multiple component id's  (true if one component is locked, false otherwise)
            true // mark app as locked
            "MY_COMPONENT_ID" // mark the components as unlocked
        let subs = this.lockManager.listenTo("MY_COMPONENT_ID").subscribe(v => console.log(v));
        // To clean up the subscription you can call
        this.lockManager.unListen(subs); // subs can be an array of subscriptions
        // It will take out the component from the lock dictionary

In progress, planned, and non-planned features

  1. Add automated tests for the service
  2. Make the api as friendly as possible