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Unofficial TailwindCSS Obsidian Plugin

This plugin uses TailwindCSS (via PostCSS) to produce a CSS snippet in your Obsidian vault.

How it works

This plugin effectively implements Tailwind's PostCSS installation guide, but with the postcss JavaScript API. The output is a CSS snippet which you must manually enable once it is created. This snippet will update based on changes to your files and settings.

This plugin makes use of the FileSystemAdapter API to read and write files in your vault's configuration directory.


At the time of writing, this plugin has not yet been submitted as a community plugin. Therefore, you must manually install this plugin, as you might do so for the hot-reload plugin.

In the Releases section for this repository, you can find the zip archive that contains all of the individual files. Unzip that archive so that its contents are in a new directory called unofficial-tailwindcss-plugin/. Then you should be good to go after restarting Obsidian and enabling the plugin.

Don't forget to enable the generated CSS snippet after it appears.



Preflight is a set of base styles that Tailwind injects into its @tailwind base directive. In a more literal sense, preflight is one of Tailwind's core plugins, and it parses a static stylesheet named preflight.css, feeding the styles into its addBase utility function.

However, the preflight plugin uses __dirname and path.join to locate the stylesheet, which results in an error in the context of the Obsidian application built with Electron. Additionally, Preflight styles conflict with Obsidian's base styles such that:

  1. the Obsidian UI is affected by Preflight styles, and
  2. some Preflight styles are overriden by Obsidian styles.

Therefore, this plugin (the Unofficial TailwindCSS Obsidian Plugin) does not apply Preflight styles by default. You can enable Preflight in the plugin settings, which will direct the plugin to source a packaged copy of preflight.css using the Obsidian API.

Prefix selector

You may also control what is affected by Tailwind's CSS rules by enabling this plugin's prefix selector option. This will add a prefix (default .tailwind) to all CSS selectors using a descendant combinator. so that .a, becomes .tailwind .a, .tailwind

You can configure this so that only certain notes (or even certain sections of notes) are affected by Tailwind.

PostCSS entrypoint

By default, this plugin will use Tailwind's default input template, which combines three of its directives:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

You can specify a custom entrypoint using a file path that is relative to your vault's configuration directory. This is useful if you want to use Tailwind's @layer directive for your own purposes.

Tailwind theme

You can specify a custom Tailwind theme using a file path that is relative to your vault's configuration directory. The file contents should be a JSON object. This is useful if you want to replace or extend Tailwind's default theme.

Tailwind content

You can specify file globs relative to your vault's configuration directory that will be included in Tailwind's process. You should use this if other files contain Tailwind CSS class names besides your Markdown files.

Developer Notes

Take note of the distinction between the name of the repository and the ID of the plugin. Make sure that you clone this repository into a directory named unofficial-tailwindcss-plugin.

After installing dependencies (using npm for this project), you should copy the Preflight styles into the root of the project. cp node_modules/tailwindcss/lib/css/preflight.css .