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National Document Repository Infrastructure


Ensure the following Prereqs are installed first (can use brew on Mac/Linux or Chocolatey on Windows)

brew install terraform-docs
  • findutils - Needed for scripts running on MacOSX
brew install findutils

Repository best practices

We provide a makefile to ensure consistency and provide simplicity. It is strongly advised, both when planning and applying terraform, that this is done via the makefile.

The make pre-commit command this will format all terraform code, and re-create all files. This should be run before every commit to keep the code base clean.

Using Workspaces

To initialise the S3 backend, cd to infrastructure folder and run

terraform init -backend-config=backend.conf

The makefile

The following commands currently exist in the make file:

  • make pre-commit -> runs both the make generate-docs and make format-all commands.

Deploying to a new AWS Account

The details on how to run this terraform process on a new AWS account can be found on our confluence guides found here