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Basic DevOps Project - upgrade from TickLab Challenge (I stopped frontend and backend to save resources on VPS)


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This is a basic project about DevOps. I improve it from a chat application in TickLab Challenge. The features have not changed, but highlights:

  • docker and docker compose: deploy backend service.
  • nginx: a web server - deploy frontend UI.
  • Container Registry: a Docker Registry on GitHub.
  • GitHub Action: auto build - push docker image to Container Registry and deploy frontend - backend to my VPS.
  • Dependabot: automate update latest dependecies and security.
  • Cloudflare: config proxy HTTPS to my VPS.
  • release-please-action: automate release latest version of package.


  • docker v23.0.1
  • docker compose v2.16.0

How to start

Front-end: This is a static html file, you can open with extension Live Server on VS Code.

docker pull
docker compose up -d chathoy

Project structure

 ┣ 📂workflows                  # Auto-release, auto-build image, auto-push image, auto-deploy
 ┣ 📜dependabot.yml             # Bot updates dependecies and security
┣ 📜chathoy-nginx.config        # Nginx config 
┣ 📜docker-compose.yml          # Create backend service process
┣ 📜Dockerfile                  # Buil backend service image
┣ 📜index.css                   # CSS file for UI
┣ 📜index.html                  # Static HTML file for UI
┣ 📜index.js                    # Logic of backend service

Git working culture

  • For every updates, DO NOT push directly to master branch. Create a new branch, commit, publish branch and create a pull request (PR) instead.
  • A branch should have prefix features/ for a feature update, prefix hotfixes/ for a hotfix, improvs/ for an improvement ...
  • A PR should be small enough to review. To split a large PR, use stacked PRs.