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VEREFOO (VErified REFinement and Optimized Orchestrator) is a framework designed to provide an automatic way to allocate packet filters – in a Service Graph defined by the service designer and an auto-configuration technique to create firewall rules with respect to the specified security requirements.

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VEREFOO (VErified REFinement and Optimized Orchestrator) is a framework designed to automatically allocate and configure packet filtering firewalls in a service graph defined by the network administrator, so as to fulfill the user-specified security connectivity requirements. VEREFOO combines automation, formal verification and optimization by formulating the firewall configuration problem with constraint programming, as a Maximum Satisfiability Modulo Theories (MaxSMT) problem.

VEREFOO Dependencies

The VEREFOO framework requires the following dependencies to correctly work:

Z3 library support

Z3 is an automated solver of the MaxSMT problem defined in VEREFOO.

Download the correct version of Z3 according to your OS and your JVM endianness. For the correct functioning of the application, you must have the Z3 native library and include it in the Java Library Path. The most convenient way to do this is to add the library path to the dynamic linking library path, which

  • in Linux is LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • in Windows is PATH

e.g., on Linux,

  • sudo nano /etc/environment

A new environment variable, named Z3, must be also created:

  • Z3 = /home/VEREFOO/z3/bin/

VEREFOO Installation

The VEREFOO framework can be installed in two alternative ways:

  • via Maven (recommended);
  • via Ant.

Installing VEREFOO via Maven (Spring Boot application with Embedded Tomcat) [Solution 1]

  • install jdk1.8.X YY;
  • install maven
  • mvn clean package
  • java -jar target/verifoo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

The Swagger documentation can be accessed at localhost:8085/VEREFOO.

Installing VEREFOO via Ant (Apache Tomcat required) [Solution 2]

  • install jdk1.8.X YY;
  • install Apache Tomcat 8;
    • set CATALINA HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed Apache Tomcat;
    • (optional) configure Tomcat Manager:
    • open the file %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\tomcat-users.xml
    • under the tomcat-users tag place, initialize a user with roles "tomcat, manager-gui, manager-script". An example is the following content: xml <role rolename="manager-gui"/> <role rolename="manager-script"/> <role rolename="admin-gui"/> <role rolename="admin-script"/> <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui,manager-script,admin-scripts"/>;
    • edit the "to_be_defined" fields in tomcat-build.xml with the previously defined credentials;
  • execute the generate ant task in order to generate the .war file;
  • launch Tomcat 8 with the startup script %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat or by the start-tomcat task ant;
  • (optional) if you previously configured Tomcat Manager you can open a browser and navigate to this link <http://localhost:8080/manager> and login using the proper username and password (e.g., admin/admin in the previous example);
  • (optional) you can deploy/undeploy/redeploy the downloaded WARs through the web interface.


In order to access the VEREFOO framework, some REST APIs are available when VEREFOO is deployed.

Connecting to the REST APIs

Follow these steps to boot the environment, deploy VEREFOO and use the APIs (these instructions refer to the version with embedded Tomcat):

  • Run the Neo4j server: open a shell in the folder /neo4j-server/neo4j-community-3.5.25/bin and type ./neo4j console;
  • Run Tomcat: open another shell in the project root folder and type the following two commands: mvn clean package and java -jar target/verifoo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar;
  • Interact with the REST APIs: any RESTful client can be used to interact with the VEREFOO APIs; the APIs home URI is localhost:8085/VEREFOO. For any doubt about the REST APIs, their documentation can be found at localhost:8085/VEREFOO.

VEREFOO Interaction

In order to interact with VEREFOO, it is necessary to specify the algorithm used. This version of VEREFOO is equipped with two algorithms: Maximal Flows (MF) and Atomic Predicates (AP), each of which is suitable for distinct use cases.

The algorithm for the computation of Atomic Flows express each complex network predicate (e.g., a predicate representing a firewall rule, a NAT input packet class, or a security policy) as a subset of atomic predicates, which are disjoint to each other. Th Atomic flows are thus computed so that each tansmitted packet class is represented by an atomic predicate, and it can be represented by an integer number. This algorithm is suitable for scenarios where the automatic firewall configuration must be very fast, even at the expense of a larger number of rules that are created with this algoritm.

The algorithm for the computation of Maximal Flows maximizing their aggregation. It groups all traffic flows that behave in the same way when crossing the network into a single Maximal Flow, so that it is sufficient to consider the Maximal Flow for solving the security configuration problem instead of all separate flows. This algorithm is suitable for scenarios where the minimum possible number of firewall rules must be computed, even if the MaxSMT problem resolution may take longer as each packet class cannot be associated with an integer value. It is also suitables for formally verifying the compliance of an already existing configuration with a set of user-specified secuirity requirements.

To select the algorithm utilized, the query parameter that specifies the algorithm should be included in the REST API request, subsequent to the framework's launch.


  • http://localhost:8085/VEREFOO/adp/simulations?Algorithm=AP
  • http://localhost:8085/VEREFOO/adp/simulations?Algorithm=MF

The primary API is /adp/simulations as it serves as the API where the algorithm is executed. The Service Graph written in XML must be incorporated in the body of a POST request. It should be noted that the specification of the algorithm, as shown above, is mandatory, otherwise, the framework will return an error.

Neo4j compatibility recommendations

The framework was tested with the the Neo4j server version 3.5.25 (Community Edition): it is compatible with the Neo4j Spring Data dependency in use. It is advisable to avoid employing newer versions of the server or Spring Data, despite available, for three main reasons:

  • The required JDK for more recent releases may be the JDK 11 at least, while the current compiler for Verifoo is Java 8; the migration to a newer JDK must be first agreed with all the developers of the project;
  • The configuration of Spring in the file SpringBootConfiguration should be changed because some classes are not available anymore;
  • The Neo4j annotations in the DAO classes (which start with db) may change formalism.

Regression Tests

Regression tests can be used to test the framework after any applied change. Two classes of regression tests are availables: tests to check the correctness of the MaxSMT problem resolution, and tests to check the correctness of the REST APIs.

The regression tests to check the correctness of the MaxSMT problem resolution can be launched manually, and they are available in src/it/polito/verefoo/test.

The regression tests to check the correctness of the REST APIs can be launched as follows:

  • Run the Neo4j server: open a shell in the folder /neo4j-server/neo4j-community-3.5.25/bin and type ./neo4j console;
  • Launch the tests: open another shell in the project root folder and type mvn clean verify.

In case of failure, the detailed report can be found at /target/failsafe-report/failsafe-summary.xml.

All the regression tests performed on the framework have been executed using the Z3 library version 4.8.8.


REACT VEREFOO is a custom version of VEREFOO with additional support for the reconfiguration of packet filtering firewalls, so as to fulfill the user-specified security connectivity requirements. REACT VEREFOO maintains the core principles of VEREFOO (i.e., automation, formal correctness assurance, optimization) and adds the capability of reusing any previously computed configuration instead of forcing the reconfiguration of the whole network from scratch.

To interact with REACT VEREFOO, it is necessary to express this with an additional query parameter. For the moment the implementation supports only the AP algorithm.


  • http://localhost:8085/VEREFOO/adp/simulations?Algorithm=AP&REACT=true

It should be noted that this parameter is optional, to maintain full compatibility with the previous version and APIs.


You can find a full demonstration of the VEREFOO framework at the following link:

In this demo, VEREFOO has been used to automatically compute the firewall allocation scheme and configuration in a virtual network that is devoid of firewalling functionalities.

The input Service Graph represents a ramified network, where multiple different function types are included, e.g., a load balancer, a web cache, a traffic monitor, a network address translators. Some end points are single hosts, whereas other ones are subnetworks representing the office networks of some companies.

Service Graph

Service Graph functions

The input Network Security Requirements establish which traffic flows must be blocked because potentially malicioucs, and which other must be able tor each their destination to ansure network connectivity.

Network Security Requirements

After running the framework, VEREFOO produces two outputs. On the one hand, it establishes the optimal firewall allocation scheme, composed of the minimum number of firewall instances to be placed in the input Allocation Places. On the other hand, for each allocated instance, it computes the optimal configuration, composed of a default action and the smallest set of filtering rules.

Firewall Allocation Scheme

Firewall Configuration


VEREFOO (VErified REFinement and Optimized Orchestrator) is a framework designed to provide an automatic way to allocate packet filters – in a Service Graph defined by the service designer and an auto-configuration technique to create firewall rules with respect to the specified security requirements.






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