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ncannasse edited this page Oct 31, 2012 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the hxWiki wiki!

In order to setup HxWiki, check the README

You can customize HxWiki in several ways.

Style Customization

You can change the style in config.xml, which will change the CSS used (it will use www/css/<style>.css).

You can also create a custom page layout design_<style>.mtt in tpl/en/ directory which will be automatically used instead of the default one.

Per-page Customization

In order to change configuration, you need to access the database by going to /db. You need to be part of the [admin] group for that.

You can then insert some EntryConfig rows in the database :

  • The path tells which part of the Wiki is concerned by the change. Keep it empty to apply to the whole Wiki, or entry my/section to only apply to this url and sub-sections
  • You can specify a custom cssClass that will be added on the html body, allowing you to customize some specific pages
  • You can use a custom designMTT file that will be used instead of the default one
  • You can also specify a layout that will allow you to blend several pages together, see below for an example :

<div class="topBanner"> ::page(my/banner):: </div> ::content::

In that case, on each page we will insert the content of the my/banner wiki page into a div, then put the page content below.

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