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Parse judgements from the Transformation Engine and load them into MarkLogic as part of the National Archives Find Case Law service


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The National Archives: Find Case Law

This repository is part of the Find Case Law project at The National Archives. For more information on the project, check the documentation.

Case Law Ingester

This is the repository for the lambda function used to parse Transformation Engine judgments and insert them to Marklogic


We're using localstack, along with the awslocal-cli to enable local development of the lambda function.


An installation of make is required to use the bundled Makefile for local development. Most operating systems come with this preinstalled, including Ubuntu Linux and MacOS. On Windows, Make can be installed via the Chocolatey package manager, or using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

You will also need both awscli and awslocal-cli installed. awslocal-cli is a Localstack-specific wrapper around awscli.

Install both from the requirements file using:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Setup Localstack

First, copy .env.example to .env and fill in the missing variables. If you are using Localstack via Docker, leave MARKLOGIC_HOST as host.docker.internal.

Then, start Localstack using:

docker-compose up -d

This will start Localstack in detached mode; logs are accessible via Docker Desktop.

Once the docker container is running, use the following make command to build a distribution of the lambda function, and setup the localstack AWS services

make setup

This will create a folder, dist, on your local machine that contains a zip file called - this is our compiled lambda. You can also upload this directly to the AWS console.

Sending a message

To send the example message bundled, use the send-message-v2 make target:

make send-message-v2

This will publish a message to the SNS topic, triggering the handle function in our lambda.

(send-message-v1 exists, and sends a v1 message.)

Viewing Output

The lambda output will be logged in the Localstack logs. Look for the lines following: Lambda arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:te-lambda result / log output:

The logs will show the response from the lambda directly below this line. Any values sent to stdout (e.g. print statements), will be output beneath.

Unit tests

To run the tests

  • [First time] create a virtualenv (virtualenv venv -p \which python`` )
  • Activate it with . venv/bin/activate
  • scripts/test
  • When you're done, you might want to deactivate

Note that you might get a spurious errors about django config and environment variables if you're running in the wrong environment.

Updating the lambda

If you make a change to the code and need to update the lambda function, use the update make command:

make update

And then send a message:

make send-message-v2

Local testing

To test a tarfile locally:

  1. Add your test tarfile to aws_examples/s3/te-editorial-out-int.
  2. Edit aws_examples/sns/parsed-judgment.json to contain your tarfile name in s3-folder-url and consignment reference in consignment-reference.
  3. Run make setup aws_examples/s3/te-editorial-out-int/<your tarfile>, for example make setup aws_examples/s3/te-editorial-out-int/XYZ-123.tar.gz. If you run make setup without an argument, the original test tarfile TDR-2022-DNWR.tar.gz will be used
  4. Run make send-message-v2 to ingest your tarfile.


Every change to the main branch is automatically deployed to the staging environment via GitHub actions.

Only releases are deployed to production. To trigger a deploy, create a new release named and tagged vX.Y.Z following semantic versioning. Autogenerate release notes, and publish; the release will then be tagged latest automatically and deployed to production.