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Nails Skeleton App

license CircleCI branch

This is a skeleton app for Nails, the absolute basics for a Nails application. Update this README file with details about your project.

Basic Setup

The Nails Command Line Tool is a helpful tool to make dealing with your Nails apps a total breeze. If you haven't already, install it like so using Homebrew:

brew tap nails/utilities
brew install nails

For other operating systems, or a manual install, please see instructions on the tool's homepage.

You can now setup the project simply and easily using:

nails install

If you wish to upgrade to the latest version of your dependencies then execute:

nails upgrade

Finally, if at any time you wish to migrate the database then simply execute:

nails db:migrate

Compiling Styles and JS

Included in the skeleton is a Laravel Mix configuration to compile your styles and JS with Webpack. By default compiled files are ignored from VCS so as to minimise conflicts.

Start by installing the compiling dependencies of your project:

npm install

The following npm scripts are available for compiling your Sass into CSS and for compiling JS modules.

  • npm run dev compiles without minification
  • npm run prod compiles a production build of the files with minification
  • npm run watch creates a watch task which will re-run compilation on any of your source files being re-saved

If using from nails/skeleton-docker-lamp

The build scripts are wrapped up in the and files for usage within the context of the docker container. These can be accessed with make watch and make build.