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Vidya Akavoor edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

WEB-MPC is a web application to collect and aggregate data under secure multi-party computation, allowing individual contributors to submit their data without revealing it to other participants or to the server. Only aggregate data is revealed.

WEB-MPC currently supports mean and standard deviation calculations, as well as survey questions.

A WEB-MPC deployment is a single data collection and aggregation campaign. WEB-MPC is designed to support multiple deployments using the same code by changing a single configuration file. Currently, there are two WEB-MPC deployments: the BWWC and Pacesetters deployments.

Although both deployments should be run on the same code, each deployment is currently stored under their own branches with diverged codebases. The BWWC deployment is currently on the 2021_updates branch, while the Pacesetters deployment is on the pacesetters_2021_updates branch.

This wiki contains pages describing the architecture and workflow of WEB-MPC for the BWWC deployment in the 2021_updates branch. The Pacesetters deployment may have additional features and modified code. Both branches are currently in the process of being merged together. This document should be updated in the future following the merge.

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