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No reproduction shared by issue creator
🤖 android
🤖 android
Issue affects the Android platform
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
🔧 build error
🔧 build error
Issue is related to building VisionCamera in your project
🛠 dependencies
🛠 dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
📚 documentation
📚 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🖇 duplicate
🖇 duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🛸 example
🛸 example
Affects the VisionCamera example playground app
𝝠 expo
𝝠 expo
Issue affects the Expo environment
✨ feature
✨ feature
Proposes a new feature or enhancement
Hacktoberfest 2023
📢 help wanted
📢 help wanted
Extra attention is needed
❌ invalid
❌ invalid
Issue template has not been filled out.
🍏 ios
🍏 ios
Issue affects the iOS platform
☕️ js
☕️ js
Affects the JS/TS codebase
💨 performance
💨 performance
This issue or pull requests addresses performance issues
💭 question
💭 question
Further information is requested
💄 types
💄 types
Issue affects TypeScript typings
Issue is related to the V2 branch
☠️ wontfix
☠️ wontfix
This will not be worked on