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Openlayers module for Drupal 7.

Openlayers is a module that will help you displaying slippy maps on your site.


Find a brief history and roadmap of this module at this page:


Openlayers was built with performance, reliability and sustainability in mind.

To do so, the module has been split in sub-modules so you can enable only the modules for you needs.

The module has also be written in a way that the code used in the plugins will be the same when the Drupal 8 version will be out, hopefully very soon.


The best way to install the module and its dependencies is through drush and a simple command:

drush en openlayers -y

You may also install the module by just downloading each dependencies manually.

Once the module is enabled, you won't see any user interface. You have to enable an extra module for it: Openlayers UI

drush en openlayers_ui -y

Disabling the UI module will not affect your maps, it's just the admin interface, nothing else.

You can chose the method that you prefer to load the Openlayers library. Either through a CDN, or locally.

By default, Openlayers is configured to use the local library. You may also enable the contrib module Libraries CDN API to have the library automatically loaded without the need to download anything else.

If you want to install it locally, the easiest way to do so is with drush.

We've created a special command that will download the library and install it for you.

Basically it just download a zipfile and unzip it at the right place for you.

To do it with drush:

drush dl-openlayers

If you do not use Drush, download the latest Openlayers library from the official website: and unzip it at the place where your libraries are.

Usually it's in /sites/all/libraries, but it can change depending on your installation.

The directory containing the library must be named: 'openlayers3'.

Once installed, the standard "status report" page at admin/reports/status will tell you if the library is installed correctly.

You may also use drush to do so:

drush libraries-list

Do not forget to configure jquery_update and use at least jQuery 1.10.

Getting help

Has this module is a complete rewrite, it still needs documentation and we, maintainers, still need to work on that.

To create your first map, you must first understand how Openlayers 3, the JS library, works.

Each map you create is composed of a couple of basic objects: the controls, the interactions, the layers.

Depending on the type of object, some of these are also composed of objects.

Layers are composed of: source and style.

There are 5 'core' openlayers components: Controls, Interactions, Layers, Sources and Styles.

These components can be created within this module.

We've added a custom object: Component.

Those objects 'Components' are added at the end, when the map is fully created, so you can custom extend the behavior of your maps.

To quickly create a map, here are the steps in this following order:

  • Create your source, this is the source that will provide the data to display on your map.
  • Create your layer, this will need a source and a style to be created.
  • Create your map.

Displaying maps

You can find all the available maps in the maps tabs in admin/structure/openlayers/maps.

To render a map on your site, you have many options:

  • Using the API, see this example
  • In a block, enable submodule Openlayers Block, then tick the checkbox in the map settings, you'll have a new block in admin/structure/block,
  • In a field, enable submodule Openlayers Field and you'll have a new field type 'Openlayers map' available,
  • On any site, enable submodule Openlayers Services, then tick the checkbox in the map settings, you'll get an embed url that you can use on any site to display the map only.
  • In a Panels, enable submodule Openlayers Content Types,
  • In a Box, enable submodule Openlayers Boxes,
  • In a Quicktabs, enable submodule Openlayers Quicktabs,
  • In a Views, enable submodule Openlayers Views.
  • In any content using the appropriate input format and the contrib module Openlayers filters.

With Openlayers 3, it's up to you to decide how you want to integrate the map in your content.


Find the documentation of each sub-modules in their README file.

Extend Openlayers

You can extend or alter the module objects by creating a submodule. Have a look at the submodule openlayers_library to get started, there's plenty of examples in it.

Included libraries


Openlayers module for Drupal 7






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  • PHP 78.4%
  • JavaScript 19.3%
  • SourcePawn 1.1%
  • CSS 1.1%
  • Shell 0.1%