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Motive Back End Build Status

The service that is going to defeat the laziness.

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How To Run Locally

V1. Install DB on host machine

  1. Install PostgreSQL
  2. Create the database using CREATE DATABASE motive ENCODING 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;
  3. Make sure that the database is running on localhost on 5432 port, the username is postgres and the password is postgres. If that's not the case, see "How To Run With Non-Default Database".
  4. In the project root run ./mvnw spring-boot:run -D

V2. Run DB in Docker

  1. Install Docker
  2. Run in project directory:
docker build -t db-image .
docker run -d --name db -p 5432:5432 db-image
  1. Verify container is running:
docker ps -a
  1. Update Spring Boot configuration:

macOS: How To Run Locally

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
createuser -s postgres
createdb motive --encoding='utf-8' --template='template0;'
./mvnw spring-boot:run -D

Short Note About Deployment To LIVE

When deploy to LIVE make sure to replace application.yml with one for LIVE.

How To Run With Non-Default Database

Add the next parameters to your Spring Boot configuration:


as on the following screenshot:

Spring Boot Config

Build Docker Image

docker image build -t yaskovdev/motive-back-end .
docker image push yaskovdev/motive-back-end

How To Open Swagger
