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Operator for Storage Monitoring Mixins

Monstorak operator takes care of deployment of monitoring mixins for storage systems in Openshift.

Monitoring mixin is an abstraction framework that makes it easier for developers to collaborate on common set of features like prometheus rules and grafana dashboards. It brings modularity and increases re-usability of code.

Deploying Monitoring Mixins with Operator

1. Deploy Operator

  • Create a Namespace where the operator would be deployed,

    oc create namespace storage-monitoring

  • Create CRDs

    oc create -f deploy/crds/alerts_v1alpha1_storagealert_crd.yaml

  • Create a Service Account

    oc create -f deploy/serviceaccount.yaml

  • Create Role and Cluster Role

    oc create -f deploy/role.yaml

  • Create Role Binding and Cluster Role Binding

    oc create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml

  • Create a Deployment of Operator

    oc create -f deploy/operator.yaml

2. Deploy Monitoring Mixins

  • Create a CR of type StorageAlert

    • For Ceph storage alerts,

      oc create -f deploy/example/ceph-storagealert.yaml

    • For Noobaa storage alerts,

      oc create -f deploy/example/noobaa-storagealert.yaml


    • For both,

      oc create -f deploy/example/monstorak-storagealert.yaml