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test(NODE-3903): update connections survive stepdown tests to check C…
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…MAP events (#4071)

Co-authored-by: Durran Jordan <>
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nbbeeken and durran committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent 6248174 commit f1f816f
Showing 1 changed file with 184 additions and 171 deletions.
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@@ -1,191 +1,204 @@
import { expect } from 'chai';

import type { Collection, Db, MongoClient } from '../../mongodb';
import { skipBrokenAuthTestBeforeEachHook } from '../../tools/runner/hooks/configuration';

function ignoreNsNotFound(err) {
if (!err.message.match(/ns not found/)) {
throw err;

function connectionCount(client) {
return client
.then(result => result.connections.totalCreated);

function expectPoolWasCleared(initialCount) {
return count => expect(count).to.greaterThan(initialCount);

function expectPoolWasNotCleared(initialCount) {
return count => expect(count).to.equal(initialCount);

// TODO: NODE-3819: Unskip flaky MacOS tests.
// TODO: NODE-3903: check events as specified in the corresponding prose test description
const maybeDescribe = process.platform === 'darwin' ? describe.skip : describe;
maybeDescribe('Connections survive primary step down - prose', function () {
import {
type Collection,
type ConnectionPoolClearedEvent,
type FindCursor,
type MongoClient,
} from '../../mongodb';
import { type FailPoint } from '../../tools/utils';

describe('Connections Survive Primary Step Down - prose', function () {
let client: MongoClient;
let checkClient: MongoClient;
let db: Db;
let collection: Collection;
let poolClearedEvents: ConnectionPoolClearedEvent[];

skippedTests: [
'getMore iteration',
'Not Primary - Keep Connection Pool',
'Not Primary - Reset Connection Pool',
'Shutdown in progress - Reset Connection Pool',
'Interrupted at shutdown - Reset Connection Pool'

beforeEach(function () {
const clientOptions = {
maxPoolSize: 1,
retryWrites: false,
heartbeatFrequencyMS: 100

client = this.configuration.newClient(clientOptions);
return client
.command({ ping: 1 })
.then(() => {
const primary = Array.from(client.topology.description.servers.values()).filter(
sd => sd.type === 'RSPrimary'

checkClient = this.configuration.newClient(
return checkClient.connect();
.then(() => {
db = client.db('step-down');
collection = db.collection('step-down');
.then(() => collection.drop({ writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } }))
.then(() => db.createCollection('step-down', { writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } }));
afterEach(() => client.close());

let deferred = [];
afterEach(function () {
return Promise.all( => d())).then(() => {
deferred = [];
return Promise.all([client, checkClient].filter(x => !!x).map(client => client.close()));
afterEach(async function () {
const utilClient = this.configuration.newClient();
await utilClient.db('admin').command({ configureFailPoint: 'failCommand', mode: 'off' });
await utilClient.close();
poolClearedEvents = [];

it('getMore iteration', {
metadata: {
requires: { mongodb: '>=4.2.0', topology: 'replicaset' }

test: function () {
return collection
.insertMany([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }, { a: 5 }], {
writeConcern: { w: 'majority' }
.then(result => expect(result.insertedCount).to.equal(5))
.then(() => {
const cursor = collection.find({}, { batchSize: 2 });
deferred.push(() => cursor.close());

return cursor
.then(item => expect(item.a).to.equal(1))
.then(() =>
.then(item => expect(item.a).to.equal(2))
.then(() => {
return connectionCount(checkClient).then(initialConnectionCount => {
return client
.command({ replSetFreeze: 0 }, { readPreference: 'secondary' })
.then(result => expect(result).property('info').to.equal('unfreezing'))
.then(() =>
.command({ replSetStepDown: 30, force: true }, { readPreference: 'primary' })
.then(() =>
.then(item => expect(item.a).to.equal(3))
.then(() =>
beforeEach(async function () {
// For each test, make sure the following steps have been completed before running the actual test:

// - Create a ``MongoClient`` with ``retryWrites=false``
client = this.configuration.newClient({ retryWrites: false, heartbeatFrequencyMS: 500 });
// - Create a collection object from the ``MongoClient``, using ``step-down`` for the database and collection name.
collection = client.db('step-down').collection('step-down');
// - Drop the test collection, using ``writeConcern`` "majority".
await collection.drop({ writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } }).catch(() => null);
// - Execute the "create" command to recreate the collection, using writeConcern: "majority".
collection = await client
.createCollection('step-down', { writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } });

poolClearedEvents = [];
client.on('connectionPoolCleared', poolClearEvent => poolClearedEvents.push(poolClearEvent));

function runStepownScenario(errorCode, predicate) {
return connectionCount(checkClient).then(initialConnectionCount => {
return client
context('getMore Iteration', { requires: { mongodb: '>4.2', topology: ['replicaset'] } }, () => {
// This test requires a replica set with server version 4.2 or higher.

let cursor: FindCursor;
afterEach(() => cursor.close());

it('survives after primary step down', async () => {
// - Insert 5 documents into a collection with a majority write concern.
await collection.insertMany([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }, { a: 5 }], {
writeConcern: { w: 'majority' }
// - Start a find operation on the collection with a batch size of 2, and retrieve the first batch of results.
cursor = collection.find({}, { batchSize: 2 });
expect(await'a', 1);
expect(await'a', 2);
// - Send a `{replSetFreeze: 0}` command to any secondary and verify that the command succeeded.
// This command will unfreeze (because it is set to zero) the secondary and ensure that it will be eligible to be elected immediately.
await client
configureFailPoint: 'failCommand',
mode: { times: 1 },
data: { failCommands: ['insert'], errorCode }
.then(() => {
deferred.push(() =>
client.db('admin').command({ configureFailPoint: 'failCommand', mode: 'off' })

return collection.insertOne({ test: 1 }).then(
() => Promise.reject(new Error('expected an error')),
err => expect(err.code).to.equal(errorCode)
.then(() => collection.insertOne({ test: 1 }))
.then(() => connectionCount(checkClient).then(predicate(initialConnectionCount)));
.command({ replSetFreeze: 0 }, { readPreference: ReadPreference.secondary });
// - Send a ``{replSetStepDown: 30, force: true}`` command to the current primary and verify that the command succeeded.
await client.db('admin').command({ replSetStepDown: 5, force: true });
// - Retrieve the next batch of results from the cursor obtained in the find operation, and verify that this operation succeeded.
expect(await'a', 3);
// - If the driver implements the `CMAP`_ specification, verify that no new `PoolClearedEvent`_ has been
// published. Otherwise verify that `connections.totalCreated`_ in `serverStatus`_ has not changed.

// Referenced python's implementation. Changes from spec:
// replSetStepDown: 5 instead of 30
// Run these inserts to clear NotWritablePrimary issue
// Create client with heartbeatFrequencyMS=500 instead of default of 10_000

// Attempt insertion to mark server description as stale and prevent a
// NotPrimaryError on the subsequent operation.
const error = await collection.insertOne({ a: 6 }).catch(error => error);
expect(error)'code', MONGODB_ERROR_CODES.NotWritablePrimary);

// Next insert should succeed on the new primary without clearing pool.
await collection.insertOne({ a: 7 });


it('Not Primary - Keep Connection Pool', {
metadata: {
requires: { mongodb: '>=4.2.0', topology: 'replicaset' }
test: function () {
return runStepownScenario(10107, expectPoolWasNotCleared);

it('Not Primary - Reset Connection Pool', {
metadata: {
requires: { mongodb: '4.0.x', topology: 'replicaset' }
test: function () {
return runStepownScenario(10107, expectPoolWasCleared);
'Not Primary - Keep Connection Pool',
{ requires: { mongodb: '>4.2', topology: ['replicaset'] } },
() => {
// This test requires a replica set with server version 4.2 or higher.

// - Set the following fail point: ``{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 10107}}``
const failPoint: FailPoint = {
configureFailPoint: 'failCommand',
mode: { times: 1 },
data: { failCommands: ['insert'], errorCode: 10107 }

it('survives after primary step down', async () => {
await client.db('admin').command(failPoint);
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document.
const error = await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 }).catch(error => error);
// - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 10107 code.
expect(error)'code', 10107);
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document and verify that it succeeds.
await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 });
// - If the driver implements the `CMAP`_ specification, verify that no new `PoolClearedEvent`_ has been
// published. Otherwise verify that `connections.totalCreated`_ in `serverStatus`_ has not changed.

it('Shutdown in progress - Reset Connection Pool', {
metadata: {
requires: { mongodb: '>=4.0.0', topology: 'replicaset' }
test: function () {
return runStepownScenario(91, expectPoolWasCleared);
'Not Primary - Reset Connection Pool',
{ requires: { mongodb: '>=4.0.0 <4.2.0', topology: ['replicaset'] } },
() => {
// This test requires a replica set with server version 4.0.

// - Set the following fail point: ``{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 10107}}``
const failPoint: FailPoint = {
configureFailPoint: 'failCommand',
mode: { times: 1 },
data: { failCommands: ['insert'], errorCode: 10107 }

it('survives after primary step down', async () => {
await client.db('admin').command(failPoint);
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document.
const error = await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 }).catch(error => error);
// - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 10107 code.
expect(error)'code', 10107);
// - If the driver implements the `CMAP`_ specification, verify that a `PoolClearedEvent`_ has been published
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document and verify that it succeeds.
await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 });
// - If the driver does NOT implement the `CMAP`_ specification, use the `serverStatus`_ command to verify `connections.totalCreated`_ has increased by 1.

it('Interrupted at shutdown - Reset Connection Pool', {
metadata: {
requires: { mongodb: '>=4.0.0', topology: 'replicaset' }
test: function () {
return runStepownScenario(11600, expectPoolWasCleared);
'Shutdown in progress - Reset Connection Pool',
{ requires: { mongodb: '>=4.0', topology: ['replicaset'] } },
() => {
// This test should be run on all server versions >= 4.0.

// - Set the following fail point: ``{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 91}}``
const failPoint: FailPoint = {
configureFailPoint: 'failCommand',
mode: { times: 1 },
data: { failCommands: ['insert'], errorCode: 91 }

it('survives after primary step down', async () => {
await client.db('admin').command(failPoint);
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document.
const error = await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 }).catch(error => error);
// - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 91 code.
expect(error)'code', 91);
// - If the driver implements the `CMAP`_ specification, verify that a `PoolClearedEvent`_ has been published
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document and verify that it succeeds.
await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 });
// - If the driver does NOT implement the `CMAP`_ specification, use the `serverStatus`_ command to verify `connections.totalCreated`_ has increased by 1.

'Interrupted at shutdown - Reset Connection Pool',
{ requires: { mongodb: '>=4.0', topology: ['replicaset'] } },
() => {
// This test should be run on all server versions >= 4.0.

// - Set the following fail point: ``{configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: {failCommands: ["insert"], errorCode: 11600}}``
const failPoint: FailPoint = {
configureFailPoint: 'failCommand',
mode: { times: 1 },
data: { failCommands: ['insert'], errorCode: 11600 }

it('survives after primary step down', async () => {
await client.db('admin').command(failPoint);
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document.
const error = await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 }).catch(error => error);
// - Verify that the insert failed with an operation failure with 11600 code.
expect(error)'code', 11600);
// - If the driver implements the `CMAP`_ specification, verify that a `PoolClearedEvent`_ has been published
// - Execute an insert into the test collection of a ``{test: 1}`` document and verify that it succeeds.
await collection.insertOne({ test: 1 });
// - If the driver does NOT implement the `CMAP`_ specification, use the `serverStatus`_ command to verify `connections.totalCreated`_ has increased by 1.

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