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W-A-James committed Apr 25, 2024
2 parents 49a648e + ca2bfb0 commit 3110995
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Showing 11 changed files with 439 additions and 36 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .evergreen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1310,6 +1310,7 @@ tasks:
- { key: NODE_LTS_VERSION, value: "20" }
- func: install dependencies
- command: subprocess.exec
type: test
working_dir: src
binary: bash
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .evergreen/config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1259,6 +1259,7 @@ tasks:
- {key: NODE_LTS_VERSION, value: '20'}
- func: install dependencies
- command: subprocess.exec
type: test
working_dir: src
binary: bash
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/operations/search_indexes/create.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ import { AbstractOperation } from '../operation';
* @public
export interface SearchIndexDescription {
export interface SearchIndexDescription extends Document {
/** The name of the index. */
name?: string;

/** The index definition. */
definition: Document;

/** The type of the index. Currently `search` or `vectorSearch` are supported. */
type?: string;

/** @internal */
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions src/timeout.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ export class Timeout extends Promise<never> {
return 'MongoDBTimeout';

private timeoutError: TimeoutError;
private id?: NodeJS.Timeout;

public readonly start: number;
Expand All @@ -55,17 +54,14 @@ export class Timeout extends Promise<never> {
executor(noop, promiseReject);

// NOTE: Construct timeout error at point of Timeout instantiation to preserve stack traces
this.timeoutError = new TimeoutError(`Expired after ${duration}ms`);

this.duration = duration;
this.start = Math.trunc(;

if (this.duration > 0) { = setTimeout(() => {
this.ended = Math.trunc(;
this.timedOut = true;
reject(new TimeoutError(`Expired after ${duration}ms`));
}, this.duration);
// Ensure we do not keep the Node.js event loop running
if (typeof === 'function') {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,18 @@ import { loadSpecTests } from '../../spec';
import { runUnifiedSuite } from '../../tools/unified-spec-runner/runner';

const skipTable: { pattern: string; reason: string }[] = [
{ pattern: 'Topology lifecycle', reason: 'see NODE-5723' },
{ pattern: 'connect with serverMonitoringMode=stream >=4.4', reason: 'NODE-6045' },
{ pattern: 'connect with serverMonitoringMode=auto >=4.4', reason: 'NODE-6045' }
pattern: 'Topology lifecycle',
reason: 'TODO(NODE-5723): Need to implement DRIVERS-2711 spec change'
pattern: 'connect with serverMonitoringMode=stream >=4.4',
reason: 'TODO(NODE-6045): Ensure that first server hearbeat does not report that it is awaited'
pattern: 'connect with serverMonitoringMode=auto >=4.4',
reason: 'TODO(NODE-6045): Ensure that first server hearbeat does not report that it is awaited'

describe('SDAM Unified Tests (Spec)', function () {
Expand Down
235 changes: 227 additions & 8 deletions test/manual/search-index-management.prose.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,13 @@ import { Readable } from 'stream';
import { clearTimeout, setTimeout as setTimeoutCb } from 'timers';
import { setInterval } from 'timers/promises';

import { type Collection, type Document, type MongoClient, ObjectId } from '../mongodb';
import {
type Collection,
type Document,
type MongoClient,
} from '../mongodb';

class TimeoutController extends AbortController {
timeoutId: NodeJS.Timeout;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,10 +52,12 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
function waitForIndexes({
}: {
predicate: (arg0: Array<Document>) => boolean;
indexNames: string | string[];
collection: Collection;
}): Promise<Array<Document>> {
const names = new Set([indexNames].flat());
return Readable.from(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +120,8 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
// 1. An index with the name of test-search-index is present and the index has a field queryable with a value of true.
const [index] = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: 'test-search-index'
indexNames: 'test-search-index',

// Assert that index has a property latestDefinition whose value is { 'mappings': { 'dynamic': false } }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,7 +174,8 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
// 2. An index with the name of test-search-index-2 is present and index has a field queryable with the value of true. Store result in index2.
const indexes = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: ['test-search-index-1', 'test-search-index-2']
indexNames: ['test-search-index-1', 'test-search-index-2'],

const index1 = indexes.find(({ name }) => name === 'test-search-index-1');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,7 +213,8 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
// 1. An index with the name of test-search-index is present and index has a field queryable with the value of true.
await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: 'test-search-index'
indexNames: 'test-search-index',

// Run a dropSearchIndex on coll0, using test-search-index for the name.
Expand All @@ -213,7 +224,8 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
// This test fails if it times out waiting for the deletion to succeed.
const indexes = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.length === 0,
indexNames: 'test-search-index'
indexNames: 'test-search-index',

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +253,8 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
// 1. An index with the name of test-search-index is present and index has a field queryable with the value of true.
await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: 'test-search-index'
indexNames: 'test-search-index',

// Run a updateSearchIndex on coll0, using the following definition.
Expand All @@ -261,7 +274,8 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
// 2. The index has a field queryable with a value of true and has a field status with the value of READY.
const [index2] = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable && index.status === 'READY'),
indexNames: 'test-search-index'
indexNames: 'test-search-index',

// Assert that an index is present with the name test-search-index and the definition has a
Expand All @@ -283,5 +297,210 @@ describe('Index Management Prose Tests', function () {
await collection.dropSearchIndex('test-search-index');

'Case 6: Driver can successfully create and list search indexes with non-default readConcern and writeConcern',
async function () {
// 1. Create a collection with the "create" command using a randomly generated name (referred to as coll0).
// 2. Apply a write concern WriteConcern(w=1) and a read concern with ReadConcern(level="majority") to coll0.
const coll0 = await client.db('node-test').createCollection(new ObjectId().toHexString(), {
readConcern: ReadConcern.MAJORITY,
writeConcern: { w: 1 }

// 3. Create a new search index on coll0 with the createSearchIndex helper. Use the following definition:
// {
// name: 'test-search-index-case6',
// definition: {
// mappings: { dynamic: false }
// }
// }
const name = await coll0.createSearchIndex({
name: 'test-search-index-case6',
definition: {
mappings: { dynamic: false }

// 4. Assert that the command returns the name of the index: "test-search-index-case6".

// 5. Run coll0.listSearchIndexes() repeatedly every 5 seconds until the following condition is satisfied and store the value in a variable index:
// - An index with the name of test-search-index-case6 is present and the index has a field queryable with a value of true.
const [index] = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: 'test-search-index-case6',
collection: coll0

// 6. Assert that index has a property latestDefinition whose value is { 'mappings': { 'dynamic': false } }
.to.deep.equal({ dynamic: false });

'Case 7: Driver can successfully handle search index types when creating indexes',
async function () {
// 01. Create a collection with the "create" command using a randomly generated name (referred to as `coll0`).
const coll0 = collection;
// 02. Create a new search index on `coll0` with the `createSearchIndex` helper. Use the following definition:
// ```typescript
// {
// name: 'test-search-index-case7-implicit',
// definition: {
// mappings: { dynamic: false }
// }
// }
// ```
const indexName = await coll0.createSearchIndex({
name: 'test-search-index-case7-implicit',
definition: {
mappings: { dynamic: false }
// 03. Assert that the command returns the name of the index: `"test-search-index-case7-implicit"`.
// 04. Run `coll0.listSearchIndexes('test-search-index-case7-implicit')` repeatedly every 5 seconds until the following
// condition is satisfied and store the value in a variable `index1`:

// - An index with the `name` of `test-search-index-case7-implicit` is present and the index has a field `queryable`
// with a value of `true`.

const [index1] = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: 'test-search-index-case7-implicit',
collection: coll0

// 05. Assert that `index1` has a property `type` whose value is `search`.
expect(index1)'type', 'search');
// 06. Create a new search index on `coll0` with the `createSearchIndex` helper. Use the following definition:
// ```typescript
// {
// name: 'test-search-index-case7-explicit',
// type: 'search',
// definition: {
// mappings: { dynamic: false }
// }
// }
// ```
const indexName = await coll0.createSearchIndex({
name: 'test-search-index-case7-explicit',
type: 'search',
definition: {
mappings: { dynamic: false }
// 07. Assert that the command returns the name of the index: `"test-search-index-case7-explicit"`.
// 08. Run `coll0.listSearchIndexes('test-search-index-case7-explicit')` repeatedly every 5 seconds until the following
// condition is satisfied and store the value in a variable `index2`:

// - An index with the `name` of `test-search-index-case7-explicit` is present and the index has a field `queryable`
// with a value of `true`.

const [index2] = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: 'test-search-index-case7-explicit',
collection: coll0
// 09. Assert that `index2` has a property `type` whose value is `search`.
expect(index2)'type', 'search');
// 10. Create a new vector search index on `coll0` with the `createSearchIndex` helper. Use the following definition:
// ```typescript
// {
// name: 'test-search-index-case7-vector',
// type: 'vectorSearch',
// definition: {
// "fields": [
// {
// "type": "vector",
// "path": "plot_embedding",
// "numDimensions": 1536,
// "similarity": "euclidean",
// },
// ]
// }
// }
// ```

const indexName = await coll0.createSearchIndex({
name: 'test-search-index-case7-vector',
type: 'vectorSearch',
definition: {
fields: [
type: 'vector',
path: 'plot_embedding',
numDimensions: 1536,
similarity: 'euclidean'
// 11. Assert that the command returns the name of the index: `"test-search-index-case7-vector"`.
// 12. Run `coll0.listSearchIndexes('test-search-index-case7-vector')` repeatedly every 5 seconds until the following
// condition is satisfied and store the value in a variable `index3`:
// - An index with the `name` of `test-search-index-case7-vector` is present and the index has a field `queryable` with
// a value of `true`.
const [index3] = await waitForIndexes({
predicate: indexes => indexes.every(index => index.queryable),
indexNames: 'test-search-index-case7-vector',
collection: coll0

// 13. Assert that `index3` has a property `type` whose value is `vectorSearch`.
expect(index3)'type', 'vectorSearch');

it('Case 8: Driver requires explicit type to create a vector search index', async function () {
// 1. Create a collection with the "create" command using a randomly generated name (referred to as `coll0`).
const coll0 = collection;

// 2. Create a new vector search index on `coll0` with the `createSearchIndex` helper. Use the following definition:
// {
// name: 'test-search-index-case8-error',
// definition: {
// fields: [
// {
// type: 'vector',
// path: 'plot_embedding',
// numDimensions: 1536,
// similarity: 'euclidean',
// },
// ]
// }
// }
const definition = {
name: 'test-search-index-case8-error',
definition: {
fields: [
type: 'vector',
path: 'plot_embedding',
numDimensions: 1536,
similarity: 'euclidean'
const error = await coll0.createSearchIndex(definition).catch(e => e);

// 3. Assert that the command throws an exception containing the string "Attribute mappings missing" due to the `mappings`
// field missing.
expect(error).to.match(/Attribute mappings missing/i);

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