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GODRIVER-2543 Run make fmt with the latest Go version. #1065
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benjirewis committed Nov 1, 2022
1 parent 2952197 commit f0a6583
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Showing 47 changed files with 303 additions and 270 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions bson/bson.go
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type Zeroer interface {
// Example usage:
// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}}
// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}}
type D = primitive.D

// E represents a BSON element for a D. It is usually used inside a D.
Expand All @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ type E = primitive.E
// Example usage:
// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159}
// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159}
type M = primitive.M

// An A is an ordered representation of a BSON array.
// Example usage:
// bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}}
// bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}}
type A = primitive.A
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions bson/bsoncodec/doc.go
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// 2) A Registry that holds these ValueEncoders and ValueDecoders and provides methods for
// retrieving them.
// ValueEncoders and ValueDecoders
// # ValueEncoders and ValueDecoders
// The ValueEncoder interface is implemented by types that can encode a provided Go type to BSON.
// The value to encode is provided as a reflect.Value and a bsonrw.ValueWriter is used within the
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// allow the use of a function with the correct signature as a ValueDecoder. A DecodeContext
// instance is provided and serves similar functionality to the EncodeContext.
// Registry and RegistryBuilder
// # Registry and RegistryBuilder
// A Registry is an immutable store for ValueEncoders, ValueDecoders, and a type map. See the Registry type
// documentation for examples of registering various custom encoders and decoders. A Registry can be constructed using a
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// values decode as Go int32 and int64 instances, respectively, when decoding into a bson.D. The following code would
// change the behavior so these values decode as Go int instances instead:
// intType := reflect.TypeOf(int(0))
// registryBuilder.RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int32, intType).RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int64, intType)
// intType := reflect.TypeOf(int(0))
// registryBuilder.RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int32, intType).RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int64, intType)
// 4. Kind encoder/decoders - These can be registered using the RegisterDefaultEncoder and RegisterDefaultDecoder
// methods. The registered codec will be invoked when encoding or decoding values whose reflect.Kind matches the
// registered reflect.Kind as long as the value's type doesn't match a registered type or hook encoder/decoder first.
// These methods should be used to change the behavior for all values for a specific kind.
// Registry Lookup Procedure
// # Registry Lookup Procedure
// When looking up an encoder in a Registry, the precedence rules are as follows:
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// rules apply for decoders, with the exception that an error of type ErrNoDecoder will be returned if no decoder is
// found.
// DefaultValueEncoders and DefaultValueDecoders
// # DefaultValueEncoders and DefaultValueDecoders
// The DefaultValueEncoders and DefaultValueDecoders types provide a full set of ValueEncoders and
// ValueDecoders for handling a wide range of Go types, including all of the types within the
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bson/bsoncodec/registry.go
Expand Up @@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ func (rb *RegistryBuilder) RegisterDefaultDecoder(kind reflect.Kind, dec ValueDe
// By default, BSON documents will decode into interface{} values as bson.D. To change the default type for BSON
// documents, a type map entry for bsontype.EmbeddedDocument should be registered. For example, to force BSON documents
// to decode to bson.Raw, use the following code:
// rb.RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.EmbeddedDocument, reflect.TypeOf(bson.Raw{}))
func (rb *RegistryBuilder) RegisterTypeMapEntry(bt bsontype.Type, rt reflect.Type) *RegistryBuilder {
rb.typeMap[bt] = rt
Expand Down
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions bson/bsoncodec/struct_tag_parser.go
Expand Up @@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ func (stpf StructTagParserFunc) ParseStructTags(sf reflect.StructField) (StructT
// The properties are defined below:
// OmitEmpty Only include the field if it's not set to the zero value for the type or to
// empty slices or maps.
// OmitEmpty Only include the field if it's not set to the zero value for the type or to
// empty slices or maps.
// MinSize Marshal an integer of a type larger than 32 bits value as an int32, if that's
// feasible while preserving the numeric value.
// MinSize Marshal an integer of a type larger than 32 bits value as an int32, if that's
// feasible while preserving the numeric value.
// Truncate When unmarshaling a BSON double, it is permitted to lose precision to fit within
// a float32.
// Truncate When unmarshaling a BSON double, it is permitted to lose precision to fit within
// a float32.
// Inline Inline the field, which must be a struct or a map, causing all of its fields
// or keys to be processed as if they were part of the outer struct. For maps,
// keys must not conflict with the bson keys of other struct fields.
// Inline Inline the field, which must be a struct or a map, causing all of its fields
// or keys to be processed as if they were part of the outer struct. For maps,
// keys must not conflict with the bson keys of other struct fields.
// Skip This struct field should be skipped. This is usually denoted by parsing a "-"
// for the name.
// Skip This struct field should be skipped. This is usually denoted by parsing a "-"
// for the name.
// TODO(skriptble): Add tags for undefined as nil and for null as nil.
type StructTags struct {
Expand All @@ -67,20 +67,20 @@ type StructTags struct {
// If there is no name in the struct tag fields, the struct field name is lowercased.
// The tag formats accepted are:
// "[<key>][,<flag1>[,<flag2>]]"
// "[<key>][,<flag1>[,<flag2>]]"
// `(...) bson:"[<key>][,<flag1>[,<flag2>]]" (...)`
// `(...) bson:"[<key>][,<flag1>[,<flag2>]]" (...)`
// An example:
// type T struct {
// A bool
// B int "myb"
// C string "myc,omitempty"
// D string `bson:",omitempty" json:"jsonkey"`
// E int64 ",minsize"
// F int64 "myf,omitempty,minsize"
// }
// type T struct {
// A bool
// B int "myb"
// C string "myc,omitempty"
// D string `bson:",omitempty" json:"jsonkey"`
// E int64 ",minsize"
// F int64 "myf,omitempty,minsize"
// }
// A struct tag either consisting entirely of '-' or with a bson key with a
// value consisting entirely of '-' will return a StructTags with Skip true and
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111 changes: 57 additions & 54 deletions bson/doc.go
Expand Up @@ -9,21 +9,22 @@
// The BSON library handles marshalling and unmarshalling of values through a configurable codec system. For a description
// of the codec system and examples of registering custom codecs, see the bsoncodec package.
// Raw BSON
// # Raw BSON
// The Raw family of types is used to validate and retrieve elements from a slice of bytes. This
// type is most useful when you want do lookups on BSON bytes without unmarshaling it into another
// type.
// Example:
// var raw bson.Raw = ... // bytes from somewhere
// err := raw.Validate()
// if err != nil { return err }
// val := raw.Lookup("foo")
// i32, ok := val.Int32OK()
// // do something with i32...
// Native Go Types
// var raw bson.Raw = ... // bytes from somewhere
// err := raw.Validate()
// if err != nil { return err }
// val := raw.Lookup("foo")
// i32, ok := val.Int32OK()
// // do something with i32...
// # Native Go Types
// The D and M types defined in this package can be used to build representations of BSON using native Go types. D is a
// slice and M is a map. For more information about the use cases for these types, see the documentation on the type
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// Note that a D should not be constructed with duplicate key names, as that can cause undefined server behavior.
// Example:
// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}}
// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159}
// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}}
// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159}
// When decoding BSON to a D or M, the following type mappings apply when unmarshalling:
// 1. BSON int32 unmarshals to an int32.
// 2. BSON int64 unmarshals to an int64.
// 3. BSON double unmarshals to a float64.
// 4. BSON string unmarshals to a string.
// 5. BSON boolean unmarshals to a bool.
// 6. BSON embedded document unmarshals to the parent type (i.e. D for a D, M for an M).
// 7. BSON array unmarshals to a bson.A.
// 8. BSON ObjectId unmarshals to a primitive.ObjectID.
// 9. BSON datetime unmarshals to a primitive.DateTime.
// 10. BSON binary unmarshals to a primitive.Binary.
// 11. BSON regular expression unmarshals to a primitive.Regex.
// 12. BSON JavaScript unmarshals to a primitive.JavaScript.
// 13. BSON code with scope unmarshals to a primitive.CodeWithScope.
// 14. BSON timestamp unmarshals to an primitive.Timestamp.
// 15. BSON 128-bit decimal unmarshals to an primitive.Decimal128.
// 16. BSON min key unmarshals to an primitive.MinKey.
// 17. BSON max key unmarshals to an primitive.MaxKey.
// 18. BSON undefined unmarshals to a primitive.Undefined.
// 19. BSON null unmarshals to nil.
// 20. BSON DBPointer unmarshals to a primitive.DBPointer.
// 21. BSON symbol unmarshals to a primitive.Symbol.
// 1. BSON int32 unmarshals to an int32.
// 2. BSON int64 unmarshals to an int64.
// 3. BSON double unmarshals to a float64.
// 4. BSON string unmarshals to a string.
// 5. BSON boolean unmarshals to a bool.
// 6. BSON embedded document unmarshals to the parent type (i.e. D for a D, M for an M).
// 7. BSON array unmarshals to a bson.A.
// 8. BSON ObjectId unmarshals to a primitive.ObjectID.
// 9. BSON datetime unmarshals to a primitive.DateTime.
// 10. BSON binary unmarshals to a primitive.Binary.
// 11. BSON regular expression unmarshals to a primitive.Regex.
// 12. BSON JavaScript unmarshals to a primitive.JavaScript.
// 13. BSON code with scope unmarshals to a primitive.CodeWithScope.
// 14. BSON timestamp unmarshals to an primitive.Timestamp.
// 15. BSON 128-bit decimal unmarshals to an primitive.Decimal128.
// 16. BSON min key unmarshals to an primitive.MinKey.
// 17. BSON max key unmarshals to an primitive.MaxKey.
// 18. BSON undefined unmarshals to a primitive.Undefined.
// 19. BSON null unmarshals to nil.
// 20. BSON DBPointer unmarshals to a primitive.DBPointer.
// 21. BSON symbol unmarshals to a primitive.Symbol.
// The above mappings also apply when marshalling a D or M to BSON. Some other useful marshalling mappings are:
// 1. time.Time marshals to a BSON datetime.
// 2. int8, int16, and int32 marshal to a BSON int32.
// 3. int marshals to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, inclusive, and a BSON int64
// otherwise.
// 4. int64 marshals to BSON int64.
// 5. uint8 and uint16 marshal to a BSON int32.
// 6. uint, uint32, and uint64 marshal to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32,
// inclusive, and BSON int64 otherwise.
// 7. BSON null and undefined values will unmarshal into the zero value of a field (e.g. unmarshalling a BSON null or
// undefined value into a string will yield the empty string.).
// 1. time.Time marshals to a BSON datetime.
// 2. int8, int16, and int32 marshal to a BSON int32.
// 3. int marshals to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, inclusive, and a BSON int64
// otherwise.
// 4. int64 marshals to BSON int64.
// 5. uint8 and uint16 marshal to a BSON int32.
// 6. uint, uint32, and uint64 marshal to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32,
// inclusive, and BSON int64 otherwise.
// 7. BSON null and undefined values will unmarshal into the zero value of a field (e.g. unmarshalling a BSON null or
// undefined value into a string will yield the empty string.).
// Structs
// # Structs
// Structs can be marshalled/unmarshalled to/from BSON or Extended JSON. When transforming structs to/from BSON or Extended
// JSON, the following rules apply:
// 1. Only exported fields in structs will be marshalled or unmarshalled.
// 1. Only exported fields in structs will be marshalled or unmarshalled.
// 2. When marshalling a struct, each field will be lowercased to generate the key for the corresponding BSON element.
// 2. When marshalling a struct, each field will be lowercased to generate the key for the corresponding BSON element.
// For example, a struct field named "Foo" will generate key "foo". This can be overridden via a struct tag (e.g.
// `bson:"fooField"` to generate key "fooField" instead).
// 3. An embedded struct field is marshalled as a subdocument. The key will be the lowercased name of the field's type.
// 3. An embedded struct field is marshalled as a subdocument. The key will be the lowercased name of the field's type.
// 4. A pointer field is marshalled as the underlying type if the pointer is non-nil. If the pointer is nil, it is
// 4. A pointer field is marshalled as the underlying type if the pointer is non-nil. If the pointer is nil, it is
// marshalled as a BSON null value.
// 5. When unmarshalling, a field of type interface{} will follow the D/M type mappings listed above. BSON documents
// 5. When unmarshalling, a field of type interface{} will follow the D/M type mappings listed above. BSON documents
// unmarshalled into an interface{} field will be unmarshalled as a D.
// The encoding of each struct field can be customized by the "bson" struct tag.
Expand All @@ -98,13 +100,14 @@
// are not honored, but that can be enabled by creating a StructCodec with JSONFallbackStructTagParser, like below:
// Example:
// structcodec, _ := bsoncodec.NewStructCodec(bsoncodec.JSONFallbackStructTagParser)
// structcodec, _ := bsoncodec.NewStructCodec(bsoncodec.JSONFallbackStructTagParser)
// The bson tag gives the name of the field, possibly followed by a comma-separated list of options.
// The name may be empty in order to specify options without overriding the default field name. The following options can be used
// to configure behavior:
// 1. omitempty: If the omitempty struct tag is specified on a field, the field will not be marshalled if it is set to
// 1. omitempty: If the omitempty struct tag is specified on a field, the field will not be marshalled if it is set to
// the zero value. Fields with language primitive types such as integers, booleans, and strings are considered empty if
// their value is equal to the zero value for the type (i.e. 0 for integers, false for booleans, and "" for strings).
// Slices, maps, and arrays are considered empty if they are of length zero. Interfaces and pointers are considered
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// never considered empty and will be marshalled as embedded documents.
// NOTE: It is recommended that this tag be used for all slice and map fields.
// 2. minsize: If the minsize struct tag is specified on a field of type int64, uint, uint32, or uint64 and the value of
// 2. minsize: If the minsize struct tag is specified on a field of type int64, uint, uint32, or uint64 and the value of
// the field can fit in a signed int32, the field will be serialized as a BSON int32 rather than a BSON int64. For other
// types, this tag is ignored.
// 3. truncate: If the truncate struct tag is specified on a field with a non-float numeric type, BSON doubles unmarshalled
// into that field will be trucated at the decimal point. For example, if 3.14 is unmarshalled into a field of type int,
// 3. truncate: If the truncate struct tag is specified on a field with a non-float numeric type, BSON doubles unmarshalled
// into that field will be truncated at the decimal point. For example, if 3.14 is unmarshalled into a field of type int,
// it will be unmarshalled as 3. If this tag is not specified, the decoder will throw an error if the value cannot be
// decoded without losing precision. For float64 or non-numeric types, this tag is ignored.
// 4. inline: If the inline struct tag is specified for a struct or map field, the field will be "flattened" when
// 4. inline: If the inline struct tag is specified for a struct or map field, the field will be "flattened" when
// marshalling and "un-flattened" when unmarshalling. This means that all of the fields in that struct/map will be
// pulled up one level and will become top-level fields rather than being fields in a nested document. For example, if a
// map field named "Map" with value map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"} is inlined, the resulting document will be
Expand All @@ -132,7 +135,7 @@
// This tag can be used with fields that are pointers to structs. If an inlined pointer field is nil, it will not be
// marshalled. For fields that are not maps or structs, this tag is ignored.
// Marshalling and Unmarshalling
// # Marshalling and Unmarshalling
// Manually marshalling and unmarshalling can be done with the Marshal and Unmarshal family of functions.
package bson

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