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Releases: mongodb-developer/SocialStats

All code in the same repo but in different branches

06 Oct 12:42
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All of the code related to this app is now in a single repo. Code for stages of the CI/CD pipeline are now stored in branches in this repo instead of completely separate repos.

Over the summer, the Realm team updated the auto-deployment feature to allow auto-deploys from branches other than the master branch.

This release takes advantages of this new auto-deploy capability.


02 Oct 13:45
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This is the last version of this repo where each stage (Dev, Staging, and Prod) is in its own repo. Future versions will keep all stages as different branches in this repo.


31 Jul 14:30
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This is the initial version of the app that was presented at in June 2020. The app uses the Stitch SDK.


  • The first page allows anyone on our team to upload their Twitter statistics CSV file.
  • The second page is a dashboard where we can slice and dice our data. Anyone on our team can access the dashboard to pull individual stats or grab combined stats. The dashboard is handy for both my teammates and our management chain.