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File metadata and controls

242 lines (193 loc) · 9.99 KB


The modularise tool helps you maintain best-practices for Go modules on large-scale projects. It addresses the issues of monolithic codebases that contain many separate feature-sets or libraries that each require a separate release schedule in order to comply with the Semantic Versioning policy which underpins the Minimal Version Selection (MVS) algorithm used by Go modules.

Although a naïve solution to such a situation would be to use a multi-module repository, this approach bears considerable risks and has many unintendend, unexpected and undesirable drawbacks. A better solution is to split out the various feature-sets into their own dedicated Go modules in separate version-controlled repositories. This however has the drawback that it becomes impossible for developers to make simultaneous changes in different repositories, thereby reducing the speed and flexibilty of their development workflows.

Enter modularise which allows project to benefit from the best of both worlds:

  1. A single repository containing the entire source code for their project, with all the benefits of the speed and flexibility that such a setup offers for feature development.
  2. Independently versioned Go modules for each of the various independent feature-sets that their projects offers to downstream users, thereby reducing the burden of version and release management on project maintainers.

For more details about the context that drove the creation of modularise you can refer to the dedicated rationale document.

Example setup


Consider a Go project that has the following (simplified) package structure:

├── go.mod
├── internal
│   └── random
│       └── generate.go
├── main.go
├── numberutils
│   └── number.go
└── stringutils
    └── string.go

The core API of this project is the one provided by the app built by the top-level main package. However other Go projects might want to use either the numberutils and stringutils packages that provide a considerably amount of reusable functionality.

For the project maintainers, who need to comform to the requirements of semantic versioning, this situation could quickly become problematic as the API evolutions of the app and the two libraries might very well follow completely different timelines. Given that the app is their main product it would be very strange to release a new major version of the app just because a breaking change was made in either of the libraries.

With modularise the directory layout would be modified to stop exposing the libraries as part of the project's public API and become:

├── go.mod
├── internal
│   ├── numberutils
│   │   └── number.go
│   ├── random
│   │   └── generate.go
│   └── stringutils
│       └── string.go
├── main.go
└── modularise.yaml

At this point the configuration in modularise.yaml allows the modularise tool to automatically construct and maintain two separate repositories with the following content:

├── go.mod
├── internal
│   └── random
│       └── generate.go
└── stringutils
    └── string.go


├── go.mod
├── internal
│   └── random
│       └── generate.go
└── numberutils
    └── number.go

These independent repositories also implement two independent Go modules that can then be tagged and versioned at their own rythm without affecting the releases of the original project's app.

Example Configuration

The configuration in modularise.yaml in the example shown above would simply be:

  # Authentication details to push to the target repositories
      - internal/numberutils
      - internal/stringutils

Configuration Reference

The configuration format is fully documented in code via YAML annotations on the Splits type and the types of the fields that it references.

An exhaustive example configuration can also be found below:

  # Specify one of the three credential options
  pub_key: ./auth/id_rsa
  token_envvar: TOKEN_VAR
    username: robot
    password_file: ./auth/pwd
  # If no author information is provided a default modularise identity is used
  name: CI robot
    # If no URL is set the split will be available locally
      - cmd/client
    # The used branch defaults to 'master' if not set
    branch: modularise
      - cmd/controller
      - cmd/server
      - cmd/server/config

Best Practices

API surface

A Go module should generally expose a coherent set of features. Any piece of public API is a form of liability for the project's owners as it may induce maintenance and support burden. Furthermore the larger the API surface of a project, the more frequent breaking changes are likely to occur. As a result developers are encouraged to keep their API surfaces to the minimum. The use of internal package trees is strongly encouraged in order to limit the visibility of packages that provide the internal implementation logic of their libraries.

If a project would like to provide some of its internal libraries as a separate & dedicated API to downstream users this would typicallly be done by creating a new split with modularise that contains the packages with the API that should be exposed.

Continuous Integration

The default set up for a project using modularise would see the tool run in dry-run mode on each pull request before it is merged to ensure that the split configuration remains valid.

A second continuous integration job should run on every push to the project's master branch without the --dry-run flag in order to update the content of all configured splits with the latest version of the core project.

Semantic Versioning Of Splits

The modularise tool, although it maintains the content of all the configured split repositories, does not perform any form of version tagging. It is up to the core project's maintainers to decide when to release new versions of each split. Releases for different splits can be done at different times.

If a change in the core project's source-code results in a breaking change in the API of a split, the configured module path should be updated to reflect the new major version of the split in question. This can even be done in hindsight as there is no guarantee of backwards compatibility between pseudo-versions with Go modules. Such guarantees only exist for tagged releases and these are on purpose done manually.


  • How does modularise work internally?

    You can read the technical design document for modularise to find out.

  • Does modularise enable two-way migrations between splits and independent projects?

    A project can decide to turn one of its configured splits into an independently maintained and developer repository. This would be done by removing the split's code from the core project and having the core project depend on the split's repository instead. That repository can then from that point on be managed as any other Go project.

    The reverse is possible too. For example consider a third-party project that is very close to the core one, either because of a dependency or because of the features it implements. This project might over time stop being maintained for arbitrary reasons or it might decide to merge with the core project for organisational reasons. The core project can obviously decide to take over its active development as a separate repository. However, if the two projects are effectively being merged at the source-code level, they can also copy this source code into the internal tree of the core project. This new sub-tree would then be set up as a split pointing to the former repository. At this point contributions will be taken via the core project which will mirror changes to the former repository via modularise.

  • Can’t we apply the same type of logic implemented by modularise to facilitate the use of nested modules?

    This is definitely possible. There are however a few advantages to modularise’s approach:

    • The code of splits can be easily downloaded & consulted in a standalone fashion as it is stored in a separate repository. For nested modules the code is contained in the same repository as all other modules and it is up to the person navigating through the code to keep in mind a mental model of the boundaries between the modules.
    • The mapping of content to a split is more flexible than what nested modules allow. Imagine the example path /root/foo/bar in the core project. One can imagine that the project might want to export the foo/ subtree as a module, with the exception of the bar/ child-subtree. This is not possible with nested modules as a module rooted at foo/ would automatically contain bar/ as well. With modularise the setup can be such that bar/ is not part of the split of lib/.