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Technical Design

For reference the original, somewhat outdated, version of this document can be found here. The content below is condensed and simplified based on the experience and learnings acquired from implementing the logic that was initially planned.


The following glossary elaborates on a few technical terms used in the remainder of this design document. You can read them for starters while lacking context, or refer back to this list at a later stage if and when needed.

Go Module

A set of Go packages that together implement one or more functionalities with a varying degree of coupling between them. Go modules are a versioning abstraction, compared to packages which are a feature-set abstraction. A module is the atom of the dependency resolution performed by the Go toolchain. More information can be found on the Go Wiki and in the release-notes of Go 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 & 1.14.

Core Project

Top-level project out of which the modularise tool will carve independent Go modules. This would typically be a larger project that currently exposes system-level APIs as well as implementation libraries in a single monolithic codebase, be it without yet having adopted modules, by using a single module or a multi-module repository.

Examples include Prometheus, Thanos, Cortex, Kubernetes, Moby, and many private corporate codebases.


A repository, separate from the core project’s repository, managed automatically via the modularise tool, and which contains a sub-set of the Go packages of the core project. The repository is itself a single Go module.


A package of the core project that is not part of any split but is imported by another package that is part of a split. The package should only be referenced by the internal implementation of the second package and may not be the source of a type that is used within the second package's public API.

Creating Splits

Although modularise will need to analyse the core project's code and potentially rewrite parts of it, those rewrites are limited to import path modifications. The actual source code of the core project's packages are never modified in any functional way.

The process of creating one or more splits should follow a well-defined set of steps:

  1. Parsing & Loading

    Parse all the core project’s directories and files and determine, based on the provided split configuration which directories and corresponding Go packages should be part of which split.

  2. Residual Analysis

    For each configured split perform the following analysis:

    1. Iterate over all the split's Go packages and register any imports of packages that are part of other splits as a dependency between the two splits.
    2. Register imported packages that are not part of any split as residuals of the current split. Recurse this analysis on the packages that were just marked as residuals until a stable set of residual packages has been achieved.
    3. Iterate over the exported symbols of all the split's non-residual Go packages and ensure that the types that they reference are defined by either the split itself or another split on which it depends.

    Verify that there are no cycles within the graph of dependency's between splits.

  3. Split Generation

    For each configured split do the following:

    1. Initialise a working directory for the split. Two variants, depending on whether we are creating a brand new split or maintaining an existing split's repository:
      • Create a new directory and initialise it as a git repository.
      • Clone the exising repository of the split and clean out it's current content.
    2. Considering all directories that are part of the split, either via explicit configuration or as residuals of the split, compute the longest common path prefix within the core project. This path is the split's virtual root.
    3. Copy over the content of all directories that are part of the split via explicit configuration. The path of a file within the split's working directory should correspond to the path of the file in the core project relative to the split's virtual root.
    4. Copy over the content of all the residual packages to the split's working directory. If the package's path relative the virtual root contains an internal component then the new path will simply be this same relative path. If no such component exists then the new path should be prefixed by an internal component so that the copied package will not be part of the split's public API.
    5. For all Go packages, residual or not, within the split's working directory rewrite any import paths referencing packages that are part of the split or dependent splits to use their new paths.
  4. Dependency Maintenance

    Traverse all configured splits by following a depth-first traversal of the graph of dependencies between splits. For each split:

    1. Copy over the go.mod file of the core project into the root of the split's working directory. Modify the path of the file's module statement to reflect the split's new module path.

    2. For each dependency on another split add a replace statement for the target split's module path targeting that split's working directory. This ensures that the split's working directory now represents an independent & buildable Go module.

    3. Correct any missing or superfluous require statements by running the go mod tidy command within the split's working directory.

    4. Remove the previously introduced local replace statements and edit the require statements for each split dependency to reference that split's freshly determined pseudo-version

      NB: this is why we iterate through the splits via a depth-first traversal of the dependency graph.

    5. Register the content as a new commit in the git repository of the split's working directory.

    6. Compute the new pseudo-version for the split's module based on existing git history, module path and the hash of the new commit.

    If all split's were correctly generated, push the new content to all their respective git remotes.

Residuals: What & Why

A split is defined by the packages from the core project that it will include. The split's public API is the set of all symbols exported by the split's packages. This API must be defines such that it is usable, interoperable with other splits from the same core project and such that the split has a well-defined Go module dependency graph.

Self-Contained APIs

The public API of a split should be "self-contained". This corresponds to all the types referenced being themselves defined by a package belonging to the split, or to a package part of another split on which the first one can depend.

As a counter example, assume that we allowed the public API of a split to reference a package that is not part of any split. Any project depending on the split's module would then also implicitly depend on the core project's module. This defeats the purpose of a split which is to provide a sub-set of the features of the core project without having to depend on the latter.

Cross-Split Interoperability

Even if the public API of a split may be "self-contained", the packages implementing this API may depend on a much larger set of packages that are not themselves part of the split. These packages that are not part of a split but are used by the split's internal implementation are named residuals of the split.

Residual packages may not by referenced by the split's public API as this would allow for type conflicts to appear. Consider a package p that is a residual of both split A and split B. If the content of p were to be copied over to the working directory of both A and B then there would now be two definitions for each of the types defined by residual.

If, for example, a function in A would return an object of a type defined by p then a project using both A and B would no longer be able to pass along the returned object into a function defined by B consuming the same type as the two functions would now refer two distinct types.

Well-Defined Split Dependencies

Although one split may depend on another, cycles within the resulting dependency graph are not allowed. This is to prevent the formation of infinite dependency cycles within the resuling module dependency graph.

Consider a hypothetical cycle involving two inter-dependent splits A and B. When generating the content of both A and B from the same commit in the core project then the go.mod file of A would need to reference the newly generated pseudo-version of B and the go.mod for B would in turn need to reference the newly generated pseudo-version for A. However the go.mod file of A is itself part of the commit that defines this pseudo-version that should be referenced by B, which influences the content of the go.mod of B which in turn defines the pseudo-version that A should reference.