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Merge pull request #43976 from thaJeztah/20.10_backport_bump_golang_1.18
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[20.10 backport] update to golang 1.18.5
  • Loading branch information
thaJeztah committed Aug 18, 2022
2 parents 32debe0 + 7ba8ca0 commit 7d4cc78
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Showing 18 changed files with 312 additions and 251 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Dockerfile
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
ARG CROSS="false"
# IMPORTANT: When updating this please note that stdlib archive/tar pkg is vendored
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ARG DOCKER_BUILDTAGS="apparmor seccomp"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Dockerfile.e2e
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

FROM golang:${GO_VERSION}-alpine AS base
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Dockerfile.simple
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

# This represents the bare minimum required to build and test Docker.


FROM golang:${GO_VERSION}-buster
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
# Use PowerShell as the default shell
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]


# Environment variable notes:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion daemon/logger/templates/templates.go
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var basicFunctions = template.FuncMap{
"split": strings.Split,
"join": strings.Join,
"title": strings.Title,
"title": strings.Title, //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: strings.Title is deprecated: The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly. Use instead.
"lower": strings.ToLower,
"upper": strings.ToUpper,
"pad": padWithSpace,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pkg/plugins/pluginrpc-gen/template.go
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func title(s string) string {
if strings.ToLower(s) == "id" {
return "ID"
return strings.Title(s)
return strings.Title(s) //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: strings.Title is deprecated: The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly. Use instead.

var generatedTempl = template.Must(template.New("rpc_cient").Funcs(templFuncs).Parse(`
Expand Down
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions vendor/archive/tar/common.go
Expand Up @@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ func invertSparseEntries(src []sparseEntry, size int64) []sparseEntry {
// fileState tracks the number of logical (includes sparse holes) and physical
// (actual in tar archive) bytes remaining for the current file.
// Invariant: LogicalRemaining >= PhysicalRemaining
// Invariant: logicalRemaining >= physicalRemaining
type fileState interface {
LogicalRemaining() int64
PhysicalRemaining() int64
logicalRemaining() int64
physicalRemaining() int64

// allowedFormats determines which formats can be used.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,22 +413,22 @@ func (h Header) allowedFormats() (format Format, paxHdrs map[string]string, err

// Check basic fields.
var blk block
v7 := blk.V7()
ustar := blk.USTAR()
gnu := blk.GNU()
verifyString(h.Name, len(v7.Name()), "Name", paxPath)
verifyString(h.Linkname, len(v7.LinkName()), "Linkname", paxLinkpath)
verifyString(h.Uname, len(ustar.UserName()), "Uname", paxUname)
verifyString(h.Gname, len(ustar.GroupName()), "Gname", paxGname)
verifyNumeric(h.Mode, len(v7.Mode()), "Mode", paxNone)
verifyNumeric(int64(h.Uid), len(v7.UID()), "Uid", paxUid)
verifyNumeric(int64(h.Gid), len(v7.GID()), "Gid", paxGid)
verifyNumeric(h.Size, len(v7.Size()), "Size", paxSize)
verifyNumeric(h.Devmajor, len(ustar.DevMajor()), "Devmajor", paxNone)
verifyNumeric(h.Devminor, len(ustar.DevMinor()), "Devminor", paxNone)
verifyTime(h.ModTime, len(v7.ModTime()), "ModTime", paxMtime)
verifyTime(h.AccessTime, len(gnu.AccessTime()), "AccessTime", paxAtime)
verifyTime(h.ChangeTime, len(gnu.ChangeTime()), "ChangeTime", paxCtime)
v7 := blk.toV7()
ustar := blk.toUSTAR()
gnu := blk.toGNU()
verifyString(h.Name, len(, "Name", paxPath)
verifyString(h.Linkname, len(v7.linkName()), "Linkname", paxLinkpath)
verifyString(h.Uname, len(ustar.userName()), "Uname", paxUname)
verifyString(h.Gname, len(ustar.groupName()), "Gname", paxGname)
verifyNumeric(h.Mode, len(v7.mode()), "Mode", paxNone)
verifyNumeric(int64(h.Uid), len(v7.uid()), "Uid", paxUid)
verifyNumeric(int64(h.Gid), len(v7.gid()), "Gid", paxGid)
verifyNumeric(h.Size, len(v7.size()), "Size", paxSize)
verifyNumeric(h.Devmajor, len(ustar.devMajor()), "Devmajor", paxNone)
verifyNumeric(h.Devminor, len(ustar.devMinor()), "Devminor", paxNone)
verifyTime(h.ModTime, len(v7.modTime()), "ModTime", paxMtime)
verifyTime(h.AccessTime, len(gnu.accessTime()), "AccessTime", paxAtime)
verifyTime(h.ChangeTime, len(gnu.changeTime()), "ChangeTime", paxCtime)

// Check for header-only types.
var whyOnlyPAX, whyOnlyGNU string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ type headerFileInfo struct {
func (fi headerFileInfo) Size() int64 { return fi.h.Size }
func (fi headerFileInfo) IsDir() bool { return fi.Mode().IsDir() }
func (fi headerFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { return fi.h.ModTime }
func (fi headerFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return fi.h }
func (fi headerFileInfo) Sys() any { return fi.h }

// Name returns the base name of the file.
func (fi headerFileInfo) Name() string {
Expand Down
138 changes: 69 additions & 69 deletions vendor/archive/tar/format.go
Expand Up @@ -156,28 +156,28 @@ var zeroBlock block
type block [blockSize]byte

// Convert block to any number of formats.
func (b *block) V7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(b) }
func (b *block) GNU() *headerGNU { return (*headerGNU)(b) }
func (b *block) STAR() *headerSTAR { return (*headerSTAR)(b) }
func (b *block) USTAR() *headerUSTAR { return (*headerUSTAR)(b) }
func (b *block) Sparse() sparseArray { return sparseArray(b[:]) }
func (b *block) toV7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(b) }
func (b *block) toGNU() *headerGNU { return (*headerGNU)(b) }
func (b *block) toSTAR() *headerSTAR { return (*headerSTAR)(b) }
func (b *block) toUSTAR() *headerUSTAR { return (*headerUSTAR)(b) }
func (b *block) toSparse() sparseArray { return sparseArray(b[:]) }

// GetFormat checks that the block is a valid tar header based on the checksum.
// It then attempts to guess the specific format based on magic values.
// If the checksum fails, then FormatUnknown is returned.
func (b *block) GetFormat() Format {
func (b *block) getFormat() Format {
// Verify checksum.
var p parser
value := p.parseOctal(b.V7().Chksum())
chksum1, chksum2 := b.ComputeChecksum()
value := p.parseOctal(b.toV7().chksum())
chksum1, chksum2 := b.computeChecksum()
if p.err != nil || (value != chksum1 && value != chksum2) {
return FormatUnknown

// Guess the magic values.
magic := string(b.USTAR().Magic())
version := string(b.USTAR().Version())
trailer := string(b.STAR().Trailer())
magic := string(b.toUSTAR().magic())
version := string(b.toUSTAR().version())
trailer := string(b.toSTAR().trailer())
switch {
case magic == magicUSTAR && trailer == trailerSTAR:
return formatSTAR
Expand All @@ -190,41 +190,41 @@ func (b *block) GetFormat() Format {

// SetFormat writes the magic values necessary for specified format
// setFormat writes the magic values necessary for specified format
// and then updates the checksum accordingly.
func (b *block) SetFormat(format Format) {
func (b *block) setFormat(format Format) {
// Set the magic values.
switch {
case format.has(formatV7):
// Do nothing.
case format.has(FormatGNU):
copy(b.GNU().Magic(), magicGNU)
copy(b.GNU().Version(), versionGNU)
copy(b.toGNU().magic(), magicGNU)
copy(b.toGNU().version(), versionGNU)
case format.has(formatSTAR):
copy(b.STAR().Magic(), magicUSTAR)
copy(b.STAR().Version(), versionUSTAR)
copy(b.STAR().Trailer(), trailerSTAR)
copy(b.toSTAR().magic(), magicUSTAR)
copy(b.toSTAR().version(), versionUSTAR)
copy(b.toSTAR().trailer(), trailerSTAR)
case format.has(FormatUSTAR | FormatPAX):
copy(b.USTAR().Magic(), magicUSTAR)
copy(b.USTAR().Version(), versionUSTAR)
copy(b.toUSTAR().magic(), magicUSTAR)
copy(b.toUSTAR().version(), versionUSTAR)
panic("invalid format")

// Update checksum.
// This field is special in that it is terminated by a NULL then space.
var f formatter
field := b.V7().Chksum()
chksum, _ := b.ComputeChecksum() // Possible values are 256..128776
field := b.toV7().chksum()
chksum, _ := b.computeChecksum() // Possible values are 256..128776
f.formatOctal(field[:7], chksum) // Never fails since 128776 < 262143
field[7] = ' '

// ComputeChecksum computes the checksum for the header block.
// computeChecksum computes the checksum for the header block.
// POSIX specifies a sum of the unsigned byte values, but the Sun tar used
// signed byte values.
// We compute and return both.
func (b *block) ComputeChecksum() (unsigned, signed int64) {
func (b *block) computeChecksum() (unsigned, signed int64) {
for i, c := range b {
if 148 <= i && i < 156 {
c = ' ' // Treat the checksum field itself as all spaces.
Expand All @@ -236,68 +236,68 @@ func (b *block) ComputeChecksum() (unsigned, signed int64) {

// Reset clears the block with all zeros.
func (b *block) Reset() {
func (b *block) reset() {
*b = block{}

type headerV7 [blockSize]byte

func (h *headerV7) Name() []byte { return h[000:][:100] }
func (h *headerV7) Mode() []byte { return h[100:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) UID() []byte { return h[108:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) GID() []byte { return h[116:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) Size() []byte { return h[124:][:12] }
func (h *headerV7) ModTime() []byte { return h[136:][:12] }
func (h *headerV7) Chksum() []byte { return h[148:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) TypeFlag() []byte { return h[156:][:1] }
func (h *headerV7) LinkName() []byte { return h[157:][:100] }
func (h *headerV7) name() []byte { return h[000:][:100] }
func (h *headerV7) mode() []byte { return h[100:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) uid() []byte { return h[108:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) gid() []byte { return h[116:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) size() []byte { return h[124:][:12] }
func (h *headerV7) modTime() []byte { return h[136:][:12] }
func (h *headerV7) chksum() []byte { return h[148:][:8] }
func (h *headerV7) typeFlag() []byte { return h[156:][:1] }
func (h *headerV7) linkName() []byte { return h[157:][:100] }

type headerGNU [blockSize]byte

func (h *headerGNU) V7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(h) }
func (h *headerGNU) Magic() []byte { return h[257:][:6] }
func (h *headerGNU) Version() []byte { return h[263:][:2] }
func (h *headerGNU) UserName() []byte { return h[265:][:32] }
func (h *headerGNU) GroupName() []byte { return h[297:][:32] }
func (h *headerGNU) DevMajor() []byte { return h[329:][:8] }
func (h *headerGNU) DevMinor() []byte { return h[337:][:8] }
func (h *headerGNU) AccessTime() []byte { return h[345:][:12] }
func (h *headerGNU) ChangeTime() []byte { return h[357:][:12] }
func (h *headerGNU) Sparse() sparseArray { return sparseArray(h[386:][:24*4+1]) }
func (h *headerGNU) RealSize() []byte { return h[483:][:12] }
func (h *headerGNU) v7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(h) }
func (h *headerGNU) magic() []byte { return h[257:][:6] }
func (h *headerGNU) version() []byte { return h[263:][:2] }
func (h *headerGNU) userName() []byte { return h[265:][:32] }
func (h *headerGNU) groupName() []byte { return h[297:][:32] }
func (h *headerGNU) devMajor() []byte { return h[329:][:8] }
func (h *headerGNU) devMinor() []byte { return h[337:][:8] }
func (h *headerGNU) accessTime() []byte { return h[345:][:12] }
func (h *headerGNU) changeTime() []byte { return h[357:][:12] }
func (h *headerGNU) sparse() sparseArray { return sparseArray(h[386:][:24*4+1]) }
func (h *headerGNU) realSize() []byte { return h[483:][:12] }

type headerSTAR [blockSize]byte

func (h *headerSTAR) V7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(h) }
func (h *headerSTAR) Magic() []byte { return h[257:][:6] }
func (h *headerSTAR) Version() []byte { return h[263:][:2] }
func (h *headerSTAR) UserName() []byte { return h[265:][:32] }
func (h *headerSTAR) GroupName() []byte { return h[297:][:32] }
func (h *headerSTAR) DevMajor() []byte { return h[329:][:8] }
func (h *headerSTAR) DevMinor() []byte { return h[337:][:8] }
func (h *headerSTAR) Prefix() []byte { return h[345:][:131] }
func (h *headerSTAR) AccessTime() []byte { return h[476:][:12] }
func (h *headerSTAR) ChangeTime() []byte { return h[488:][:12] }
func (h *headerSTAR) Trailer() []byte { return h[508:][:4] }
func (h *headerSTAR) v7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(h) }
func (h *headerSTAR) magic() []byte { return h[257:][:6] }
func (h *headerSTAR) version() []byte { return h[263:][:2] }
func (h *headerSTAR) userName() []byte { return h[265:][:32] }
func (h *headerSTAR) groupName() []byte { return h[297:][:32] }
func (h *headerSTAR) devMajor() []byte { return h[329:][:8] }
func (h *headerSTAR) devMinor() []byte { return h[337:][:8] }
func (h *headerSTAR) prefix() []byte { return h[345:][:131] }
func (h *headerSTAR) accessTime() []byte { return h[476:][:12] }
func (h *headerSTAR) changeTime() []byte { return h[488:][:12] }
func (h *headerSTAR) trailer() []byte { return h[508:][:4] }

type headerUSTAR [blockSize]byte

func (h *headerUSTAR) V7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(h) }
func (h *headerUSTAR) Magic() []byte { return h[257:][:6] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) Version() []byte { return h[263:][:2] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) UserName() []byte { return h[265:][:32] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) GroupName() []byte { return h[297:][:32] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) DevMajor() []byte { return h[329:][:8] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) DevMinor() []byte { return h[337:][:8] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) Prefix() []byte { return h[345:][:155] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) v7() *headerV7 { return (*headerV7)(h) }
func (h *headerUSTAR) magic() []byte { return h[257:][:6] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) version() []byte { return h[263:][:2] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) userName() []byte { return h[265:][:32] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) groupName() []byte { return h[297:][:32] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) devMajor() []byte { return h[329:][:8] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) devMinor() []byte { return h[337:][:8] }
func (h *headerUSTAR) prefix() []byte { return h[345:][:155] }

type sparseArray []byte

func (s sparseArray) Entry(i int) sparseElem { return sparseElem(s[i*24:]) }
func (s sparseArray) IsExtended() []byte { return s[24*s.MaxEntries():][:1] }
func (s sparseArray) MaxEntries() int { return len(s) / 24 }
func (s sparseArray) entry(i int) sparseElem { return sparseElem(s[i*24:]) }
func (s sparseArray) isExtended() []byte { return s[24*s.maxEntries():][:1] }
func (s sparseArray) maxEntries() int { return len(s) / 24 }

type sparseElem []byte

func (s sparseElem) Offset() []byte { return s[00:][:12] }
func (s sparseElem) Length() []byte { return s[12:][:12] }
func (s sparseElem) offset() []byte { return s[00:][:12] }
func (s sparseElem) length() []byte { return s[12:][:12] }

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