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An all-in-one automated code-deployment solution, with Trello Integration for task and issue tracking.

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Repository files navigation


Union is a code workflow tool. Built from ground up with DevOps-first principles in mind. So what does it do, and why should you use it?

  • Reliable and Repeatable: Automated deployment of Git repositories to servers (via SSH).
  • Ease of Use: All interaction with the application is via the web interface (some command-line fu required for setup).
  • Visibility: Maintains list of assets, and the mapping between servers and code.
  • Change Tracking: Integrates with Trello, mapping tasks performed to your servers and code assets, paying special attention to unplanned work.
  • Change Detection: Integrates with OSSEC, mapping tasks performed on Trello to OSSEC-based security notifications on server.



  • Ruby version 2.1.1 (>= 1.9.3 should work, but not tested).
  • Mysql Server (in Ubuntu, run sudo apt-get install mysql-server).

It is suggested that you create a non-privileged user to run your application. For example, let's assume you create a user with the name union. You should generate an SSH key for this user with union$ ssh-keygen -t rsa and give read access to your Git server for user union with its SSH public key.

Installation steps

Clone Git repository:

git clone
bundle install --deployment

Set up essential environment variables as configuration before starting your application. You can do this via your web server, or alternatively by creating a .env file in the root directory, and entering values listed in this README under Environment Variables.

Then perform DB setup and asset pre-compilation:

bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake assets:precompile

...and run with your favorite Rack-compatible web server.

For setting up daemons, use foreman:

rvmsudo bundle exec foreman export upstart /etc/init -a infrastructure-union -u union -d /home/union/deploy/infrastructure-union/current
sudo start infrastructure-union

Deployment using Union

Server Customization

The target servers should have two user accounts: one for running deployed applications and the other for deployment. Let's assume that the application user is union, and that the deployment user is deploy, added to the group of application user.

sudo adduser deploy --ingroup union

Assuming Union executes as user union, you'll have to add its SSH public key to the target server's deploy user's authorized keys file.

unite$ ssh-copy-id deploy@target-server

Create directory deploy on union user's home directory and make it group-writable.

mkdir /home/union/deploy
chmod g+w -R /home/union/deploy

Deployment of repository

For deploying a repository, create a file deploy/config.yml in application root. See example configuration for help. Commit this file, and any optional after_* files, and push it upstream. You'll have to map hostname of target server to its IP in /etc/hosts of server hosting Union.

Now login to Union with one of the admin emails address that you configured. Create a new project with application's Git URL - it will fetch deployment server details from deploy/config.yaml. Go to the project's page and click Actions > Setup, this will setup the basic directory structure and shared directory. Now for deployment use Actions > Deploy. You can also do this from the home page.

Self deployment

Union can deploy itself (!). Just fork Union from Github, add and commit a deploy/config.yml with your Union server details, including path to existing deployment, making sure that user set up is as per recommendations, and follow above steps.

See /examples/deploy_unite_example for an example deploy folder for your fork.

Assumptions (Roundup)

  • Deploys happen via user 'deploy' at production servers.
  • The deployment server authenticates itself to the Git repo via its SSH key (of union user).
  • The deployment server authenticates itself to deploy user of the production server via its SSH key (of union user).
  • A repository branch can be deployed to multiple production servers.
  • For ruby application deployments, Git Deploy assumes RVM has been installed in multi-user mode in production server.

Overview of the deployment process

Before both setup and deploy

  • Clones or updates repository for selected project.

When performing Setup:

  1. Creates deployment folder.
  2. Creates shared folder inside deployment folder.
  3. Execute deploy/after_setup from deployment folder path.

When performing Deploy:

  1. Creates cache directory on remote server (if it doesn't exist).
  2. Sync local cache to remote cache.
  3. Copies non-existent (rename, if necessary) shared files from sync-ed remote cache to shared folder.
  4. Copy remote cache directory to form new deployment directory.
  5. Link shared files to directory created in step 4.
  6. Execute deploy/after_upload from path of directory created in step 4.
  7. Point current symlink to directory created in step 4.
  8. Execute deploy/after_deploy from the current directory path.

Trello Integration

Union integrates with Trello, mapping cards created on your boards to servers and projects. Once a board is linked via the web interface, just mention the server or project name in a card's title or description, and the mapping is taken care of automatically via the use of Trello Webhooks.

Just visit the Administration section on the web interface, and check the Trello Boards section, to enable webhook integration for boards that are visible with the API key you configured.

OSSEC Integration

Union can fetch events from remote server using OSSEC. You need to have OSSEC and ossec-collector installed in the remote server to enable this.

To install OSSEC, please refer to official documentation for instructions, choose local mode of installation if you are only using it with Union. Then fork ossec-collector and deploy it to remote server. Add remote server's deploy user to ossec group (Required to access logs).

usermod -a -G ossec deploy

And finally configure environment variable OSSEC_COLLECTOR_PATH for Union. Please note that ossec-collector should be deployed to the same path in every server.

These logs are currently charted in www.yourunionurl/servers/:id/metrics



To execute all tests manually, run:

bundle exec rake spec

RubyMine (using Zeus)

To execute tests from within RubyMine, create a shell script /script/startzeus (gitignored) with the following contents and execute it:

env RUBYLIB=/path/to/RubyMine-6.x/rb/testing/patch/common:/path/to/RubyMine-6.x/rb/testing/patch/bdd zeus start

Then, in RubyMine, go to Run >> Edit Configurations >> Defaults >> RSpec, and turn on Use custom RSpec Runner Script and point it to /script/rspec_runner.rb.

Now right-click on either the spec directory in the Project view (or any inner directory / file), and choose the Run Specs option.

Environment Variables

Also see .env.example file in project root.


  • UNION_ROOT: Absolute path to root of your deployment of Union.
  • UNION_SECRET_TOKEN: Web application's secret token. Generate one with the rake secret command.
  • UNION_DB_NAME: Name of production / development database server.
  • UNION_DB_USERNAME: Username with which to connect to production / development database.
  • UNION_DB_PASSWORD: Password with which to connecto to production / development database.
  • UNION_DB_HOST: Hostname / IP of production /development database server.
  • UNION_ALLOWED_EMAIL_HOST: Allows hosts e-mail addresses from this host to access the interface. For example: ''.
  • UNION_ADMIN_EMAILS: Comma separated administrator emails.
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Google client for oauth ( Required in production ).
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Google client secret for oauth ( Required in production ).


  • TRELLO_API_KEY: API Key supplied by trello identifying your instance of the application.
  • TRELLO_API_SECRET: API Secret supplied by trello, used in verifying source of requests to webhook callback URL.
  • TRELLO_API_TOKEN: API Token generated for the above API key, authorizing read and write permissions on the board you wish to create reports on.
  • TRELLO_WEBHOOK_CALLBACK_URL: URL supplied to Trello as Webhook callback URL.


  • UNION_TEST_DB_NAME: Name of test database.
  • UNION_TEST_DB_USERNAME: Username with which to connect to test database.
  • UNION_TEST_DB_PASSWORD: Password with which to connect to test database.
  • UNION_TEST_DB_HOST: Hostname / IP of test database server.

API access

  • UNION_API_ACCESS_TOKENS: Secret token to host mapping for API access.

OSSEC Logs collection

  • OSSEC_COLLECTOR_PATH: Path to OSSEC collector in servers if it's being used.


  • UNION_SESSION_STORE_KEY: Optional. Sets application's session store key. Defaults to '_union_session'.


An all-in-one automated code-deployment solution, with Trello Integration for task and issue tracking.






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