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This project allows deploying new fabric cluster to remote machines from scratch. Project can download fuse installation, prepare it for running, create fabric, expanding ensemble and create ssh and child containers with specified profiles.

###Requierements ssh server, wget, unzip installed is required. Also Java, curl and telnet is required for running Jboss-fuse and fabric.


Containers properties must be specified in containers.conf file. Default location is src/main/resources but it's also possible to specify own location. Beside this you have to specify root container options in pom.xml:


Root container represents main node, which this project uses for downloading fuse and creating fabric environment.

Containers configuration

Configuration of containers is specified in containers.conf file which has to have following format. There are two types of separators. Separator | for separing groups of properties:

| container properties | container name | profile properties | broker properties and separator ; for separating fields of property group.

Container group:

Here is specified type of the container with additional configurations.

    [child,ssh,ens];host;user;pass| ... |

If the container is specified as child, others fields are automaticly ignored. For adding container to ensemble we should specify it as ens

Container name: Name of container.

Profile properties:

If you want to assign for your container particular profile just place here the profile name. It's also possible to specify if the container will be created with the profile or the profile will be assigned to container after creating.

    |..|...|mq-create;[true,false]| ...

Broker properties

Here are specified properties of the broker, shutch as broker name, broker group and connection to network.




This will create child-container with name 'childcontainer' and create broker for this container using 'mq-create'


You have 2 options for using this tool. Using bash script (linux only) or maven.

For install project type mvn clean install.

For running use:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args=arguments or use attached script ./

Possible arguments

--all - creating fabric from scratch. Downloading and running fuse etc.

--fuse - prepare fuse, that means download it, unzip and run

--fabric - create fabric

--ensemble - initialize ensemble from containers.conf file

--containers initialize containers from containers.conf file

--clean all containers

###Examples: If you want create fabric-cluster with 3 ensemble-servers and BrokerMesh with 3 brokers with group 'brokerGroup' and with network connector to 'brokerGroup' from scratch:

1.Specify containers.conf:

    # this is comment --
    #first server is root container specified in pom.xml

2.use this command:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="--all" or ./ --all

If you want to just download fuse and create fabric use:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="--fuse --fabric" or ./ --fuse --fabric

If you want to kill fabric and all containers use :

mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="--clean" or ./ --clean



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