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Project is based on great purescript-bridge library.


import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import Language.PureScript.Bridge (defaultBridge, writePSTypes)
import Language.PureScript.Bridge.SumType (mkSumType)

typesToBridge =
  [ mkSumType (Proxy @MyTypeFoo)
  , mkSumType (Proxy @MyTypeBar)

main =
  writePSTypes "/path/to/save/modules" (buildBridge defaultBridge) typesToBridge

Defatult encoding rules

Types bridged with mkSumType are serialized by the following rules.

Newtypes (DataEncodingNewtype/PlutusTypeNewtype)

If type is a newtype, it'll be encoded as internal type

newtype MyNewtype
  = MkMyNewtype Bool -- Encoded in the same way `Bool` is encoded

Enums (DataEncodingEnum/PlutusTypeEnumData)

If type is a sum of constructors without fields, it'll be encoded as I <idx> where idx is an index of a constructor starting from 0

data MyEnum
  = MyEnumFoo -- Encoded as `I 0`
  | MyEnumBar -- Encoded as `I 1`

Products/Records (DataEncodingProduct/PlutusTypeDataList)

If type is a record with only one constructor, it'll be encoded as List [field0, field1, ..., fieldN]

-- Encoded as `List [I field1, B field2]`
data MyProduct = MyProduct
  { field1 :: Integer
  , field2 :: ByteString

General sums (DataEncodingSoP/PlutusTypeData)

Otherwise, type is a general sum of products, it's encoded as Constr <idx> [fields] where idx is an index of a constructor starting from 0 (like in enums) and [fields] is a list of fields (like in records).

data MySop
  = MySopFoo Integer Integer -- Encoded as `Constr 0 [I field0, I field1]`
  | MySopBar ByteString Integer -- Encoded as `Constr 1 [B field0, I field1]`

Override encoding rules

If your types are not serialized using above set of rules, use mkSumTypeWithEncoding to bridge it to specify encoding flavor. Types bridged with mkSumTypeWithEncoding are NOT guaranteed to be correct PureScript code, so make sure you know what you're doing. If you have control over bridge types, make them follow above rules, to guarantee optimal encoding and bridge correctness.

Known issues

Some PlutusTx types may not be overridden yet to match with CTL equivalents. If you notice some type missing please add it to Language.PureScript.Bridge.CtlImports and open a PR.