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True Layer configuration

Rob Nichols edited this page Nov 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

For the user to be able to log into TrueLayer there are a couple of prerequisites.

Client ID and Secret

The following Environment variables need to be set: TRUE_LAYER_CLIENT_ID, TRUE_LAYER_CLIENT_SECRET

There are two ways of doing this:

  1. In a local development environment they can be set in the .env file. In this instance you can use your own id and secret generated by creating an account and application at
  2. For remotely hosted instance (UAT, Staging and Production) the environment variables need to be set within the helm_deploy configuration files (specifically helm_deploy/apply-for-legal-aid/values-<host env>.yaml). For Staging and Production these should be the group shared settings. For UAT the setting should be specific to the current PR being hosted - so can be those of the author of the PR.

Redirect URI

The application Redirect URI needs to be set at for the user hows secret and id are being used. The URI will be https://<host:port>/applicants/auth/true_layer/callback.

Note that for UAT, the URI will be unique for each PR, so the corresponding Redirect URI needs to be set for each PR where you wish to demo the workflow through the TrueLayer login. So for example, in my console I have following Redirect URIs set:

  • http://localhost:3000/applicants/auth/true_layer/callback
  • http://localhost:3002/applicants/auth/true_layer/callback

Enable mock

A further setting is available via the environment variable ENABLE_MOCK. Setting this to true adds a Mock Bank as an option. See the TrueLayer docs for more information. This should be set to "false" in production.

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