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PR: error handling bug, rebase, unexport, naming
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* comments and todos statements
* spelling
* removed dead code
* changed names to be more conventional
* unexported socket code
* made `(*HvsockDialer) Dial` take `Context`, removed `DialContext`
* added default `Dial` function
* rebased onto main
* cleaned up `Dial(` retry loop

Signed-off-by: Hamza El-Saawy <>
  • Loading branch information
helsaawy committed Jul 5, 2022
1 parent 9a46672 commit a615ab2
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Showing 6 changed files with 136 additions and 163 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions file.go
Expand Up @@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ func ioCompletionProcessor(h syscall.Handle) {

// todo: helsaawy - create an asyncIO version that takes a context

// asyncIo processes the return value from ReadFile or WriteFile, blocking until
// the operation has actually completed.
func (f *win32File) asyncIo(c *ioOperation, d *deadlineHandler, bytes uint32, err error) (int, error) {
Expand Down
159 changes: 84 additions & 75 deletions hvsock.go
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ package winio

import (
Expand All @@ -15,72 +16,85 @@ import (



const afHvSock = 34 // AF_HYPERV

var (
// Well known Service and VM IDs

// HVguidWildcard is the wildcard VmId for accepting connections from all partitions.
HVguidWildcard = guid.GUID{} // 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
// HvsockGUIDWildcard is the wildcard VmId for accepting connections from all partitions.
func HvsockGUIDWildcard() guid.GUID { // 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
return guid.GUID{}

// HVguidBroadcast is the wildcard VmId for broadcasting sends to all partitions
HVguidBroadcast = guid.GUID{ //ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff
// HvsockGUIDBroadcast is the wildcard VmId for broadcasting sends to all partitions
func HvsockGUIDBroadcast() guid.GUID { //ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff
return guid.GUID{
Data1: 0xffffffff,
Data2: 0xffff,
Data3: 0xffff,
Data4: [8]uint8{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff},

// HVGUIDLoopback is the Loopback VmId for accepting connections to the same partition as the connector.
HVguidLoopback = guid.GUID{ // e0e16197-dd56-4a10-9195-5ee7a155a838
// HvsockGUIDLoopback is the Loopback VmId for accepting connections to the same partition as the connector.
func HvsockGUIDLoopback() guid.GUID { // e0e16197-dd56-4a10-9195-5ee7a155a838
return guid.GUID{
Data1: 0xe0e16197,
Data2: 0xdd56,
Data3: 0x4a10,
Data4: [8]uint8{0x91, 0x95, 0x5e, 0xe7, 0xa1, 0x55, 0xa8, 0x38},

// HVguidSiloHost is the address of a silo's host partition:
// - The silo host of a hosted silo is the utility VM.
// - The silo host of a silo on a physical host is the physical host.
HVguidSiloHost = guid.GUID{ // 36bd0c5c-7276-4223-88ba-7d03b654c568
// HvsockGUIDSiloHost is the address of a silo's host partition:
// - The silo host of a hosted silo is the utility VM.
// - The silo host of a silo on a physical host is the physical host.
func HvsockGUIDSiloHost() guid.GUID { // 36bd0c5c-7276-4223-88ba-7d03b654c568
return guid.GUID{
Data1: 0x36bd0c5c,
Data2: 0x7276,
Data3: 0x4223,
Data4: [8]byte{0x88, 0xba, 0x7d, 0x03, 0xb6, 0x54, 0xc5, 0x68},

// HVguidChildren is the wildcard VmId for accepting connections from the connector's child partitions.
HVguidChildren = guid.GUID{ // 90db8b89-0d35-4f79-8ce9-49ea0ac8b7cd
// HvsockGUIDChildren is the wildcard VmId for accepting connections from the connector's child partitions.
func HvsockGUIDChildren() guid.GUID { // 90db8b89-0d35-4f79-8ce9-49ea0ac8b7cd
return guid.GUID{
Data1: 0x90db8b89,
Data2: 0xd35,
Data3: 0x4f79,
Data4: [8]uint8{0x8c, 0xe9, 0x49, 0xea, 0xa, 0xc8, 0xb7, 0xcd},

// HVguidParent is the wildcard VmId for accepting connections from the connector's parent partition.
// Listening on this VmId accepts connection from:
// - Inside silos: silo host partition.
// - Inside hosted silo: host of the VM.
// - Inside VM: VM host.
// - Physical host: Not supported.
HVguidParent = guid.GUID{ // a42e7cda-d03f-480c-9cc2-a4de20abb878
// HvsockGUIDParent is the wildcard VmId for accepting connections from the connector's parent partition.
// Listening on this VmId accepts connection from:
// - Inside silos: silo host partition.
// - Inside hosted silo: host of the VM.
// - Inside VM: VM host.
// - Physical host: Not supported.
func HvsockGUIDParent() guid.GUID { // a42e7cda-d03f-480c-9cc2-a4de20abb878
return guid.GUID{
Data1: 0xa42e7cda,
Data2: 0xd03f,
Data3: 0x480c,
Data4: [8]uint8{0x9c, 0xc2, 0xa4, 0xde, 0x20, 0xab, 0xb8, 0x78},

// HVguidVSockServiceGUIDTemplate is the Service GUID used for the VSOCK protocol
hvguidVSockServiceTemplate = guid.GUID{ // 00000000-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3
// hvsockVsockServiceTemplate is the Service GUID used for the VSOCK protocol
func hvsockVsockServiceTemplate() guid.GUID { // 00000000-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3
return guid.GUID{
Data2: 0xfacb,
Data3: 0x11e6,
Data4: [8]uint8{0xbd, 0x58, 0x64, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x79, 0x86, 0xd3},

// An HvsockAddr is an address for a AF_HYPERV socket.
type HvsockAddr struct {
Expand All @@ -95,7 +109,7 @@ type rawHvsockAddr struct {
ServiceID guid.GUID

var _ sockets.RawSockaddr = &rawHvsockAddr{}
var _ socket.RawSockaddr = &rawHvsockAddr{}

// Network returns the address's network name, "hvsock".
func (addr *HvsockAddr) Network() string {
Expand All @@ -108,7 +122,7 @@ func (addr *HvsockAddr) String() string {

// VsockServiceID returns an hvsock service ID corresponding to the specified AF_VSOCK port.
func VsockServiceID(port uint32) guid.GUID {
g := hvguidVSockServiceTemplate // make a copy
g := hvsockVsockServiceTemplate() // make a copy
g.Data1 = port
return g
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,12 +150,12 @@ func (r *rawHvsockAddr) FromBytes(b []byte) error {
n := int(unsafe.Sizeof(rawHvsockAddr{}))

if len(b) < n {
return fmt.Errorf("got %d, want %d: %w", len(b), n, sockets.ErrBufferSize)
return fmt.Errorf("got %d, want %d: %w", len(b), n, socket.ErrBufferSize)

copy(unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(r)), n), b[:n])
if r.Family != afHvSock {
return fmt.Errorf("got %d, want %d: %w", r.Family, afHvSock, sockets.ErrAddrFamily)
return fmt.Errorf("got %d, want %d: %w", r.Family, afHvSock, socket.ErrAddrFamily)

return nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,7 +199,7 @@ func ListenHvsock(addr *HvsockAddr) (_ *HvsockListener, err error) {
return nil, l.opErr("listen", err)
sa := addr.raw()
err = sockets.Bind(windows.Handle(sock.handle), &sa)
err = socket.Bind(windows.Handle(sock.handle), &sa)
if err != nil {
return nil, l.opErr("listen", os.NewSyscallError("socket", err))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,25 +242,19 @@ func (l *HvsockListener) Accept() (_ net.Conn, err error) {
var addrbuf [addrlen * 2]byte

var bytes uint32
err = syscall.AcceptEx(l.sock.handle,
0, // rxdatalen
_, err = l.sock.asyncIo(c,
nil, // deadlineHandler
if err != nil {
err = syscall.AcceptEx(l.sock.handle, sock.handle, &addrbuf[0], 0 /*rxdatalen*/, addrlen, addrlen, &bytes, &c.o)
if _, err = l.sock.asyncIo(c, nil, bytes, err); err != nil {
return nil, l.opErr("accept", os.NewSyscallError("acceptex", err))

conn := &HvsockConn{
sock: sock,
// The local address returned in the AcceptEx buffer is the same as the Listener socket's
// address. However, the service GUID reported by GetSockName is different from the Listeners
// socket, and is sometimes the same as the local address of the socket that dialed the
// address, with the service GUID.Data1 incremented, but othertimes is different.
// todo: does the local address matter? is the listener's address or the actual address appropriate?

Expand All @@ -257,19 +265,6 @@ func (l *HvsockListener) Accept() (_ net.Conn, err error) {
return nil, conn.opErr("accept", os.NewSyscallError("setsockopt", err))

// The local address returned in the AcceptEx buffer is the same as the Listener socket's
// address. However, the service GUID reported by GetSockName is different from the Listeners
// socket, and is sometimes the same as the local address of the socket that dialed the
// address, with the service GUID.Data1 incremented, but othertimes is different.
// todo: does the local address matter? is the listener's address or the actual address appropriate?

// var ra rawHvsockAddr
// err = sockets.GetSockName(windows.Handle(sock.handle), &ra)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, conn.opErr("accept", os.NewSyscallError("getsockname", err))
// }
// conn.local.fromRaw(&ra)

sock = nil
return conn, nil
Expand All @@ -279,6 +274,7 @@ func (l *HvsockListener) Close() error {
return l.sock.Close()

// HvsockDialer configures and dials a Hyper-V Socket (ie, [HvsockConn]).
type HvsockDialer struct {
// Deadline is the time the Dial operation must connect before erroring.
Deadline time.Time
Expand All @@ -293,11 +289,18 @@ type HvsockDialer struct {
rt *time.Timer // redial wait timer

func (d *HvsockDialer) Dial(addr *HvsockAddr) (*HvsockConn, error) {
return d.DialContext(context.Background(), addr)
// Dial the Hyper-V socket at addr.
// See (*HvsockDialer).Dial for more information.
func Dial(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (conn *HvsockConn, err error) {
return (&HvsockDialer{}).Dial(ctx, addr)

func (d *HvsockDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (conn *HvsockConn, err error) {
// Dial attempts to connect to the Hyper-V socket at addr, and returns a connection if successful.
// Will attempt (HvsockDialer).Retries if dialing fails, waiting (HvsockDialer).RetryWait between
// retries.
// Dialing can be cancelled either by providing (HvsockDialer).Deadline, or cancelling ctx.
func (d *HvsockDialer) Dial(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (conn *HvsockConn, err error) {
op := "dial"
// create the conn early to use opErr()
conn = &HvsockConn{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ func (d *HvsockDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (conn

sa := addr.raw()
err = sockets.Bind(windows.Handle(sock.handle), &sa)
err = socket.Bind(windows.Handle(sock.handle), &sa)
if err != nil {
return nil, conn.opErr(op, os.NewSyscallError("bind", err))
Expand All @@ -337,23 +340,19 @@ func (d *HvsockDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (conn
defer sock.wg.Done()
var bytes uint32
n := 1 + int(d.Retries)
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
err = sockets.ConnectEx(
for i := uint(0); i <= d.Retries; i++ {
err = socket.ConnectEx(
nil, // sendBuf
0, // sendDataLen
// todo: create an asyncIO version that takes a context
// could create a deadlineHandler triggered by context cancelation, but that seems inefficient ...
_, err = sock.asyncIo(c, nil, bytes, err)
if i < n && canRedial(err) {
if err = d.redialWait(ctx); err != nil {
if i < d.Retries && canRedial(err) {
if err = d.redialWait(ctx); err == nil {
Expand All @@ -374,7 +373,7 @@ func (d *HvsockDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (conn

// get the local name
var sal rawHvsockAddr
err = sockets.GetSockName(windows.Handle(sock.handle), &sal)
err = socket.GetSockName(windows.Handle(sock.handle), &sal)
if err != nil {
return nil, conn.opErr(op, os.NewSyscallError("getsockname", err))
Expand All @@ -391,6 +390,7 @@ func (d *HvsockDialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (conn
return conn, nil

// redialWait waits before attempting to redial, resetting the timer as appropriate
func (d *HvsockDialer) redialWait(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
if d.RetryWait == 0 {
return nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,6 +429,10 @@ func canRedial(err error) bool {

func (conn *HvsockConn) opErr(op string, err error) error {
// translate from "file closed" to "socket closed"
if errors.Is(err, ErrFileClosed) {
err = socket.ErrSocketClosed
return &net.OpError{Op: op, Net: "hvsock", Source: &conn.local, Addr: &conn.remote, Err: err}

Expand All @@ -443,8 +447,8 @@ func (conn *HvsockConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
err = syscall.WSARecv(conn.sock.handle, &buf, 1, &bytes, &flags, &c.o, nil)
n, err := conn.sock.asyncIo(c, &conn.sock.readDeadline, bytes, err)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok {
err = os.NewSyscallError("wsarecv", err)
if eno := windows.Errno(0); errors.As(err, &eno) {
err = os.NewSyscallError("wsarecv", eno)
return 0, conn.opErr("read", err)
} else if n == 0 {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,8 +481,8 @@ func (conn *HvsockConn) write(b []byte) (int, error) {
err = syscall.WSASend(conn.sock.handle, &buf, 1, &bytes, 0, &c.o, nil)
n, err := conn.sock.asyncIo(c, &conn.sock.writeDeadline, bytes, err)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok {
err = os.NewSyscallError("wsasend", err)
if eno := windows.Errno(0); errors.As(err, &eno) {
err = os.NewSyscallError("wsasend", eno)
return 0, conn.opErr("write", err)
Expand All @@ -497,11 +501,16 @@ func (conn *HvsockConn) IsClosed() bool {
// shutdown disables sending or receiving on a socket
func (conn *HvsockConn) shutdown(how int) error {
if conn.IsClosed() {
return ErrFileClosed
return socket.ErrSocketClosed

err := syscall.Shutdown(conn.sock.handle, how)
if err != nil {
// If the connection was closed, shutdowns fail with "not connected"
if errors.Is(err, windows.WSAENOTCONN) ||
errors.Is(err, windows.WSAESHUTDOWN) {
err = socket.ErrSocketClosed
return os.NewSyscallError("shutdown", err)
return nil
Expand Down

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