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CI Pipelines

Tyler Butler edited this page Jun 26, 2023 · 8 revisions

CI Pipeline for PR Validation

With every commit pushed to an open PR branch, the following CI checks are queued:

  • license/cla - Ensure you have signed Microsoft's Contributor License Agreement
  • repo-policy-check - Ensure certain policies around file metadata, naming sorting, etc are adhered to
  • Various Build - ... checks - Depending on which directories are touched, the corresponding build/test tasks will be run

If a check failed, click the "details" link for the checks. This will take you to a page on GitHub with a bit more information, and a link to the Azure Dev Ops portal where the checks were executed.

Repo Policy Check

If repo-policy-check fails, you can run it locally like this (from the repo root):

npm run policy-check

Some failures can be auto-resolved by running npm run policy-check:fix

Beware that some behaviors (e.g. file path case sensitivities) differ between OS's, so running locally on Windows may yield different results than the Linux CI machines.

license/cla flakiness

If the license/cla check hangs (takes more than about 1 minute), try closing/reopening your PR.

CI Pipeline for main/release branch Validation

Once a change is merged into main or a release branch, the CI loop kicks off several builds and other checks, similar to the PR checks. Microsoft employees can view these runs here. To monitor the official build for a particular commit, just look for the pipeline runs labeled something like "Individual CI for main" with the commit message also listed.

Once the relevant build has succeeded, you may update a dependency on the built packages to the pre-release version (ending in -0) and run npm i at which point you'll be pulling in the pre-release version of the dependency containing the change in question.

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