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Releases: microsoft/FeatureManagement-Dotnet


24 May 01:52
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Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that TimeWindowFilter would be registered repeatedly when calling AddFeatureFilter<TimeWindowFilter> after the call of AddFeatureManagement(). #447


  • Updated Microsoft.FeatureManagement reference to 3.3.1.


09 May 21:56
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Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are



  • Added a Recurrence option to the TimeWindow filter to support recurring time window. This enables scenarios where a feature flag is activated based on a recurrence pattern, such as every day after 5 PM or every Friday. See more details here. (#266)
  • A LoggerFactory is no longer required when constructing built-in filters. (#386)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a possible null-reference exception when enumerating GetFeatureNamesAsync. (#438)


  • Updated Microsoft.FeatureManagement reference to 3.3.0.


11 Apr 05:41
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4.0.0-preview3 Pre-release

Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are



  • Added support for variant feature flags defined using Microsoft Feature Management schema. Variants and telemetry can be declared using Microsoft Feature Flag schema v2. The Microsoft Feature Management schema is designed to be language agnostic, enabling you to apply a consistent feature management configuration across Microsoft feature management libraries of different programming languages.


  • Updated Microsoft.FeatureManagement reference to 4.0.0-preview3.


Breaking Changes

  • Updated the namespace for ApplicationInsightsTelemetryPublisher to Microsoft.FeatureManagement.Telemetry. In the future, developers using any of our offered telemetry publishers will no longer need to specify the service specific namespaces like using Microsoft.FeatureManagement.Telemetry.ApplicationInsights.

  • Updated the namespace for TrackEvent extension method of TelemetryClient to Microsoft.ApplicationInsights. The previous directive using Microsoft.FeatureManagement.Telemetry.ApplicationInsights is no longer required when calling the TrackEvent method.


  • Updated Microsoft.FeatureManagement reference to 4.0.0-preview3.


28 Mar 23:14
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4.0.0-preview2 Pre-release

Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are



  • Added support for variant feature flag-based service provider in dependency injection. It allows different service implementations to be injected automatically for different targeted audiences based on their variant assignment. (#39). See more details here.
  • Added a TargetingContext property to the EvaluationEvent. This allows feature evaluation events to accurately represent what the targeting context was at the time of feature evaluation. (#409)



  • Introduced a new ASP.NET Core middleware called TargetingHttpContextMiddleware. It makes targeting information available from HttpContext on each request. (#409)
  • Added support for .NET 8 target framework. (#364)



  • Added a TargetingId property to the feature evaluation events sent to Application Insights. The TargetingId is the identifier of a targeted user during feature evaluation. This new property allows you to correlate feature evaluation events with other telemetry data your application sends to Application Insights, as long as they share the same TargetingId. (#409)



  • Introduced a telemetry initializer named TargetingTelemetryInitializer. It automatically adds targeting information to telemetry data your application sends to Application Insights. This can be used to correlate your telemetry data with feature evaluation events based on the targeting information during your telemetry analysis. (#409)


01 Mar 00:28
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Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are



18 Jan 16:48
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4.0.0-preview Pre-release

Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are


Variants are a tool that can be used to surface different variations of a feature to different segments of an audience. Previously, this library only worked with flags. The flags were limited to boolean values, as they are either enabled or disabled. Variants have dynamic values. They can be string, int, a complex object, or a reference to a ConfigurationSection.

// Modify view based off multiple possible variants
Variant variant = await featureManager.GetVariantAsync(MyFeatureFlags.BackgroundUrl);

model.BackgroundUrl = variant.Configuration.Value;

return View(model);

Variants are defined within a Feature, under a new section named "Variants". Variants are assigned by allocation, defined in a new section named "Allocation".

"BackgroundUrl": {
    "Variants": [
            "Name": "GetStarted",
            "ConfigurationValue": ""
            "Name": "InstallConfigure",
            "ConfigurationValue": ""
    "Allocation": { 
        // Defines Users, Groups, or Percentiles for variant assignment
    // Filters and other Feature fields

For more details on Variants, see here.


The feature management library now offers the ability to emit events containing information about a feature evaluation. This can be used to ensure a flag is running as expected, or to see which users were given which features and why they were given the feature. To enable this functionality, two things need to be done:

The flag needs to explicitly enable telemetry in its definition.

"MyFlag": {
    "Telemetry": {
        "Enabled": true

And a telemetry publisher needs to be registered. Custom publishers can be defined, but for Application Insights one is already available in the Microsoft.FeatureManagement.Telemetry.ApplicationInsights package. Publishers can be added with a single line.

An example is available to demonstrate how to use the new Telemetry in an ASP.NET application. See the example in the examples folder.

For more details on Telemetry, see here.

Additional Changes


IVariantFeatureManager has been added as the successor of the existing IFeatureManager. It continues to offer the functions of IFeatureManager, but offers the new GetVariantAsync methods as well.

Cancellation Tokens

IVariantFeatureManager incorporates cancellation tokens into the methods of IFeatureManager. For existing apps to take advantage of cancellation tokens, use the IVariantFeatureManager interface instead and adjust calls to IsEnabledAsync or GetFeatureNamesAsync to include a CancellationToken.

Status field

Status is a new optional field on a Feature that controls how a flag's enabled state is evaluated. Flags can set this field to Disabled. This will cause the flag to always act disabled, while the rest of the defined schema remains intact. See here.

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


14 Dec 02:06
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Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are

Bug fix

  • Fixed a bug where feature manager will fail to add cache entry if the shared memory cache sets SizeLimit. (#325)


23 Nov 06:56
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Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are


  • FeatureManager and ConfigurationFeatureDefinitionProvider are now public.

    • Enables usage of external dependency injection containers.
    • Allows usage of FeatureManager without requiring dependency injection.
  • Added support for server-side Blazor apps, where the following API can be used in place of the existing AddFeatureManagement() API. The new API registers the feature manager and feature filters as scoped services, while the existing API registers them as singletons. (#258)

    public static IFeatureManagementBuilder AddScopedFeatureManagement(this IServiceCollection services)

The FeatureManager and ConfigurationFeatureDefinitionProvider classes are the core services of the feature management system. In the past, both of them were internal and could only be registered via the AddFeatureManagement() method, which relies on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This limitation prevented third-party DI container systems from registering these classes, making them incompatible with the entire feature management system. After exposing FeatureManager and ConfigurationFeatureDefinitionProvider to public, all Feature Management services have been made accessible to other DI containers. (Related issues: #126 #258)

Additionally, the recommended way for accessing HttpContext in Blazor is through a scoped context provider service. The singleton HttpContextAccessor pattern, while working well in regular ASP.NET Core web app, becomes unreliable in Blazor components. As a result, to use Targeting in Blazor, the targeting filter and targeting context accessor should be registered as scoped. (Related issue: #15 #258)

We have introduced an alternative way AddScopedFeatureManagement() to register the feature management system, where the feature manager and all feature filters will be registered as scoped. It ensures that the integration aligns with Blazor's best practices for handling HttpContext and enhances the overall ease of use.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug introduced in the previous release where feature flags cannot be loaded from a custom section of configuration. #308
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the previous release where evaluation of a feature flag that references a contextual feature filter may throw an exception if there is no appropriate context provided during evaluation. #313


27 Oct 20:33
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Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped netcoreapp3.1 and net5.0 target frameworks since both have reached the end of their life cycle. #267
  • All feature flags must be defined in a FeatureManagement section within configuration. Previously flags were discovered at the top level of configuration if the FeatureManagement section was not defined, but this functionality has been removed. #261


  • Built-in filters are registered by default. #287
    This includes:
    • TimeWindowFilter
    • ContextualTargetingFilter
    • PercentageFilter
  • TargetingContextAccessor can be added via the .WithTargeting extension method. This will automatically add the built-in TargetingFilter. #287
  • Contextual and non-contextual filters are now able to share the same name/alias. An example of two such filters are the built-in TargetingFilter and ContextualTargetingFilter that both use the alias "Targeting". Given a scenario that a contextual and non-contextual filter are registered in the application, the filter that is used when evaluating a flag is dependent up on whether a context was passed in to IFeatureManager.IsEnabled. See 'contextual/non-contextual filter selection process' below for a more detailed explanation. #262
  • Added netstandard 2.1 as a target framework in the Microsoft.FeatureManagement package. #267
  • Added net7.0 as a target framework in the Microsoft.FeatureManagement.AspNetCore package. #267

Bug Fixes

  • Prevents the usage of colon in Feature names.
  • Adjusts log level for noisy warning when feature definitions are not found.
  • Fixed an edge case in targeting if a user is allocated to exactly the 100th percentile (~1 in 2 billion chance)


Adding built-in filters

It is no longer necessary to register the following filters manually:

  • TimeWindowFilter
  • ContextualTargetingFilter
  • PercentageFilter

The following code:


should be simplified to:


Adding Targeting Filter

Since the TargetingFilter (the non-contextual version) requires an implementation of ITargetingContextAccessor to function, it is not added by default. However, a discovery/helper method was added to streamline it's addition.

The following code:

services.AddSingleton<ITargetingContextAccessor, MyTargetingContextAccessor>();


should be simplified to:



Contextual/non-contextual filter selection process

The following passage describes the process of selecting a filter when a contextual and non-contextual filter of the same name are registered in an application.

Let's say you have a non-contextual filter called FilterA and two contextual filters FilterB and FilterC which accept TypeB and TypeC contexts respectively. All of three filters share the same alias "SharedFilterName".
You also have a feature flag "MyFeature" which uses the feature filter "SharedFilterName" in its configuration.

If all of three filters are registered:

  • When you call IsEnabledAsync("MyFeature"), the FilterA will be used to evaluate the feature flag.
  • When you call IsEnabledAsync("MyFeature", context), if context's type is TypeB, FilterB will be used and if context's type is TypeC, FilterC will be used.
  • When you call IsEnabledAsync("MyFeature", context), if context's type is TypeF, FilterA will be used.


24 Oct 19:44
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Microsoft.FeatureManagement Updates

The packages associated with this release are

Bug fix

  • Adds edge case for EvaluateAsync call that doesn't use context from FeatureManager