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Web application allowing users to create their own templates and tierlists.

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Ranking App

By Mickaël Lalanne

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. 👷 Backend utilities
  4. 📋 Tests
  5. Contact
  6. Acknowledgments

About the project

Product Name Screen Shot Ranking App is a web application allowing users to create their own templates and tierlists.
First, users create their templates by setting a name, tiers and elements they want to rank.
Then, they use their templates to create tierlists. Users can save the result and even download it as a PNG image.

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Built With

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • .NET
  • Postgres
  • GitHub Actions
  • Jest
  • cypress

And also Clerk for authentication and Cloudinary for image management.

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Getting Started


  • Nodejs
  • .NET
  • PostgreSQL
    With a Ranking_App_DB database, use the setupDB.sql script to initialize the database schema
  • Entity Framework
    dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 7.*


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install client dependencies
    cd client
    npm install
  3. Store the sensitive data in the local secret store
    cd ..
    dotnet user-secrets init
    dotnet user-secrets set "Cloudinary:CloudName" "<cloud_name>"
    dotnet user-secrets set "Cloudinary:ApiKey" "<api_key>"
    dotnet user-secrets set "Cloudinary:ApiSecret" "<api_secret>"
    dotnet user-secrets set "Clerk:Authority" "<clerk_authority>"
    dotnet user-secrets set "Clerk:AuthorizedParty" "https://localhost:44412"
    FYI : in production, those values should be stored in Environment variables with the following syntax : "Cloudinary__CloudName" or "Clerk__Authority"
    Cf Configuration keys and values
  4. Run the app locally
    dotnet run

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👷 Backend utilities

How to debug in VS Code

  1. Set a breakpoint
  2. Press F5

Handle changes in the backend architecture

  • When a change is made (to a model or a controller for example)
  1. Create a migration
    dotnet ef migrations add your_migration_name --context RankingAppDbContext
  2. Then, update the database
    dotnet ef database update --context RankingAppDbContext

  • When a change needs to be reverted
  1. First, update the database by specifying the last migration name
    dotnet ef database update your_migration_name --context RankingAppDbContext
  2. Then, remove the migration (it will delete all corresponding files contained in the "Migrations" folder)
    dotnet ef migrations remove --context RankingAppDbContext

  • To revert the initial migration, use 0 instead of the migration name
    dotnet ef database update 0 --context RankingAppDbContext

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📋 Tests

Jest - Unit tests

  • Run a specific test
    npm test -- your_file_name.tsx
  • Run all tests
    npm test

Cypress - End To End tests

  • Run a specific test
    npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/ --env type=base --browser chrome
  • Run tests in the cypress console
    npm run cypress:open
  • Change base screenshots used for visual testing
    npm run cypress:takeBaseScreenshots


Mickaël Lalanne -


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Web application allowing users to create their own templates and tierlists.






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