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Check for new bricks #339

Check for new bricks

Check for new bricks #339

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ** Check for new bricks **
# This check (only) compares the Catroweb brick support with all existing Catroid bricks.
# Bricks implemented by Catty are not checked, since the Android team usually is way faster than the iOS team.
# - Why do we need those bricks?
# We need the information about those bricks to present users valid code statisitics and code views.
# Automating the checks, provides Catroweb developers with immediate feedback about new bricks and how to
# integrate them into the project, even if the team overlapping communication is missing.
name: Check for new bricks
# This check is independent of a pull request, hence, it is executed once a day on a schedule.
# In case, an additional run is required, a manual dispatch trigger is also enabled.
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
# The `check-bricks` script is written in Php, hence, we have to ensure Php is installed.
# However, it would be possible to write the script in any language.
# Next it is essential to ensure that the script is executable.
# Finally, all that is left to do, is to run the script to compare the bricks.
# For more information about the brick comparison, check out the script.
# Only should run on the main repo. There is no need to run the same check on multiple repositories.
if: github.repository == 'Catrobat/Catroweb'
name: Check for new Catroid Bricks
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set Permissions
run: sudo chmod 755 bin/checkCatroidRepositoryForNewBricks
- name: Check Catroid Repository for new bricks
run: bin/checkCatroidRepositoryForNewBricks