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Releases: merrywhether/ip6plus-tracker

Avoid crash for network/DNS issues

27 Sep 16:07
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This handles any errors regarding network connections and DNS issues and allows a retry instead of hard crashing.

Fixed pathing issues

25 Sep 15:15
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fixed pathing bug...again


25 Sep 15:02
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This is now cross-platform, supporting Windows and Linux as well.

Potential non-Mac compatibility

25 Sep 14:10
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Previously, this used a Mac-specific system call to play the loud alarm song. In response to requests, I've altered it to fall back to a long series of beeps if there is an error for some reason. Unable to test, but hopefully it'll work.

No more repeated beeping for the same inventory change

24 Sep 18:33
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This is a change to the "curiosity monitor" as I've called it, that means you won't get repeated beeps for the same change in inventory. The main loud alert will still sound every time though.

Code re-organization and bug fixes for forum requests

23 Sep 23:50
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bumping version for bugfixes and code re-organization

iPhone 6+ Tracking Tool

23 Sep 20:58
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This is the initial release. All instructions in the docs. Served as a package.