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Memfault Zephyr Http Example

A basic HTTP-enabled Memfault example application.

Currently supporting the following boards:

  • MIMXRT1024-EVK
  • [WIP: no ethernet board support merged yet] FRDM-MCXN947



  1. A Zephyr build environment, used to build and flash the firmware

  2. A Memfault account and a project key

Initialize the project

# create a new zephyr workspace folder
❯ mkdir memfault-zephyr-http-example && cd memfault-zephyr-http-example
❯ git clone
❯ west init -l memfault-zephyr-http-example
❯ west update


Either add this line to prj.conf:


Or set it as a build argument:

❯ west build --pristine=always --board mimxrt1024_evk \
  memfault-zephyr-http-example \
  -- \

To build for the FRDM-MCXN947 board:

❯ west build --pristine=always -b frdm_mcxn947/mcxn947/cpu0 \
  memfault-zephyr-http-example \
  -- \


The MIIMXRT1024-EVK board has an onboard debugger that's CMSIS-DAP compatible. You can also set a jumper to use an external debugger connecting to the SWD header (J55).

Depending on what debugger is used, the flash command will change:

# default is J-Link
❯ west flash
# to use pyocd to attach to the CMSIS-DAP debugger
❯ west flash --runner pyocd