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Moving latest development work back into eip-4844 (#51)
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* merge devnet-v3 with latest master (#43)

* cmd. core: save preimages on genesis creation (ethereum#25538)

force preimage dump for genesis

* rlp/rlpgen: fix error handling when target type not found (ethereum#25547)

typ will be nil when lookupStructType returns an error. cfg.Type should be used instead.

* trie: improve node rlp decoding performance (ethereum#25357)

This avoids copying the input []byte while decoding trie nodes. In most
cases, particularly when the input slice is provided by the underlying
database, this optimization is safe to use.

For cases where the origin of the input slice is unclear, the copying version
is retained. The new code performs better even when the input must be
copied, because it is now only copied once in decodeNode.

* all: fix some typos (ethereum#25551)

* Fix some typos

* Fix some mistakes

* Revert 4byte.json

* Fix an incorrect fix

* Change files to fails

* internal/ethapi: fix comment typo (ethereum#25548)

* accounts/abi/bind/backends: typo fix (ethereum#25549)

* eth, les: unlock downloader peerSet if there's an error (ethereum#25546)

Unlock peerSet if there's an error in the downloader

* cmd/geth: parse uint64 value with ParseUint instead of Atoi (ethereum#25545)

Parse uint64 value with ParseUint instead of Atoi

* consensus/beacon: check ttd reached on pos blocks (ethereum#25552)

* consensus/beacon: check ttd reached on pos blocks

* consensus/beacon: check ttd reached on pos blocks

* consensus/beacon: check ttd reached on pos blocks

* eth/filters: add global block logs cache (ethereum#25459)

This adds a cache for block logs which is shared by all filters. The cache
size of is configurable using the `--cache.blocklogs` flag.

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* accounts/abi: fix set function (ethereum#25477)

* accounts/abi: fix set function

* don't break things

* update test

* internal/ethapi: fix build regression (ethereum#25555)

* eth/fetcher: don't spend too much time on transaction inclusion (ethereum#25524)

* eth/fetcher: introduce some lag in tx fetching

* eth/fetcher: change conditions a bit

* eth/fetcher: use per-batch quota check

* eth/fetcher: fix some comments

* eth/fetcher: address review concerns

* eth/fetcher: fix panic + add warn log

* eth/fetcher: fix log

* eth/fetcher: fix log

* cmd/devp2p/internal/ethtest: fix ignorign tx announcements from prev. tests

* cmd/devp2p/internal/ethtest: fix TestLargeTxRequest

This increases the number of tx relay messages the test waits for. Since
go-ethereum now processes incoming txs in smaller batches, the
announcement messages it sends are also smaller.

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* Revert "eth/fetcher: don't spend too much time on transaction inclusion" (ethereum#25567)

Revert "eth/fetcher: don't spend too much time on transaction inclusion (ethereum#25524)"

This reverts commit 0ce494b.

* eth/catalyst: warn less frequently if no beacon client is available (ethereum#25569)

* eth/catalyst: warn less frequently if no beacon client is available

* eth/catalyst: tweak warning frequency a bit

* eth/catalyst: some more tweaks

* Update api.go

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* params: release go-ethereum v1.10.22

* params: begin v1.10.23 release cycle

* core, eth/downloader: handle spurious junk bodies from racey rollbacks (ethereum#25578)

* eth/downloader: handle junkbodies/receipts in the beacon sync

* core: check for header presence when checking for blocks

* core/state, trie: fix trie flush order for proper pruning

* consensus/beacon: don't ignore errors

* params: release Geth v1.10.23

* params: begin v1.10.24 release cycle

* params: begin go-ethereum v1.11 release cycle

* internal/ethapi: rename debug getters to match spec (ethereum#25176)

Some small fixes to get the existing debug methods to conform to the spec. Mainly dropping the encoding information from the method name as it should be deduced from the debug context and allowing the method to be invoked by either block number or block hash. It also adds the method debug_getTransaction which returns the raw tx bytes by tx hash. This is pretty much equivalent to the eth_getRawTransactionByHash method.

* accounts/abi/bind: add const for tx fee elasticity multiplier (ethereum#25504)

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>
Co-authored-by: rjl493456442 <>

* all: remove duplicate word in comments (ethereum#25618)

Signed-off-by: Abirdcfly <>

Signed-off-by: Abirdcfly <>

* cmd/geth: fix legacy receipt detection for empty db (ethereum#25609)

* build: fix ignored errors (ethereum#25591)

* docs: specify execution client (ethereum#25566)

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* ethclient: add 'finalized' and 'safe' block number support (ethereum#25580)

* node: change JWT error status to 401 Unauthorized (ethereum#25629)

* node: fix regression in TestJWT (ethereum#25635)

* all: move genesis initialization to blockchain (ethereum#25523)

* all: move genesis initialization to blockchain

* core: add one more check

* core: fix tests

* eth/catalyst: adjust eta for themerge (ethereum#25601)

* eth/catalyst: adjust eta for themerge

* squash

* squash

* eth/catalyst: address review concerns

* mobile: close node on error (ethereum#25643)

* graphql: return correct logs for tx (ethereum#25612)

* graphql: fix tx logs

* minor

* Use optimized search for selecting tx logs

* trie: fix grammar in comment (ethereum#25648)

* eth/protocols/snap: fix problems due to idle-but-busy peers

* trie: cleanup stateTrie (ethereum#25640)

It's a trivial PR to hide the error log when the trie node is not found in the database. The idea for this change is for all TryXXX functions, the error is already returned and we don't need to fire a log explicitly.

Recently there are a few tickets ethereum#25613 ethereum#25589 reporting that the trie nodes are missing because of debug.SetHead. The root cause is after resetting, the chain rewinds to a historical point and re-imports the blocks on top.

Since the node is already synced and started to accept transactions previously, these transactions are still kept in the txpool and verified by txpool with a live state. This live state is constructed based on the live trie database, which is changed fast by node referencing and de-referencing.

Unfortunately, when we construct a live state(like the state in txpool), we don't reference the state we have. The blockchain will garbage collect the intermediate version nodes in another thread which leads the broken live state.

The best solution for this is to forcibly obtain a reference for all live states we create and call release function once it's used up. But it might end up with more junks persisted into disk. Will try to find an elegant solution later in the following PR.

* eth/catalyst: prevent division by zero (ethereum#25654)

eth/catalyst: prevent diff by zero

* trie: better error reporting (ethereum#25645)

* core/state: filter out nil trie for copy (ethereum#25575)

* mobile: register filter APIs (ethereum#25642)

This fixes a regression introduced in PR ethereum#25459.

* improve grammar (ethereum#25646)

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* eth/tracers/js: fill in log.refund field (ethereum#25661)

For some reason, an accessor method for this field exists in JS, but
the value was never actually assigned.

* eth/fetcher: throttle peers which deliver many invalid transactions (ethereum#25573)

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* node, rpc: add JWT auth support in client (ethereum#24911)

This adds a generic mechanism for 'dial options' in the RPC client,
and also implements a specific dial option for the JWT authentication
mechanism used by the engine API. Some real tests for the server-side
authentication handling are also added.

Co-authored-by: Joshua Gutow <>
Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* rpc: check that "version" is "2.0" in request objects (ethereum#25570)

The JSON-RPC spec requires the "version" field to be exactly "2.0",
so we should verify that. This change is not backwards-compatible with
sloppy client implementations, but I decided to go ahead with it anyway
because the failure will be caught via the returned error.

* trie: fix typo in comment (ethereum#25667)

* trie: fix unhandled error in test (ethereum#25628)

* eth/tracers/js: improve integer types in log object (ethereum#25668)

All fields related to gas must be represented as uint64. Depth is
internally tracked as int, so it makes sense to also store it as int.

* trie: check childrens' existence concurrently for snap heal

* core, light, trie: remove DiskDB function from trie database (ethereum#25690)

* params: update chts (ethereum#25707)

* core/vm: rename RANDOM to PREVRANDAO (ethereum#25691)


>  This EIP supplants the semantics of the return value of existing DIFFICULTY (0x44) opcode and renames the opcode to PREVRANDAO (0x44).

* all: cleanup tests (ethereum#25641)

Follow-up to PR ethereum#25523 to cleanup all relevant tests.

* eth, les: rework chain tracer (ethereum#25143)

This PR simplifies the logic of chain tracer and also adds the unit tests.

The most important change has been made in this PR is the state management. Whenever a tracing state is acquired there is a corresponding release function be returned as well. It must be called once the state is used up, otherwise resource leaking can happen.

And also the logic of state management has been simplified a lot. Specifically, the state provider(eth backend, les backend) should ensure the state is available and referenced. State customers can use the state according to their own needs, or build other states based on the given state. But once the release function is called, there is no guarantee of the availability of the state.

Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Co-authored-by: Péter Szilágyi <>

* eth/tracer: fix broken test (ethereum#25715)

* trie: update comments + err check for preimages (ethereum#25672)

This PR includes minor updates to comments in trie/committer that reference insertion to the db, and adds an err != nil check for the return value of preimages.commit.

* eth/protocols/snap: throttle trie heal requests when peers DoS us (ethereum#25666)

* eth/protocols/snap: throttle trie heal requests when peers DoS us

* eth/protocols/snap: lower heal throttle log to debug

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* eth/protocols/snap: fix comment

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* p2p/msgrate: be more lenient when calculating 'mean' (ethereum#25653)

The p2p msgrate tracker is a thing which tries to estimate some mean round-trip times. However, it did so in a very curious way: if a node had 200 peers, it would sort their 200 respective rtt estimates, and then it would pick item number 2 as the mean. So effectively taking third fastest and calling it mean. This probably works "ok" when the number of peers are low (there are other factors too, such as ttlScaling which takes some of the edge off this) -- however when the number of peers is high, it becomes very skewed.

This PR instead bases the 'mean' on the square root of the length of the list. Still pretty harsh, but a bit more lenient.

* rpc: improve error codes for internal server errors (ethereum#25678)

This changes the error code returned by the RPC server in certain situations:

- handler panic: code -32603
- result marshaling error: code -32603
- attempt to subscribe via HTTP: code -32001

In all of the above cases, the server previously returned the default error
code -32000.

Co-authored-by: Nicholas Zhao <>
Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* core: place a cap on reorglogs (ethereum#25711)

This PR makes the event-sending for deleted and new logs happen in batches, to prevent OOM situation due to large reorgs. 

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* build: upgrade to go 1.19 (ethereum#25726)

This changes the CI / release builds to use the latest Go version. It also
upgrades golangci-lint to a newer version compatible with Go 1.19.

In Go 1.19, godoc has gained official support for links and lists. The
syntax for code blocks in doc comments has changed and now requires a
leading tab character. gofmt adapts comments to the new syntax
automatically, so there are a lot of comment re-formatting changes in this
PR. We need to apply the new format in order to pass the CI lint stage with
Go 1.19.

With the linter upgrade, I have decided to disable 'gosec' - it produces
too many false-positive warnings. The 'deadcode' and 'varcheck' linters
have also been removed because golangci-lint warns about them being
unmaintained. 'unused' provides similar coverage and we already have it
enabled, so we don't lose much with this change.

* p2p/discover/v5wire: reject packets smaller than 63 bytes (ethereum#25740)

* core: preallocate maps in TxPool helper methods (ethereum#25737)

* accounts/abi: fix typo in error message (ethereum#25742)

* graphql: fixes missing tx logs (ethereum#25745)

* graphql: fix tx logs

* graphql: refactor test service setup

* graphql: add test for tx logs

* cmd/geth: add a verkle subcommand (ethereum#25718)

* cmd/geth: add a verkle subcommand

* fix copyright year

* remove unused command parameters

* check that the output file was successfully written to

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* cmd/geth: goimports fix

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* node: fix HTTP server always force closing (ethereum#25755)

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* core: fix log order in "Imported new chain segment" (ethereum#25768)

* node: fix lint issue in rpcstack.go (ethereum#25774)

* les/catalyst/api: add support for ExchangeTransitionConfigurationV1 (ethereum#25752)

This method is missing in light client mode and breaks consensus clients
that require a valid response.

* params: set TerminalTotalDifficultyPassed to true (ethereum#25769)

* params: set TerminalTotalDifficultyPassed to true

* Update params/config.go

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* trie: handle more batch commit errors in Database (ethereum#25674)

* core/rawdb: fix leak of backoff timer (ethereum#25776)

* crypto/bls12381: docfix of g1 Affine (ethereum#25729)

bls12381: docfix of g1 Affine.

* internal/ethapi: return error when requesting invalid trie key (ethereum#25762)

This change makes eth_getProof and eth_getStorageAt return an error when
the argument contains invalid hex in storage keys.

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* core: don't cache zero nonce in txNoncer (ethereum#25603)

This changes the nonce cache used by TxPool to not store cached
nonces for non-existing accounts.

* core: more compact bad block report (ethereum#25714)

This shortens the chain config summary in bad block reports,
and adds go-ethereum version information as well.

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* core: move build version reading to its own package (ethereum#25806)

This fixes the build with Go 1.17, which does not have BuildInfo.Settings yet.

* eth: fix a rare datarace on CHT challenge reply / shutdown

* core/vm: return copy of input slice in identity precompile, avoid returndata copy (ethereum#25183)

* core/vm: return copy of input slice in identity precompile.  don't deep copy return data slice upon call completion

* make use of common.CopyBytes

* core/blockchain: downgrade tx indexing and unindexing logs  (ethereum#25832)

core/blockchain: downgrade tx indexing and unindexing logs from info to debug

If a user has a finite tx lookup limit, they will see an "unindexing" info level log each time a block is imported. This information might help a user understand that they are removing the index each block and some txs may not be retrievable by hash, but overall it is generally more of a nuisance than a benefit. This change downgrades the log to a debug log.

* eth/tracers: fix trace config for `TraceCall` (ethereum#25821)

Co-authored-by:  AtomicAzzaz  <>
Co-authored-by:  ewile <>

* eth/catalyst: add locking around newpayload (ethereum#25816)

Sometimes we get stuck on db compaction, and the CL re-issues the "same" command to us multiple times. Each request get stuck on the same place, in the middle of the handler.

This changes makes it so we do not reprocess the same payload, but instead detects it early.

* eth/catalyst: make tests run faster (ethereum#25818)

* cmd/utils: make --authrpc.jwtsecret a DirectoryFlag (ethereum#25849)

Signed-off-by: Delweng <>

* eth/protocols/snap: make log messages more clear that sync is ongoing (ethereum#25837)

* eth/protocols/snap: make log messages more clear that sync is ongoing

* Update sync.go

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* .github: add CL client to issue template (ethereum#25814)

* p2p: add channel buffers to avoid goroutine leaks in tests (ethereum#24929)

* internal/version: use gitCommit injection in version handling code (ethereum#25851)

This changes the CI build to store the git commit and date into package
internal/version instead of package main. Doing this essentially merges our
two ways of tracking the go-ethereum version into a single place, achieving
two objectives:

- Bad block reports, which use version.Info(), will now have the git commit
  information even when geth is built in an environment such as where git access is unavailable.

- For geth builds created by `go build ./cmd/geth` (i.e. not using `go run
  build/ci.go install`), git information stored by the go tool is now used
  in the p2p node name as well as in `geth version` and `geth

* cmd/abigen: change --exc to exclude by type name (ethereum#22620)

The abigen exclusion pattern, previously on the form "path:type", now supports wildcards. Examples "*:type" to exclude a named type in all files, or "/path/to/foo.sol:*" all types in foo.sol.

* tests, les, eth: remove mentions of deprecated Morden testnet (ethereum#23570)

* remove morden

* Update commons.go

* Update handler.go

* empty commit to make appveyor happy

* all: clean up the configs for pruner and snapshotter (ethereum#22396)

This PR cleans up the configurations for pruner and snapshotter by passing a config struct.

And also, this PR disables the snapshot background generation if the chain is opened in "read-only" mode. The read-only mode is necessary in some cases. For example, we have a list of commands to open the etheruem node in "read-only" mode, like export-chain. In these cases, the snapshot background generation is non expected and should be banned explicitly.

* cmd/puppeth, cmd/utils: finalize removal of gasTarget flag (ethereum#24370)

This PR fully removes the --miner.gastarget flag, as previously it was only hidden from the geth --help command, but could still be used.

* core/types: improve accuracy of header.Size() (ethereum#25859)

The header.Size() method did not take the basefee into account.

* eth/tracers: pad memory slice on OOB case (ethereum#25213)

* eth/tracers: pad memory slice on oob case

* eth/tracers/js: fix testfailure due to err msg capitalization

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* cmd/faucet: fix readme typos (ethereum#25867)

* Fix: typos

Fix: typos

* Undo change

Undo change

* core: fix datarace in txpool, fixes ethereum#25870 and ethereum#25869  (ethereum#25872)

core: fix datarace in txpool pendingnoce, fixes ethereum#25870

* eth/downloader, les/downloader: fix subtle flaw in queue delivery (ethereum#25861)

* fix queue.deliver

* les/downloader: fix queue.deliver

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* core/vm: better handle error on eip activation check (ethereum#25131)

* core/vm: correct logic for eip check of NewEVMInterpreter

* refactor

* cmd/geth: make dumpgenesis load genesis datadir if it exists (ethereum#25135)

`geth dumpgenesis` currently does not respect the content of the data directory. Instead, it outputs the genesis block created by command-line flags. This PR fixes it to read the genesis from the database, if the database already exists.

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* tests: fix state test error checking (ethereum#25702)

Some tests define an 'expectException' error but the tests runner does not check for conditions where this test value is filled (error expected) but in which no error is returned by the test runner.

An example of this scenario is GeneralStateTests/stTransactionTest/HighGasPrice.json, which expects a 'TR_NoFunds' error, but the test runner does not return any error.

Signed-off-by: meows <>

* eth/tracers: use gencodec for native tracers (ethereum#25637)

The call tracer and prestate tracer store data JSON-encoded in memory. In order to support alternative encodings (specifically RLP), it's better to keep data a native format during tracing. This PR does marshalling at the end, using gencodec.

This PR changes the call tracer result slightly:

-  Order of type and value fields are changed (should not matter). 
-  Output fields are completely omitted when they're empty (no more output: "0x"). Previously, this was only _sometimes_ omitted (e.g. when call ended in a non-revert error) and otherwise 0x when the output was actually empty.

* cmd, core, eth, les, light: track deleted nodes (ethereum#25757)

* cmd, core, eth, les, light: track deleted nodes

* trie: add docs

* trie: address comments

* cmd, core, eth, les, light, trie: trie id

* trie: add tests

* trie, core: updates

* trie: fix imports

* trie: add utility print-method for nodeset

* trie: import err

* trie: fix go vet warnings

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* eth: return state error via GetEVM (ethereum#25876)

* make vmError more useful

* fix for review

* Update api.go

* revert calling site

Co-authored-by: rjl493456442 <>

* eth/downloader: make flakey test less flakey (ethereum#25879)

* ethclient/gethclient: fix bugs in override object encoding (ethereum#25616)

This fixes a bug where contract code would be overridden to empty code ("0x")
when the Code field of OverrideAccount was left nil. The change also cleans up
the encoding of overrides to only send necessary fields, and improves documentation.

Fixes ethereum#25615

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>
Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* trie, eth/protocols/snap: less tiny db-writes during trie-healing (ethereum#25681)

This PR prevent making tiny writes during state healing, by only performing the batch-write if the accumulated data is large enough to be meaningful.

* accounts/abi/bind/backends: fix AdjustTime to respect Fork (ethereum#25225)

* tests: report mgas/s metric in evm benchmarks (ethereum#25700)

* test(state): report mgas/s metric in EVM benchmark

* revert testdata submodule update

* aggregate mgas/s results

* calculate elapsed time better

* tests: benchmarks - handle access list + take refund into account

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* core/vm: minor trivial clean up (ethereum#25880)

* dropped `vm.keccakState` for `crypto.KeccakState`

* cleaned up `OpCode.IsPush()`

* eth/tracers: fix a bug in prestateTracer (ethereum#25884)

* internal/ethapi: handle odd length hex in decodeHash (ethereum#25883)

This change adds zero-padding (prefix) of odd nibbles in the decodeHash function. 

Co-authored-by: ty <>

* core: rework tx indexer (ethereum#25723)

This PR reworks tx indexer a bit. Compared to the original version, one scenario is no longer handled - upgrading  from legacy geth without indexer support. 

The tx indexer was introduced in 2020 and have been present through hardforks, so it can be assumed that all Geth nodes have tx indexer already. So we can simplify the tx indexer logic a bit:

-    If the tail flag is not present, it means node is just initialized may or may not with an ancient store attached. In this case all blocks are regarded as unindexed
-   If the tail flag is present, it means blocks below tail are unindexed, blocks above tail are indexed

This change also address some weird cornercases that could make the indexer not work after a crash.

* accounts/abi: return toGoType error immediately (ethereum#25565)

* eth/tracers: remove revertReasonTracer, add revert reason to callTracer (ethereum#25508)

* eth/tracers: add revertReason to callTracer

* update callframe gen json

* add revertal to calltrace test

* accounts/abi/bind: parse ABI only once on bind (ethereum#25574)

* accounts/abi/bind: parse ABI once on bind

* accounts/abi/bind: suppress 'imported and not used' error for abi package

* internal/flags: fix issue with stringslice migration (ethereum#25830)

This fixes a cornercase bug where the flag migration would mess
up the value of StringSlice flags.

* cmd/geth, cmd/utils: geth attach with custom headers (ethereum#25829)

This PR makes it possible to set custom headers, in particular for two scenarios: 

- geth attach
- geth commands which can use --remotedb, e..g geth db inspect

The ability to use custom headers is typically useful for connecting to cloud-apis, e.g. providing an infura- or alchemy key, or for that matter access-keys for environments behind cloudflare.  

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* core/types: add a testcase to TestLegacyReceiptDecoding (ethereum#25909)

add a testcase to TestLegacyReceiptDecoding

* eth/protocols/snap: serve snap requests when possible (ethereum#25644)

This PR makes it so that the snap server responds to trie heal requests when possible, even if the snapshot does not exist. The idea being that it might prolong the lifetime of a state root, so we don't have to pivot quite as often.

* eth, miner: add timeout for building sealing block (ethereum#25407)

* eth, miner: add timeout for building sealing block

* eth, cmd, miner: add newpayloadtimeout flag

* eth, miner, cmd: address comments

* eth, miner: minor fixes

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* all: fix docstrings

* core: fix linter complaint (ethereum#25927)

* eth/tracers: add diffMode to prestateTracer (ethereum#25422)

Backwards compatibility warning: The result will from now on omit empty fields instead
of including a zero value (e.g. no more `balance: '0x'`).

The prestateTracer will now take an option `diffMode: bool`. In this mode
the tracer will output the pre state and post data for the modified parts of state.
Read-only accesses will be completely omitted. Creations (be it account or slot)
will be signified by omission in the `pre` list and inclusion in `post`. Whereas
deletion (be it account or slot) will be signified by inclusion in `pre` and omission
in `post` list.

Signed-off-by: Delweng <>

* eth/traces: add state limit (ethereum#25812)

This PR introduces a new mechanism in chain tracer for preventing creating too many trace states.

The workflow of chain tracer can be divided into several parts:

- state creator generates trace state in a thread
- state tracer retrieves the trace state and applies the tracing on top in another thread
- state collector gathers all result from state tracer and stream to users

It's basically a producer-consumer model here, while if we imagine that the state producer generates states too fast, then it will lead to accumulate lots of unused states in memory. Even worse, in path-based state scheme it will only keep the latest 128 states in memory, and the newly generated state will invalidate the oldest one by marking it as stale.

The solution for fixing it is to limit the speed of state generation. If there are over 128 states un-consumed in memory, then the creation will be paused until the states are be consumed properly.

* core/bloombits: speed up windows-test (ethereum#25844)

core/bloombits: remove micro-sleep

* core, ethclient/gethclient: improve flaky tests (ethereum#25918)

* ethclient/gethclient: improve time-sensitive flaky test

* eth/catalyst: fix (?) flaky test

* core: stop blockchains in tests after use

* core: fix dangling blockchain instances

* core: rm whitespace

* eth/gasprice, eth/tracers, consensus/clique: stop dangling blockchains in tests

* all: address review concerns

* core: goimports

* eth/catalyst: fix another time-sensitive test

* consensus/clique: add snapshot test run function

* core: rename stop() to stopWithoutSaving()

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* node: prevent exposing engine API on unauthenticated endpoint (ethereum#25939)

* node: prevent exposing engine API on unauthenticated endpoint

* node: improve RPC setup

* eth/filters: fix for eth_getLogs failing with finalized- and safe tag  (ethereum#25922)

Prior to this change, f.begin (and possibly end) stay negative, leading to strange results later in the code. With this change, filters using "safe" and "finalized" block produce results consistent w/ the overall behavior of this RPC method.

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* cmd/geth: fix help output issues (ethereum#25941)

This update resolves an issue where StringSliceFlag would not be
rendered correctly in help output + mention that -H can be used multiple times

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* accounts/usbwallet: support Ledger Nano S Plus and FTS (ethereum#25933)

* usbwallet support Ledger Nano S Plus

* accounts/usbwallet: add definitions + ref to ledger docs

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* all: fix spelling mistakes (ethereum#25961)

* cmd/geth, core: fix typo in comment (ethereum#25954)

* fix typo on comment

* typo "can't accept"

* core/rawdb: provide more info on 'gap in the chain' error (ethereum#25938)

* core/types: add more context around ErrInvalidChainID (ethereum#25367)

This changes the error message for mismatching chain ID to show
the given and expected value. Callers expecting this error must be
changed to use errors.Is.

* common/math: optimized modexp (+ fuzzer) (ethereum#25525)

This adds a 
* core/vm, tests: optimized modexp + fuzzer

* common/math: modexp optimizations

* core/vm: special case base 1 in big modexp

* core/vm: disable fastexp

* tests/fuzzers/modexp: gofmt (ethereum#25972)

* node: drop support for static & trusted node list files (ethereum#25610)

This changes the node setup to ignore datadir files


When these files are present, it an error will be printed to the log.

* accounts/keystore: faster tests (ethereum#25827)

This PR removes some optimistic tests -- a'la "do something,
wait a while, and hope it has trickled through and continue" -- and
instead uses some introspection to ensure that prerequisites are met.

* eth/protocols/eth: fix typo in log message (ethereum#25969)

* eth/filters, ethclient/gethclient: add fullTx option to pending tx filter (ethereum#25186)

This PR adds a way to subscribe to the _full_ pending transactions, as opposed to just being notified about hashes. 

In use cases where client subscribes to newPendingTransactions and gets txhashes only to then request the actual transaction, the caller can now shortcut that flow and obtain the transactions directly. 

Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>

* go.mod: upgrade (ethereum#25955)

This upgrade pulls in a fix to handling of 'continue' in loops.

* eth/tracers: fix the issue of panic in prestate with diffmode (ethereum#25957)

In some cases, inner contract creation may not be successful, and an inner contract was not created. This PR fixes a crash that could occur when doing tracing in such situations.

* Revert "go.mod: upgrade" (ethereum#25975)

Revert "go.mod: upgrade (ethereum#25955)"

This reverts commit 9207e34.

* common/math, tests/fuzzers: use big.Int clone (ethereum#26006)

* common/math, tests/fuzzers: use big.Int clone

* common/math: license

* cmd/utils: enable snapshot generation in import-mode (ethereum#25990)

This PR fixes a regression causing snapshots not to be generated in "geth --import" mode.  It also fixes the geth export command to be truly readonly, and adds a new test for geth export.

* core/rawdb: refactor db key prefix (ethereum#26000)

Co-authored-by: seven <>

* core/rawdb: open meta file in read only mode (ethereum#26009)

* internal/ethapi, accounts/abi/backends: use error defined in core (ethereum#26012)

Co-authored-by: seven <>

* eth/tracers: fix the issue prestate missing existing contract state (ethereum#25996)

The prestate tracer did not report accounts that existed at a given address prior to a contract being created at that address.

Signed-off-by: Delweng <>
Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>

* eth/tracers: simplify test framework (ethereum#25973)

Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>

* all: refactor txpool into it's own package in prep for 4844

* core/types: rename tx files to group them better together

* core, eth: for types with accurate size calcs, return uint64, not float (ethereum#26046)

* core, eth: for types with accurate size calcs, return uint64, not float

* core/types: proper tx size tests

* core/types: extend tx size test with decoded sizes, fix error

* core/txpool: fix linter

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* build: upgrade -dlgo version to Go 1.19.2

* accounts/scwallet: fix keycard data signing error (ethereum#25331)

accounts/scwallet: fix keycard data signing

* build: make ios work again (ethereum#26052)

* core/vm: use optimized bigint (ethereum#26021)

* eth/filters: change filter block to be by-ref (ethereum#26054)

This PR changes the block field in the filter to be a pointer, to disambiguate between empty hash and no hash

* core/rawdb: refactor db inspector for extending multiple ancient store (ethereum#25896)

This PR ports a few changes from PBSS:

- Fix the snapshot generator waiter in case the generation is not even initialized
- Refactor db inspector for ancient store

* cmd/evm: calc base fee if parent data is present (ethereum#26051)

Currently, in order to chain together sequential valid t8n transitions the caller must manually calculate the block base fee. This PR adds support for the necessary parent fee market data to calculate the base fee for the current transition.

Concretely, env is extended to accept the following:


Example usage can be found in ./cmd/evm/testdata/25.

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* eth/tracers: fix gasUsed for native and JS tracers (ethereum#26048)

* eth/tracers: fix gasUsed in call tracer

* fix js tracers gasUsed

* fix legacy prestate tracer

* fix restGas in test

* drop intrinsicGas field from js tracers

* cmd, eth: implement full-sync tester (ethereum#26035)

This PR adds a parameter to startup, --synctarget. The synctarget flag is a developer-flag, that can be useful in some scenarios as a replacement for a CL node. It defines a fixed block sync target:

geth --syncmode=full --synctarget=./block_15816882.hex_rlp 

The --synctarget is only made available during syncmode=full

* rpc: update docstring (ethereum#26072)

Co-authored-by: seven <>

* Fix trace call for inner reverts (ethereum#25971)

Inner call reverts will now return the reason similar to the top-level call. Separately, if top-level call is of type CREATE and it fails, its `to` field will now be cleared to `0x00...00` instead of being set to the created address.

* eth: implement eth/68 (ethereum#25980)

* eth: implement eth/68

* eth/protocols/eth: added tx size to announcement

* eth/protocols/eth: check equal lengths on receiving announcement

* eth/protocols/eth: add +1 to tx size because of the type byte

* eth: happy lint, add eth68 tests, enable eth68

* eth: various nitpick fixes on eth/68

* eth/protocols/eth: fix announced tx size wrt type byte

Co-authored-by: MariusVanDerWijden <>
Co-authored-by: Péter Szilágyi <>

* eth/tracers: add withLog to callTracer (ethereum#25991)

In some cases, it is desirable to capture what is triggered by each trace, when using the `callTracer`. For example: call `USDT.transfer` will trigger a `Transfer(from, to, value)` event.

This PR adds the option to capture logs to the call tracer, by specifying `{"withLog": true}` in the tracerconfig. 
Any logs belonging to failed/reverted call-scopes are removed from the output, to prevent interpretation mistakes.

Signed-off-by: Delweng <>
Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>

* eth/tracers: prestateTracer - exclude unchanged storage slots in diffMode (ethereum#25944)

Fixes ethereum#25943

* accounts/abi: return error on fixed bytes with size larger than 32 bytes (ethereum#26075)

* fixed bytes with size larger than 32 bytes is not allowed

* add testcase

* consensus/ethash: fix typo (ethereum#26016)

fix typo

* docs/postmortems: remove wrong parentheses (ethereum#26066)

Removed parentheses in line 71 because line 80 doesn't have them either.

* miner, eth: implement recommit mechanism for payload building (ethereum#25836)

* miner, eth: implement recommit for payload building

* miner: address comments from marius

* miner: fail early if core.NewBlockChain fails (ethereum#26079)

don't ignore errors returned by core.NewBlockChain when initializing tests

* p2p/discover: fix handling of distance 256 in lookupDistances (ethereum#26087)

Noticed that lookupDistances for FINDNODE requests didn't consider 256 a valid
distance. This is actually part of the example in the comment above the
function, surprised that wasn't tested before.

* rlp: add more tests for nil pointer / optional field encoding (ethereum#26077)

* rpc: handle wrong HTTP batch response length (ethereum#26064)

* cmd/clef: add `list-accounts` and `list-wallets` to CLI (ethereum#26080)

This commit adds support for two new commands to clef, making it possible to list accounts / wallets from the command-line-interface. 

Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>

* merge devnet-v3 with latest master, part 1

* crypto/bls12381: docs - fix broken links to references (ethereum#26095)

Signed-off-by: Abirdcfly <>
Signed-off-by: Delweng <>
Signed-off-by: meows <>
Co-authored-by: Guillaume Ballet <>
Co-authored-by: Justin Traglia <>
Co-authored-by: rjl493456442 <>
Co-authored-by: ucwong <>
Co-authored-by: Marius van der Wijden <>
Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>
Co-authored-by: zhiqiangxu <>
Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>
Co-authored-by: Péter Szilágyi <>
Co-authored-by: lightclient <>
Co-authored-by: xinbenlv <>
Co-authored-by: Abirdcfly <>
Co-authored-by: uji <>
Co-authored-by: Marius Kjærstad <>
Co-authored-by: Rachel Bousfield <>
Co-authored-by: Seungbae Yu <>
Co-authored-by: Jakub Freebit <>
Co-authored-by: aaronbuchwald <>
Co-authored-by: xternet <>
Co-authored-by: protolambda <>
Co-authored-by: Joshua Gutow <>
Co-authored-by: Amir Hossein <>
Co-authored-by: Darioush Jalali <>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas <>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas Zhao <>
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Prosnitz <>
Co-authored-by: Nicolas Gotchac <>
Co-authored-by: pinkiebell <>
Co-authored-by: George Carder <>
Co-authored-by: jwasinger <>
Co-authored-by: makcandrov <>
Co-authored-by: AtomicAzzaz  <>
Co-authored-by: ewile <>
Co-authored-by: Delweng <>
Co-authored-by: Boqin@MetaSecureLabs <>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Stammler <>
Co-authored-by: Zachinquarantine <>
Co-authored-by: omahs <>
Co-authored-by: Leon <>
Co-authored-by: meowsbits <>
Co-authored-by: Janko Simonovic <>
Co-authored-by: Alexey Shekhirin <>
Co-authored-by: lmittmann <>
Co-authored-by: TY <>
Co-authored-by: ty <>
Co-authored-by: Ceyhun Onur <>
Co-authored-by: Mikhail Vazhnov <>
Co-authored-by: Ryan Schneider <>
Co-authored-by: jin <>
Co-authored-by: Paul <>
Co-authored-by: Jens W <>
Co-authored-by: s7v7nislands <>
Co-authored-by: seven <>
Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Co-authored-by: Marius Kjærstad <>
Co-authored-by: vdwijden <>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Supreme <>
Co-authored-by: Jordan Krage <>
Co-authored-by: Joseph Cook <>

* remove legacy kzg verification, put all initialization on top (#44)

* add header & block fields for Withdrawals (#45)

* add header & block fields for Withdrawals

* Update cmd/evm/internal/t8ntool/block.go

Co-authored-by: Inphi <>

Co-authored-by: Inphi <>

* use go-kzg PolyLinComb instead of local impl

* make verify_kzg_proof apis more closely mimic the specs (#46)

* move more low-level kzg stuff into kzg_new (#48)

* start using custom types from the 4844 spec

* move ComputePowers into kzg_new

* 1) move BlobsToKZGCommitment functionality into kzg_new and make it more closely follow the spec.

2) Remove the BlobsBatch stuff which seems only to be for legacy benchmarking.

* Replace kzg-related data_blob.go type methods Parse, ComputeCommitment, and
Point, so we can move methods that depend on them into the kzg package.

* Remove ComputeCommitments which is unused.

* Add BytesToBLSField go kzg_new, use it instead of hashToFr

* Update KZG library according to latest consensus spec changes (#49)

* Replace kzg-related data_blob.go type methods Parse, ComputeCommitment, and
Point, so we can move methods that depend on them into the kzg package.

* Remove ComputeCommitments which is unused.

* Migrate remaining EIP-4844 consensus spec code into kzg_new,
updated to include the latest consensus spec updates.

* Start implementing a bytes API with appropriate interfaces

Also fix incorrect hash type (Keccac -> Sha256) when
computing versioned hash.

* pure bytes API for VerifyKZGProof per 3097, and move kzg_new back into kzg.go now that updates are near complete

* rename verifyBlobs validateBlobTransactionWrapper per updated spec, and make implementation more closely follow it

* fix tests & type bug in kzg verification

* more consensus layer support in kzg package

* remove aggregated proof from blobs bundle

* propagate malformed blob errors when processing a sent transaction so that these get rejected

* move more CL eip-4844 methods from prysm to shared lib (#50)

Signed-off-by: Abirdcfly <>
Signed-off-by: Delweng <>
Signed-off-by: meows <>
Co-authored-by: Guillaume Ballet <>
Co-authored-by: Justin Traglia <>
Co-authored-by: rjl493456442 <>
Co-authored-by: ucwong <>
Co-authored-by: Marius van der Wijden <>
Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>
Co-authored-by: zhiqiangxu <>
Co-authored-by: Martin Holst Swende <>
Co-authored-by: Péter Szilágyi <>
Co-authored-by: lightclient <>
Co-authored-by: xinbenlv <>
Co-authored-by: Abirdcfly <>
Co-authored-by: uji <>
Co-authored-by: Marius Kjærstad <>
Co-authored-by: Rachel Bousfield <>
Co-authored-by: Seungbae Yu <>
Co-authored-by: Jakub Freebit <>
Co-authored-by: aaronbuchwald <>
Co-authored-by: xternet <>
Co-authored-by: protolambda <>
Co-authored-by: Joshua Gutow <>
Co-authored-by: Amir Hossein <>
Co-authored-by: Darioush Jalali <>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas <>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas Zhao <>
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Prosnitz <>
Co-authored-by: Nicolas Gotchac <>
Co-authored-by: pinkiebell <>
Co-authored-by: George Carder <>
Co-authored-by: jwasinger <>
Co-authored-by: makcandrov <>
Co-authored-by: AtomicAzzaz  <>
Co-authored-by: ewile <>
Co-authored-by: Delweng <>
Co-authored-by: Boqin@MetaSecureLabs <>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Stammler <>
Co-authored-by: Zachinquarantine <>
Co-authored-by: omahs <>
Co-authored-by: Leon <>
Co-authored-by: meowsbits <>
Co-authored-by: Janko Simonovic <>
Co-authored-by: Alexey Shekhirin <>
Co-authored-by: lmittmann <>
Co-authored-by: TY <>
Co-authored-by: ty <>
Co-authored-by: Ceyhun Onur <>
Co-authored-by: Mikhail Vazhnov <>
Co-authored-by: Ryan Schneider <>
Co-authored-by: jin <>
Co-authored-by: Paul <>
Co-authored-by: Jens W <>
Co-authored-by: s7v7nislands <>
Co-authored-by: seven <>
Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Co-authored-by: Marius Kjærstad <>
Co-authored-by: vdwijden <>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Supreme <>
Co-authored-by: Jordan Krage <>
Co-authored-by: Joseph Cook <>
Co-authored-by: Inphi <>
  • Loading branch information
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 488 changed files with 16,639 additions and 5,801 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ assignees: ''
#### System information

Geth version: `geth version`
CL client & version: e.g. lighthouse/nimbus/prysm@v1.0.0
OS & Version: Windows/Linux/OSX
Commit hash : (if `develop`)

Expand All @@ -27,4 +28,4 @@ Commit hash : (if `develop`)

When submitting logs: please submit them as text and not screenshots.
When submitting logs: please submit them as text and not screenshots.
17 changes: 4 additions & 13 deletions .golangci.yml
Expand Up @@ -12,22 +12,19 @@ run:
disable-all: true
- deadcode
- goconst
- goimports
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- misspell
- unconvert
- varcheck
- typecheck
- unused
- staticcheck
- bidichk
- durationcheck
- exportloopref
- gosec
- whitespace

# - structcheck # lots of false positives
Expand All @@ -45,11 +42,6 @@ linters-settings:
min-len: 3 # minimum length of string constant
min-occurrences: 6 # minimum number of occurrences
- G404 # Use of weak random number generator - lots of FP
- G107 # Potential http request -- those are intentional
- G306 # G306: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less

Expand All @@ -58,16 +50,15 @@ issues:
- deadcode
- staticcheck
- path: internal/build/pgp.go
text: 'SA1019: package is deprecated'
text: 'SA1019: "" is deprecated: this package is unmaintained except for security fixes.'
- path: core/vm/contracts.go
text: 'SA1019: package is deprecated'
text: 'SA1019: "" is deprecated: RIPEMD-160 is a legacy hash and should not be used for new applications.'
- path: accounts/usbwallet/trezor.go
text: 'SA1019: package is deprecated'
text: 'SA1019: "" is deprecated: Use the "" package instead.'
- path: accounts/usbwallet/trezor/
text: 'SA1019: package is deprecated'
text: 'SA1019: "" is deprecated: Use the "" package instead.'
- 'SA1019: event.TypeMux is deprecated: use Feed'
- 'SA1019: strings.Title is deprecated'
- 'SA1019: strings.Title has been deprecated since Go 1.18 and an alternative has been available since Go 1.0: The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly. Use instead.'
- 'SA1029: should not use built-in type string as key for value'
- 'G306: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less'
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ jobs:
- stage: lint
os: linux
dist: bionic
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- lint
Expand All @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ jobs:
os: linux
arch: amd64
dist: bionic
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- docker
Expand All @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ jobs:
os: linux
arch: arm64
dist: bionic
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- docker
Expand All @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ jobs:
if: type = push
os: linux
dist: bionic
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- ubuntu-ppa
- GO111MODULE=on
Expand All @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ jobs:
os: linux
dist: bionic
sudo: required
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- azure-linux
- GO111MODULE=on
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ jobs:
- stage: build
if: type = push
os: osx
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- azure-osx
- azure-ios
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ jobs:
os: linux
arch: amd64
dist: bionic
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- GO111MODULE=on
Expand All @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ jobs:
- stage: build
os: linux
dist: bionic
go: 1.17.x
go: 1.18.x
- GO111MODULE=on
Expand All @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ jobs:
if: type = cron
os: linux
dist: bionic
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- azure-purge
- GO111MODULE=on
Expand All @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ jobs:
if: type = cron
os: linux
dist: bionic
go: 1.18.x
go: 1.19.x
- GO111MODULE=on
Expand Down
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Go Ethereum

Official Golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol.
Official Golang execution layer implementation of the Ethereum protocol.

[![API Reference](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ directory.
| **`geth`** | Our main Ethereum CLI client. It is the entry point into the Ethereum network (main-, test- or private net), capable of running as a full node (default), archive node (retaining all historical state) or a light node (retrieving data live). It can be used by other processes as a gateway into the Ethereum network via JSON RPC endpoints exposed on top of HTTP, WebSocket and/or IPC transports. `geth --help` and the [CLI page]( for command line options. |
| `clef` | Stand-alone signing tool, which can be used as a backend signer for `geth`. |
| `devp2p` | Utilities to interact with nodes on the networking layer, without running a full blockchain. |
| `abigen` | Source code generator to convert Ethereum contract definitions into easy to use, compile-time type-safe Go packages. It operates on plain [Ethereum contract ABIs]( with expanded functionality if the contract bytecode is also available. However, it also accepts Solidity source files, making development much more streamlined. Please see our [Native DApps]( page for details. |
| `abigen` | Source code generator to convert Ethereum contract definitions into easy-to-use, compile-time type-safe Go packages. It operates on plain [Ethereum contract ABIs]( with expanded functionality if the contract bytecode is also available. However, it also accepts Solidity source files, making development much more streamlined. Please see our [Native DApps]( page for details. |
| `bootnode` | Stripped down version of our Ethereum client implementation that only takes part in the network node discovery protocol, but does not run any of the higher level application protocols. It can be used as a lightweight bootstrap node to aid in finding peers in private networks. |
| `evm` | Developer utility version of the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that is capable of running bytecode snippets within a configurable environment and execution mode. Its purpose is to allow isolated, fine-grained debugging of EVM opcodes (e.g. `evm --code 60ff60ff --debug run`). |
| `rlpdump` | Developer utility tool to convert binary RLP ([Recursive Length Prefix]( dumps (data encoding used by the Ethereum protocol both network as well as consensus wise) to user-friendlier hierarchical representation (e.g. `rlpdump --hex CE0183FFFFFFC4C304050583616263`). |
Expand All @@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ Recommended:

* Fast CPU with 4+ cores
* 16GB+ RAM
* High Performance SSD with at least 1TB free space
* High-performance SSD with at least 1TB of free space
* 25+ MBit/sec download Internet service

### Full node on the main Ethereum network

By far the most common scenario is people wanting to simply interact with the Ethereum
network: create accounts; transfer funds; deploy and interact with contracts. For this
particular use-case the user doesn't care about years-old historical data, so we can
particular use case, the user doesn't care about years-old historical data, so we can
sync quickly to the current state of the network. To do so:

Expand All @@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ This command will:
* Start `geth` in snap sync mode (default, can be changed with the `--syncmode` flag),
causing it to download more data in exchange for avoiding processing the entire history
of the Ethereum network, which is very CPU intensive.
* Start up `geth`'s built-in interactive [JavaScript console](,
* Start the built-in interactive [JavaScript console](,
(via the trailing `console` subcommand) through which you can interact using [`web3` methods](
(note: the `web3` version bundled within `geth` is very old, and not up to date with official docs),
as well as `geth`'s own [management APIs](
This tool is optional and if you leave it out you can always attach to an already running
This tool is optional and if you leave it out you can always attach it to an already running
`geth` instance with `geth attach`.

### A Full node on the Görli test network
Expand All @@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ the main network, but with play-Ether only.
$ geth --goerli console

The `console` subcommand has the exact same meaning as above and they are equally
useful on the testnet too. Please, see above for their explanations if you've skipped here.
The `console` subcommand has the same meaning as above and is equally
useful on the testnet too.

Specifying the `--goerli` flag, however, will reconfigure your `geth` instance a bit:

* Instead of connecting the main Ethereum network, the client will connect to the Görli
* Instead of connecting to the main Ethereum network, the client will connect to the Görli
test network, which uses different P2P bootnodes, different network IDs and genesis
* Instead of using the default data directory (`~/.ethereum` on Linux for example), `geth`
Expand All @@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ Specifying the `--goerli` flag, however, will reconfigure your `geth` instance a
`geth attach <datadir>/goerli/geth.ipc`. Windows users are not affected by

*Note: Although there are some internal protective measures to prevent transactions from
crossing over between the main network and test network, you should make sure to always
use separate accounts for play-money and real-money. Unless you manually move
*Note: Although some internal protective measures prevent transactions from
crossing over between the main network and test network, you should always
use separate accounts for play and real money. Unless you manually move
accounts, `geth` will by default correctly separate the two networks and will not make any
accounts available between them.*

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ configuration file via:
$ geth --config /path/to/your_config.toml

To get an idea how the file should look like you can use the `dumpconfig` subcommand to
To get an idea of how the file should look like you can use the `dumpconfig` subcommand to
export your existing configuration:

Expand All @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ docker run -d --name ethereum-node -v /Users/alice/ethereum:/root \

This will start `geth` in snap-sync mode with a DB memory allowance of 1GB just as the
This will start `geth` in snap-sync mode with a DB memory allowance of 1GB, as the
above command does. It will also create a persistent volume in your home directory for
saving your blockchain as well as map the default ports. There is also an `alpine` tag
available for a slim version of the image.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ HTTP based JSON-RPC API options:
* `--ws.addr` WS-RPC server listening interface (default: `localhost`)
* `--ws.port` WS-RPC server listening port (default: `8546`)
* `--ws.api` API's offered over the WS-RPC interface (default: `eth,net,web3`)
* `` Origins from which to accept websockets requests
* `` Origins from which to accept WebSocket requests
* `--ipcdisable` Disable the IPC-RPC server
* `--ipcapi` API's offered over the IPC-RPC interface (default: `admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,txpool,web3`)
* `--ipcpath` Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ requiring an OpenCL or CUDA enabled `ethminer` instance. For information on such
setup, please consult the [EtherMining subreddit](
and the [ethminer]( repository.

In a private network setting, however a single CPU miner instance is more than enough for
In a private network setting, however, a single CPU miner instance is more than enough for
practical purposes as it can produce a stable stream of blocks at the correct intervals
without needing heavy resources (consider running on a single thread, no need for multiple
ones either). To start a `geth` instance for mining, run it with all your usual flags, extended
Expand All @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ transactions are accepted at (`--miner.gasprice`).

## Contribution

Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! We welcome contributions
Thank you for considering helping out with the source code! We welcome contributions
from anyone on the internet, and are grateful for even the smallest of fixes!

If you'd like to contribute to go-ethereum, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,6 +374,6 @@ The go-ethereum library (i.e. all code outside of the `cmd` directory) is licens
[GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0](,
also included in our repository in the `COPYING.LESSER` file.

The go-ethereum binaries (i.e. all code inside of the `cmd` directory) is licensed under the
The go-ethereum binaries (i.e. all code inside of the `cmd` directory) are licensed under the
[GNU General Public License v3.0](, also
included in our repository in the `COPYING` file.
34 changes: 20 additions & 14 deletions accounts/abi/abi_test.go
Expand Up @@ -165,8 +165,9 @@ func TestInvalidABI(t *testing.T) {

// TestConstructor tests a constructor function.
// The test is based on the following contract:
// contract TestConstructor {
// constructor(uint256 a, uint256 b) public{}
// contract TestConstructor {
// constructor(uint256 a, uint256 b) public{}
// }
func TestConstructor(t *testing.T) {
json := `[{ "inputs": [{"internalType": "uint256","name": "a","type": "uint256" },{ "internalType": "uint256","name": "b","type": "uint256"}],"stateMutability": "nonpayable","type": "constructor"}]`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,16 +725,19 @@ func TestBareEvents(t *testing.T) {

// TestUnpackEvent is based on this contract:
// contract T {
// event received(address sender, uint amount, bytes memo);
// event receivedAddr(address sender);
// function receive(bytes memo) external payable {
// received(msg.sender, msg.value, memo);
// receivedAddr(msg.sender);
// }
// }
// contract T {
// event received(address sender, uint amount, bytes memo);
// event receivedAddr(address sender);
// function receive(bytes memo) external payable {
// received(msg.sender, msg.value, memo);
// receivedAddr(msg.sender);
// }
// }
// When receive("X") is called with sender 0x00... and value 1, it produces this tx receipt:
// receipt{status=1 cgas=23949 bloom=00000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000040200000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 logs=[log: b6818c8064f645cd82d99b59a1a267d6d61117ef [75fd880d39c1daf53b6547ab6cb59451fc6452d27caa90e5b6649dd8293b9eed] 000000000000000000000000376c47978271565f56deb45495afa69e59c16ab200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000158 9ae378b6d4409eada347a5dc0c180f186cb62dc68fcc0f043425eb917335aa28 0 95d429d309bb9d753954195fe2d69bd140b4ae731b9b5b605c34323de162cf00 0]}
// receipt{status=1 cgas=23949 bloom=00000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000040200000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 logs=[log: b6818c8064f645cd82d99b59a1a267d6d61117ef [75fd880d39c1daf53b6547ab6cb59451fc6452d27caa90e5b6649dd8293b9eed] 000000000000000000000000376c47978271565f56deb45495afa69e59c16ab200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000158 9ae378b6d4409eada347a5dc0c180f186cb62dc68fcc0f043425eb917335aa28 0 95d429d309bb9d753954195fe2d69bd140b4ae731b9b5b605c34323de162cf00 0]}
func TestUnpackEvent(t *testing.T) {
const abiJSON = `[{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"memo","type":"bytes"}],"name":"receive","outputs":[],"payable":true,"stateMutability":"payable","type":"function"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"name":"sender","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"name":"amount","type":"uint256"},{"indexed":false,"name":"memo","type":"bytes"}],"name":"received","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"name":"sender","type":"address"}],"name":"receivedAddr","type":"event"}]`
abi, err := JSON(strings.NewReader(abiJSON))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1078,8 +1082,9 @@ func TestDoubleDuplicateMethodNames(t *testing.T) {
// TestDoubleDuplicateEventNames checks that if send0 already exists, there won't be a name
// conflict and that the second send event will be renamed send1.
// The test runs the abi of the following contract.
// contract DuplicateEvent {
// event send(uint256 a);
// contract DuplicateEvent {
// event send(uint256 a);
// event send0();
// event send();
// }
Expand All @@ -1106,7 +1111,8 @@ func TestDoubleDuplicateEventNames(t *testing.T) {
// TestUnnamedEventParam checks that an event with unnamed parameters is
// correctly handled.
// The test runs the abi of the following contract.
// contract TestEvent {
// contract TestEvent {
// event send(uint256, uint256);
// }
func TestUnnamedEventParam(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down

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