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Mauricio David edited this page Jan 31, 2020 · 4 revisions

This documentation is valid only for v4.x version.

LiteRepository is a new class to access your database. LiteRepository is implemented over LiteDatabase and is just a layer to quick access your data without LiteCollection class and fluent query

using(var db = new LiteRepository(connectionString))
    // simple access to Insert/Update/Upsert/Delete
    db.Insert(new Product { ProductName = "Table", Price = 100 });

    db.Delete<Product>(x => x.Price == 100);

    // query using fluent query
    var result = db.Query<Order>()
        .Include(x => x.Customer) // add dbref 1x1
        .Include(x => x.Products) // add dbref 1xN
        .Where(x => x.Date == DateTime.Today) // use indexed query
        .Where(x => x.Active) // used indexes query

    var p = db.Query<Product>()
        .Where(x => x.ProductName.StartsWith("Table"))
        .Where(x => x.Price < 200)

    var c = db.Query<Customer>()
        .Where(txtName.Text != null, x => x.Name == txtName.Text) // conditional filter


Collection names could be omited and will be resolved by new BsonMapper.ResolveCollectionName function (default: typeof(T).Name).

This API was inspired by this great project NPoco Micro-ORM