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Status: proof of concept 🚧

An ArgoCD plugin that runs Nix flakes apps that generate Kubernetes resources. This includes an example plugin configuration that injects encrypted secrets by sops into a tanka deployment.

How to install in ArgoCD

Using jsonnet/tanka

local argocdNixFlakesPlugin = import '';

  // This example uses helm but you could also use kustomize as a base
  argocd: helm.template('argo-cd', '../../charts/argo-cd', {
    kubeVersion: 'v1.25',
    values: {
      fullnameOverride: 'argocd',
  // This variant of the plugin checks the repo url against a whitelist provided by a secret
  + argocdNixFlakesPlugin.generic_flakes_plugin
  + {
    ) + k.core.v1.secret.withStringData({
      "repo-whitelist": |||
  // Alternatively, the insecure variant runs on all repos with an 'argoGenerate' app. Use with care!
  + argocdNixFlakesPlugin.insecure_generic_flakes_plugin,

Using kustomize

In your kustomize.yml that sets up your ArgoCD cluster:

kind: Kustomization

namespace: argocd



How to use in your ArgoCD Application

Add an argoGenerate app in your flake.nix that outputs Kubernetes manifests to stdout. The following example just runs kustomize to generate that manifests that should be applied by ArgoCD:

  apps.argoGenerate = flake-utils.lib.mkApp {
    drv = pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "kustomize-generate" ''
      ${pkgs.kubectl}/bin/kubectl kustomize example

The following example app uses tanka and needs to run jsonnet-bundler first to fetch dependencies:

  apps.argoGenerate = flake-utils.lib.mkApp {
    drv = pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "tanka-generate" ''
      ${pkgs.jsonnet-bundler}/bin/jb install
      ${pkgs.tanka}/bin/tk show --allow-dangerous-redirect

This plugin will automatically detect if a flake.nix is present and the argoGenerate app is defined.

Note that sandboxing is disabled for Nix builds since ArgoCD requires sidecar containers to be run as uid 999 and Nix does not support sandboxed builds if not run as root.

Using the example sops+tanka plugin

A sops age key needs to be provided in the Kubernetes secret of the plugin:

argocdNixFlakesPlugin.sops_tanka_plugin +
  ) + k.core.v1.secret.withStringData({

For every tanka environment in environments, there should be a secrets.sops.yaml that is encrypted to the age key above. It will be decrypted and passed into your jsonnet code as secrets_yaml. Your environment/default/main.jsonnet could look like this:

function(secrets_yaml) {
  local secrets = std.native('parseYaml')(secrets_yaml)[0],
  ) + k.core.v1.secret.withStringData({
    key: secrets.my_encrypted_secret

Security Considerations

Even though Nix will not be run as root and the build is run in the sidecar container, ArgoCD does not recommend to allow to run untrusted code in plugins. The sidecar does not have access to Kubernetes clusters but is tied the argocd-repo-server. For instance, it might have access to other cloned repositories because the generate command calls themselves are not isolated. Secrets like encryption keys that need to be provided to generate the manifests are other examples for data readable by all argo applications. You are therefore advised to only run trusted flake apps since all contents of the ArgoCD instance used to deploy the application might be exposed.

The default generic flakes plugin variant requires a repository whitelist to be provided in a Kubernetes secret. You can use this to configure which repositories are trusted to run arbitrary code provided by their respective argoGenerate nix flakes apps. You can use the argo_cmp_patch function to generate custom ArgoCD CMP patches to define multiple instances of this plugin to specify which commands should be run by providing a custom flake. See main.libsonnet for examples.