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Gijs Van Laer edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 4 revisions

CS 601.641/441: Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies (Fall 2020)

Overview: This course will cover blockchains and their applications to cryptocurrencies and beyond. Topics include distributed consensus and blockchains, Bitcoin and altcoins, smart contracts and recent applications such as decentralized finance. Relevant crypto background will be covered.


Instructor: Matthew Green

Time: 12:00pm-1:15 pm Monday and Wednesday

Location: TBD (online)

  • Instructor Office Hours: Weds 2-3pm (Online)
  • TA Office Hours: Thurs 9-10:30am (Online)
  • Grading: Assignments and Exams (60%), Project (40%)

TA: Gijs van Laer

  • Email: gijs.vanlaer at

Discussion Board: [Piazza] (

All course announcements will be made via Piazza, including class cancellations and assignment date changes.


Some portions of the course will use Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies by Narayanan, Bonneau, Felten, Miller, Goldfeder (NBFMG). Additional reading material will include recent research papers (links will be provided). Some of the teaching material is borrowed from the Coursera course on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies.

Course Syllabus and Assignments