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Shell scripts for applying default settings to UNIX-based operating systems. By default, these are set to my preferences (namely for OSX) but you can change them to your liking by editing any of the *.txt files in the home_files directory. Read on to learn more.


  • Configures the Bash shell .bashrc file.
  • Configures the Bash shell .bash_profile file.
  • Configures the Git .gitconfig file.
  • Configures the Git .gitignore file.
  • Configures the Ruby Gems .gemrc file.
  • Configures the Ruby IRB .irbrc file.
  • Configures the Pry .pryrc file.
  • Configures the Ruby Debugger .rdebugrc file.
  • Configures the Awesome Print .aprc file.
  • Configures the Guard .guardrc file.
  • Configures the Xray .xrayconfig file.
  • Configures the Pow .powconfig file.
  • Configures Sublime Text as the default editor.
  • Adds Bash Completion.
  • Adds Z support to Bash.
  • Adds rbenv support to Bash.



Open a terminal window and execute the following commands:

Current Version (stable)

git clone git://
cd dotfiles
git checkout v6.0.0

Master Version (unstable)

git clone git://
cd dotfiles

Edit any of the home_files/*.txt files as you see fit. Then open a terminal window and execute the following command to install:

cd dotfiles

Executing the script will present the following options:

s: Show dotfiles available for install.
i: Install dotfiles (existing files are skipped).
l: Link dotfiles to this project (interactive - asks by file).
c: Check for changes since last install/update.
d: Delete dotfiles (interactive - asks by file).
q: Quit/Exit.

The options prompt can be skipped by passing the desired option directly to the script. For example, executing "./ s" will show all dotfiles avaiable for install.

After install, the following files will require manual updating:

  • .bashrc - If installed on a OS other than a Mac, adjust the path to point to the correct bin directory for the rbenv binary.
  • .gemrc - Uncomment the "gemcutter_key" line and add your own RubyGems key for publishing gems.
  • .gitconfig - Uncomment the name/email/token lines within the [user] and [github] sections to replace with your own details.


From the command line, the following are a few of the commands available to use (please see all home_files/*.txt files for additional details):

# General
.. = "cd .."
... = "cd ../.."
c = "clear"
h = "history"
l = "ls -alh"
l1 = "ls -A1"
p='pwd | tr -d "\r\n" | pbcopy && echo "`pbpaste` (copied to clipboard)"'
o = "open"
home = "cd $HOME"
bashs = "exec $SHELL"

# Network
ipa = 'curl -s | grep -Eo "[0-9\.]+" | pbcopy && echo "`pbpaste` (copied to clipboard)"'
sniff = "sudo ngrep -W byline -d 'en0' -t '^(GET|POST) ' 'tcp and port 80'"

# tmux (
tsl = "tmux list-sessions"
tsa = "tmux attach-session -t"
tsk = "tmux kill-session -t"
tsr = "tmux rename-session -t"

# Git (
gi = "git init"
gce = "git config -e"
gail = "git config --global"
gst = "git status --short --branch"
gl = "git log --oneline --decorate --no-abbrev-commit"
glh='git log --pretty=format:%H -1 | pbcopy && echo "`pbpaste` (copied to clipboard)"'
gld = "git log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%H%Creset %an: %s -%C(cyan)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"
gln = "git log --name-status"
glf = "git log ..FETCH_HEAD"
gg = "git grep"
gls = "gl -S"
glast = "git show --stat"
guthors = "git shortlog --summary --numbered --email"
gd = "git diff"
gdw = "git diff --word-diff"
gdc = "git diff --cached"
gwc = "git whatchanged -p --pretty=medium"
glame = "git blame"
gb = "git branch --verbose"
gba = "git branch --all"
gm = "git merge"
gms = "git merge --squash"
gcl = "git clone"
gch = "git checkout"
ga = "git add"
gap = "git add --patch"
gall = "git add --all ."
gco = "git commit"
gca = "git commit --all"
gcm = "git commit --message"
gcam = "git commit --all --message"
gamend = "git commit --amend --message"
gcp = "git cherry-pick"
gash = "git stash save"
gashl = "git stash list --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%gd%Creset %s'"
gashs = "git stash show"
gashp = "git stash pop"
gashd = "git stash drop"
gashc = "git stash clear"
gf = "git fetch"
gpu = "git pull"
gpur = "git pull --rebase" # Rebase the current branch on top of the upstream branch after fetching
geady = "git rebase -i @{u}" # Interactive rebase.
gp = "git push"
gpo = "git push origin"
gpp = "git push production master"
gps = "git push stage stage:master"
gtag = "git tag"
gtags = "git push --tags"
gus = "git reset HEAD"
gres = "git reset --hard HEAD"
gdis = "git reset --hard"
grev = "git revert"
glatest = "git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads --format='%(committerdate:short) %(refname:short)'"
ggc = "git fsck && git gc"

# rbenv (
rb = "rbenv"
rbg = "rbenv global"
rbl = "rbenv local"
rbs = "rbenv shell"
rbh = "rbenv rehash"
rbp = "rbenv which"
rbw = "rbenv whence"
rbv = "rbenv versions"
rbi = "rbenv install"
rbu = "rbenv uninstall"
rbvars = "rbenv vars"

# Ruby (
rd = "rdoc -a -o _doc"
rdo = "open _doc/index.html"
rdd = "rm -rf _doc"

# Ruby Gems (
geml = "gem list"
gemi = "gem install"
gemup = "gem update"
gemu = "gem uninstall"
gemc = "gem cleanup"
gems = "gem server"
gemuc = "gem update --system && gem update && gem cleanup"

# Ruby Gems Whois (
gemw = "gem whois"

# Bundler (
b = "bundle"
bi = "bundle install"
bu = "bundle update"
bo = "bundle outdated"
bcon = "bundle console"
be = "bundle exec"
ber = "bundle exec rake"
bes = "bundle exec rspec"
bess = "bundle exec rspec spec"
bert = "bundle exec rake test"
berts = "bundle exec rake test | grep _test.rb"
bertv = "TESTOPTS=-v bundle exec rake test"
beg = "bundle exec guard"
bch = "rm -f Gemfile.lock; bundle check"
rebundle = "bch; bundle package"

# Gemsmith (
g = "gemsmith"
go = "gemsmith open"

# PostgreSQL (
pgs = "pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start"
pgq = "pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast"

# Ruby on Rails (
scs = "sc --sandbox"
sgc = "sg controller"
sgm = "sg model"
sgh = "sg helper"
sgs = "sg scaffold"
rdbd = "rake db:drop"
rdbc = "rake db:create"
rdbm = "rake db:migrate"
rassp = "rake assets:precompile"
rassc = "rake assets:clean"
rfixes = "rake notes:custom ANNOTATION=FIX"
taild = "tail -f log/development.log"
tailt = "tail -f log/test.log"
res = "touch tmp/restart.txt"
rprofile = "ruby-prof --printer=graph_html ./script/rails runner > profile.html"
rpaths = "rake routes | sed -e "1d" -e "s,^[^/]*,,g" | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq"
erd = "mkdir -p doc/design && rake erd attributes=primary_keys,foreign_keys,timestamps,inheritance,content inheritance=true orientation=vertical filename=doc/design/models"
dmodels = "mkdir -p doc/design && railroady --label --inheritance --specify --all-columns --join --transitive --output doc/design/ --models"
dcontrollers = "mkdir -p doc/design && railroady --label --inheritance --output doc/design/ --controllers"
dstate = "mkdir -p doc/design && railroady --label --inheritance --output doc/design/ --aasm"

# Capistrano (
bec = "bundle exec cap"
caps = "bundle exec cap stage deploy"
capp = "bundle exec cap production deploy"

# Sitemap Generator (
rsite = "rake sitemap:refresh:no_ping"
rsitep = "rake sitemap:refresh"

# Heroku+ (
hpas = "hp account --switch"

# Z (
ez = "$EDITOR $HOME/.z"

# Path Finder (
opf = 'open -a "Path" "$PWD"'

# Sublime Text (
e = "sublime"

# Marked (
md = "open -a Marked"

From IRB, Pry, and Rails consoles, the following commands are possible:

RA.copy - Copies data to the MacOS clipboard.
RA.paste - Pastes data from the MacOS clipboard.
ap - Prints collections in an easy to read format.

From Pry, the following aliases are available:

'w' = "whereami"
'c' = "continue"
's' = "step"
'n' = "next"
'f' = "finish"
"bp" = "break"
"bpe" = "break --enable"
"bpd" = "break --disable"
"bpD" = "break --delete"
"bpc" = "break --disable-all"
"bpC" = "break --delete-all"
"bph" = "break --help"



Read Semantic Versioning for details. Briefly, it means:

  • Patch (x.y.Z) - Incremented for small, backwards compatible bug fixes.
  • Minor (x.Y.z) - Incremented for new, backwards compatible public API enhancements and/or bug fixes.
  • Major (X.y.z) - Incremented for any backwards incompatible public API changes.


Read CONTRIBUTING for details.


Developed by Brooke Kuhlmann at Red Alchemist


Copyright (c) 2010 Red Alchemist. Read the LICENSE for details.


Read the CHANGELOG for details.


Shell scripts for applying default settings to UNIX-based operating systems.






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  • Shell 100.0%