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My way to become a developer

Hello community, I'm Philppe Ivan (@MasterGeek). First passionate about Mathematics, I was looking for a practical field, which would allow me to put my cerebral abilities to the test, while having a small link with mathematics, hence Software Engineering. I have now converted to this new sector in which I feel a new fulfillment. Here I will approach as I go along the stacks and tools that I had to use and those that I will still discover.

From this page, you can consult the Python folder to find all the python scripts, in particular on the tips and some codes, as well as in the Java folder.


Programming Language

  • Java 8 - Java 8 official documentation for java 8 tips go there
  • Python 3 - Python 3.x official documentation
  • Python design - software design by example with python
  • Python fundamentals - Resume of official docs with more snippets code good for beginner
  • Java Developer Roadmap - Roadmap to becoming a Java developer in 2021 .
  • Go - Go langage official docs you can reach to gobyexample to learn go step by step

Web Development

  • Angular Developer Roadmap 2 - Roadmap to becoming an Angular developer .
  • Angular - Angular official documentation
  • Angular docs - New angular docs from angular v17
  • Primeface - PrimeNG comprehensive suite of customizable, feature-rich UI components for Angular
  • Django 4.x - Django official documentation
  • DjangoRestFramework - DRF official documentation
    • Tastypie - Tastypie is a webservice API framework for Django. It provides a convenient, yet powerful and highly customizable, abstraction for creating REST-style interfaces.
    • Fast api - FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
    • Django step-by-step - Django utils ressources
    • Document python-project - a tools for create online documentation of a python project
    • Django pytest - Django docs for testing
    • Django tools - best django repo to know
    • Pythonsheet - python sheet to find a function or class quickly
    • Django ORM - a blog that resume and how to perform query with django
    • DRF class - The best way to understand Django REST Framework class-based views and serializers is to see it in Classy DRF (based on CCBV)
    • Django filter
    • Python DI framework - Dependency injection framework for Python
    • HTTPX - HTTPX is a fully featured HTTP client for Python 3, which provides sync and async APIs, and support for both HTTP/1.2
    • Socketify - is a reliable, high-performance Python web framework for building large-scale app backends and microservices
    • Lato - Lato is a microframework for building modular applications in Python.
    • Propan - it's another one HTTP a declarative Python Messaging Framework.
    • PyPika - PyPika is a Python API for building SQL queries.
    • Hateos DRF - Implementing HATEOAS with Django REST framework
    • Django Ninja - Django Ninja is a web framework for building APIs with Django and Python 3.6+ type hints.
    • Django style guide - Django styleguide used in HackSoft projects
    • DRF Async - Django async support lib
    • Django axes - This djanog lib help you to Keep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites
    • Django tenant - a django lib to support multiple tenant accross many db
  • Javascript - For start with javascript
  • JavaEE 7 - For J2E learning
  • Spring - For Spring framework learning
  • Design with Java
  • Design with Python
  • Design with Rust
  • Awesome REST - A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance
  • Entreprise pattern - Learn about amazing stuff concerning architecture design of entreprise application




you want to learn, just enter keyword follow by realpython on google to have it for free. example:

list with realpython


Notes: Here it's some of the biggest tech company in the world, but i choose some hepful ressources about them, so this list is mine, you can find or use your's or decide to contribute🙂 by adding some so i suggest:

AI Ressources

  • Ph mind
  • Plexi ai
  • AI Tools - awesome AI tools
  • ML OPs - awesome MLOps ressources
  • DSPy - DSPy is a framework for algorithmically optimizing LM prompts and weights
  • AIOps - A curated list of awesome academic researches and industrial materials about Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps).
  • CREWAI - docs of systems multiagent gitbub repo
  • Ollama - download free open source LLM to run it locally
  • Mohamed Youssfi-conference - Conf about DistributedAI & AIAgents
  • ReAct Framework - ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models


  • Algorithm - Sorted List - Help you to understand sorted algorithm binary, linear search with visualization.
  • Algorithms with python - visualize step by step python algorithm execution with graph, very nice tools 😉
  • Concurrency programming with python - help to learn modern concurrency methods, very helplful made by Jason a PhD, here is linkedin profile
  • Python article - Write faster Python code, and ship your code faster. Here you will get very important article on python,to speed up your python code.
  • Virus total - VirusTotal is an online service owned by Google that allows the analysis of suspicious files and facilitates the rapid detection of viruses, worms, Trojan horses and all kinds of malware detected by antivirus engines.
  • Cloudinary - Cloud base service which help you to manage media storage, provide SDKs, APIs to facilate integration to automate a process. Great just test it, personnaly i've already use it on development.
  • IP Info - this provide manany service such as geolocation, ranges ip and more. You can get full information about a device through his IP address. you can integrate it on your website if you want to know where requests (country, city, timezone etc.) are comming from for example.
  • Public apis
  • Open source resources - get notes and resources about open source also differents open source software, if you're a developer you must absolutely check this.
  • Archive - Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more
  • Sofware development blog - nice blog to learn about sofware development
  • Python tips - here get all python tips every python developers should know
  • Python typing - Master Python typing (type hints) with interactive online exercises
  • Postgres tutorial - full Postgres tutorial step by step
  • Docker GUI - Docker Container Management GUI base on web interface
  • Python fullstack - Python utils ressources
  • Web api - is a Python web framework that is as simple as it is powerful.
  • Python speed - amazing python blog website for speed your pythonista skills
  • Pm4py - pm4py is the leading open source process mining platform written in Python another docs
  • BPMN - Web-based tooling for BPMN, DMN and Forms library in Js.
  • Streamlit - Streamlit turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes.All in pure Python. No front‑end experience required. (for data application)
  • PGMQ - A message queue broker with postgres like RabbitMQ and other.
  • Process mining ressource - Ressource for process mining with python
  • DB tools - awesome db tools
  • Code QL - Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase
  • OpenVPN server - OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA
  • OWASP ZAP - free tools for pentesting of an application in dev environnment
  • Europython - europython europe community for blog, sesssion etc.
  • Mathematics - Maths ressources
  • Ethical Hacking - Hacking ressources
  • Awesome wescraping - webscraping tools
  • Awesome Rust - awesome Rust project
  • Awesome Go - awesome go project
  • Awesome Java - awesome java project
  • Awesome Python - awesome python project
  • Awesome JavaScript - awesome JS project
  • Awesome Scala - awesome scala project
  • Awesome Ruby - awesome ruby project
  • Awesome C++ - awesome cpp project
  • Awesome Data science - awesome data science tools and ressources
  • Awesome algorithms - awesome algorithms ressources
  • Awesome devops - awesome devops ressources
  • Awesome devsecops - awesome devsecops ressources
  • Awesome NetOps - netops ressources
  • Awesome GitOps - gitops ressources
  • Awesome bash - Awesome bash ressources
  • Awesome OS - A list of operating systems and stuff
  • Awesome DBT - Accurate list of dbt ressource


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