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Massa Smart Contract Examples

This repository contains examples of smart contracts developed for the Massa blockchain. The examples illustrate various functionalities of smart contracts, ranging from simple synchronous operations to more complex asynchronous operations and even autonomous contracts.


The following projects are included in this repository:

This project provides the timeless "Hello World" example.

This project is a blog functioning on the Massa Blockchain. Fully decentralized and censorship resistant, it allows users to create, and delete blog posts, all of which are stored directly on the blockchain as transactions.

This project provides a basic example of a simple smart contract with a front-end implemented in plain JavaScript and ReactJS.

Potentially Non-Functional Projects

The following projects may not be functional or up to date, but contributions to improve them are welcome:

This project provides basic examples of asynchronous smart contracts.

This project provides an example of a decentralized application for calculating the sum using Thyra, a blockchain platform built on top of Massa.

This project provides a fully functional Tic-Tac-Toe game, with both a smart contract and a user interface built in ReactJS. The game can be deployed to Thyra.

This project provides a simple use case of an autonomous smart contract that simulates an autonomousprice on-chain.

If you'd like to contribute to one of these projects, please read the CONTRIBUTING file and submit a pull request.

How to use

Each project contains detailed instructions on how to run the smart contract and user interface. Simply navigate to the project folder of your choice and follow the instructions provided in the README file.


We welcome contributions to this repository, including bug fixes, improvements, and new examples. Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for more information on how to contribute.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.