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GitHub Action


v2.0.0 Latest version




Generate a semantic version based on branch name


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: semver-action

uses: gandarez/semver-action@v2.0.0

Learn more about this action in gandarez/semver-action

Choose a version

Semantic Versioning Action

This action calculates the next version relying on semantic versioning. It uses the branching name and branching model to calculate the next version.


If auto bump, it will try to extract the closest tag and calculate the next semantic version. If not, it will bump respecting the value passed.

Branching Models

It supports the following branching models:

Branch Names

These are the the default prefixes when auto bump:

  • (?i)^(.+:)?(bugfix/.+) or (?i)^(.+:)?(hotfix/.+) - patch
  • (?i)^(.+:)?(feature/.+) - minor
  • (?i)^(.+:)?(release/.+) - major
  • (?i)^(.+:)?((doc(s)?|misc)/.+) - build



  • Not a valid source branch prefix - Increments build version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.1.0-pre.1
    v1.5.3-pre.2 results in v1.5.3-pre.3
  • Source branch is prefixed with bugfix/ and dest branch is develop - Increments patch version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.1.1-pre.1
    v1.5.3-pre.2 results in v1.5.4-pre.1
  • Source branch is prefixed with feature/ and dest branch is develop - Increments minor version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.2.0-pre.1
    v1.5.3-pre.2 results in v1.6.0-pre.1
  • Source branch is prefixed with release/ and dest branch is develop - Increments major version.

    v0.1.0 results in v1.0.0-pre.1
    v1.5.3-pre.2 results in v2.0.0-pre.1
  • Source branch is prefixed with doc/ or misc/ and dest branch is develop - Increments build version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.1.0-pre.1
    v1.5.3-pre.2 results in v1.5.3-pre.3
  • Source branch is prefixed with hotfix/ and dest branch is master - Increments patch version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.1.1-pre.1
  • Source branch is develop and dest branch is master - Takes the closest tag and finalize it.

    v1.5.3-pre.2 results in v1.5.3


  • Not a valid source branch prefix - Increments build version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.1.0+1
  • Source branch is prefixed with bugfix/ and dest branch is master - Increments patch version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.1.1
  • Source branch is prefixed with feature/ and dest branch is master - Increments minor version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.2.0
  • Source branch is prefixed with release/ and dest branch is master - Increments major version.

    v0.1.0 results in v1.0.0
  • Source branch is prefixed with doc/ or misc/ and dest branch is master - Increments build version.

    v0.1.0 results in v0.1.0+1

Github Environment Variables

Here are the environment variables it takes from Github Actions so far:


Example usage

Gitflow basic

Uses auto bump strategy to calculate the next semantic version.

- id: semver-tag
  uses: gandarez/semver-action@master
    branching_model: "git-flow"
- name: "Created tag"
  run: echo "tag ${{ steps.semver-tag.outputs.semver_tag }}"

Gitflow custom

- id: semver-tag
  uses: gandarez/semver-action@master
    branching_model: "git-flow"
    prefix: "ver"
    prerelease_id: "alpha"
    main_branch_name: "main"
    develop_branch_name: "dev"
    patch_regex: "^fix/.+"
    minor_regex: "^feat/.+"
    major_regex: "^major/.+"
    build_regex: "^build/.+"
    hotfix_regex: "^hotfix/.+"
    exclude_regex: "^ignore/.+"
- name: "Created tag"
  run: echo "tag ${{ steps.semver-tag.outputs.semver_tag }}"

Trunk-based basic

Uses auto bump strategy to calculate the next semantic version.

- id: semver-tag
  uses: gandarez/semver-action@master
    branching_model: "trunk-based"
- name: "Created tag"
  run: echo "tag ${{ steps.semver-tag.outputs.semver_tag }}"

Trunk-based custom

- id: semver-tag
  uses: gandarez/semver-action@master
    branching_model: "trunk-based"
    prefix: "ver"
    main_branch_name: "main"
    patch_regex: "^fix/.+"
    minor_regex: "^feat/.+"
    major_regex: "^major/.+"
    build_regex: "^build/.+"
    exclude_regex: "^ignore/.+"
- name: "Created tag"
  run: echo "tag ${{ steps.semver-tag.outputs.semver_tag }}"


parameter required description default
bump false Bump strategy for semantic versioning. Can be auto, major, minor, patch. auto
base_version false Version to use as base for the generation, skips version bumps.
prefix false Prefix used to prepend the final version. v
branching_model false Branching model to use. Can be git-flow or trunk-based. git-flow
prerelease_id false Text representing the prerelease identifier. pre
main_branch_name false The main branch name. master
develop_branch_name false The develop branch name. develop
patch_regex false Patch regex to match branch name for patch increment. (?i)^(.+:)?(bugfix/.+)
minor_regex false Minor regex to match branch name for minor increment. (?i)^(.+:)?(feature/.+)
major_regex false Major regex to match branch name for major increment. (?i)^(.+:)?(release/.+)
build_regex false Build regex to match branch name for build increment. (?i)^(.+:)?((doc(s)?
hotfix_regex false Hotfix regex to match branch name for patch increment. (?i)^(.+:)?(hotfix/.+)
exclude_regex false Regex to exclude branches from semantic versioning.
repo_dir false The repository path. current dir
debug false Enable debug mode. false


parameter description
semver_tag The calculdated semantic version.
is_prerelease True if calculated tag is pre-release. For trunk-based model it is always false.
previous_tag The tag used to calculate next semantic version.
ancestor_tag The ancestor tag based on specific pattern. For trunk-based model it is always empty .