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Merge pull request #2191 from geostyler/adjust-nodejs-versions #95

Merge pull request #2191 from geostyler/adjust-nodejs-versions

Merge pull request #2191 from geostyler/adjust-nodejs-versions #95

Triggered via push May 30, 2023 14:59
Status Failure
Total duration 28s


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1 error
You have commit messages with errors ⧗ input: feat: introduces StringExpressionSelect BREAKING CHANGE: changed value property of LineCapField and LineJoinField from `cap` / `join` to `value` ✖ footer's lines must not be longer than 100 characters [footer-max-line-length] ✖ found 1 problems, 0 warnings ⓘ Get help: ⧗ input: feat: Use ExpressionInputs in Symbolizer Fields (#2136) * feat: use NumberExpression in WidthField * feat: make use of ExpressionInput in Fields * fix: update typing of listeners in Editors * fix: readd className property to OffsetField and OpacityField BREAKING CHANGE: OpacityField, WidthField and SizeField now expect the corresponding value to passed as value instead of opacity, width, size as this conflicted with some properties of the Inputs ✖ footer's lines must not be longer than 100 characters [footer-max-line-length] ✖ subject must not be sentence-case, start-case, pascal-case, upper-case [subject-case] ✖ found 2 problems, 0 warnings ⓘ Get help: ⧗ input: chore(release): 12.0.0 [skip ci] ## [12.0.0]( (2023-03-13) ### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES * This updates the props of the Renderer component. Now, props depend on the provided renderer type. For SLD, only the props for the SLDRenderer will be applicable, for OpenLayers, only the props for the oLRenderer will be applicable. * Multiple props of components that are related to <CardStyle> have been updated. Mainly, existing properties were removed in order to prepare for the usage of GeoStylerContext. * The property unknownSymbolizerText of <Editor> was moved to the locale property in order to provide translations. * Removes props filterUiProps, iconLibraries, colorRamps from Rules. Moves showAmount, showDuplicates to RuleCard and to ruleCardProps on Rules. * Moved src/Component/Symbolizer/Renderer/Renderer to src/ComponentRenderer/OlRenderer. Moved src/Component/Symbolizer/SLDRenderer to src/Component/Renderer/SLDRenderer. Moved src/Renderer/Renderer to src/Renderer/Renderer. Added OlRenderer specific props to Renderer. * Removed prop was replaced with props colorRamps, useBrewerColorRamps and colorSpaces in order to harmonize CardStyle with Style. * The label prop was removed from MaxScaleDenominator and MinScaleDenominator. The labels are now part of i18n and can be configured via the locale property. ### Features * prepare GeoStylerContext ([e5529a3]( * update CompositionContext type ([5edda76]( * use vertical form layout ([9cc8e08]( ### Bug Fixes * add missing GeoStylerContext to index.ts ([5f74578]( * adds dynamic translation ([2ba62a7]( * adjust paddings and margins on form items ([88c7a78]( * fixing imports ([108a72a]( * make all CompositionContext props optional ([5d8c8b5]( * remove Omit on oLRendererProps typing ([96f867a]( * remove unneded lines ([f8402c0]( * set missing property in CardStyle ([76f6d90]( ### breaking * change props of Renderer componen