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address-parser microservice

A REST endpoint consuming an address string and returning a json with address fields:

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{  \"address\": \"5760 Teredo St., Sechelt, BC, Canada, VON 3A0\"}"
        "city": "Sechelt",
        "state": "BC",
        "street_address": "5760, Teredo St.",
        "postcode": "VON 3A0",
        "country": "Canada",

Use Locally

  1. Install libpostal
  2. Instal deps with pipenv install && pipenv shell
  3. Run flask application export && flask run
  4. Test at

Deploying on AWS Lambda

Libpostal requires 2GB on disk and in memory for the model, so the AWS Lambda deployment consists of 2 steps:

  1. Getting libpostal files on shared EFS
  2. Configuring pypostal from Lambda

Getting libpostal files on shared EFS

  1. Create EFS, Amazon Linux 2 AMI with attached EFS:
  • Use an instance with 4GB memory.
  • Make sure VPC has NFS inbound rule and DNS resolution
  1. Install libpostal and copy data files (datadir) and library files (*.so and pkgconfig) from /usr/local/lib to EFS

Configuring library from Lambda and Lambda itself

  1. Build pypostal from master for Lambda

docker build -t pypostal . && docker create -ti --name dummy pypostal bash && docker cp dummy:/postal/postal ./ && docker rm dummy

  1. Deploy Lambda with zappa in the same region:
  • don't forget to add Lambda's pypostal
  • Max out memory
  • point to libpostal files on EFS:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH /mnt/efs/libpostal_lib/lib

LIBPOSTAL_DATA_DIR /mnt/efs/libpostal_model/libpostal

PKG_CONFIG_PATH /mnt/efs/libpostal_lib/lib/pkgconfig
  • Add EFS to Lambda:

Use the same VPC

configure subnets for public access

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"address\": \"5760 Teredo St., Sechelt, BC, Canada, VON 3A0\"}"


A service to parse any address string into a neat json





