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Fix target version inference.
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Fixes psf#3581.

The old algorithm checked, for each target version 3.X, whether 3.X (which is roughly the same as 3.X.0) is contained in a version specifier that was modified from the requires-python project metadata to be less strict regarding patch versions. One problem of it was that, for a requires-python value of ">3.X" (which means the same as ">3.X.0"), it concluded that target version 3.X is not supported although Python versions >= 3.X.1 are included in the version specifier. I found the old approach hard to reason about and hard to fix.

To correctly check whether a target version 3.X is supported, the algorithm must check whether 3.X.* overlaps the version specifier in the requires-python project metadata. Checking only specific versions (like 3.X.0) is not sufficient in general. The `packaging` library, which implements the logic for (PEP440-compatible) versions and version specifiers, doesn’t implement checking for overlap of two version specifiers, however.

The new algorithm works by converting the version specifiers to interval sets, which are then checked for overlap.
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manueljacob committed Feb 27, 2023
1 parent c1eaae1 commit 03203ca
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- Add trailing commas to collection literals even if there's a comment after the last
entry (#3393)
- Fix target version inference (#3583)

### Configuration

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190 changes: 158 additions & 32 deletions src/black/
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
import io
import operator
import os
import re
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from enum import Enum
from functools import lru_cache, reduce
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,51 +171,174 @@ def parse_req_python_version(requires_python: str) -> Optional[List[TargetVersio
return None

class Endpoint(Enum):
OPEN = 2

OPEN = Endpoint.OPEN

class Interval:
def __init__(self, left: Endpoint, lower: Any, upper: Any, right: Endpoint):
if not (lower < upper or (lower == upper and left == right == CLOSED)):
raise ValueError("empty interval")
self.left = left
self.lower = lower
self.upper = upper
self.right = right

class IntervalSet:
"""Represents a union of intervals."""

def __init__(self, intervals: List[Any]):
self.intervals = intervals

def __and__(self, other: "IntervalSet") -> "IntervalSet":
new_intervals = []
for i1 in self.intervals:
for i2 in other.intervals:
if i1.lower < i2.lower:
lower = i2.lower
left = i2.left
elif i2.lower < i1.lower:
lower = i1.lower
left = i1.left
lower = i1.lower
left = CLOSED if i1.left == i2.left == CLOSED else OPEN
if i1.upper < i2.upper:
upper = i1.upper
right = i1.right
elif i2.upper < i1.upper:
upper = i2.upper
right = i2.right
upper = i1.upper
right = CLOSED if i1.right == i2.right == CLOSED else OPEN
new_intervals.append(Interval(left, lower, upper, right))
except ValueError:
return IntervalSet(new_intervals)

def __or__(self, other: "IntervalSet") -> "IntervalSet":
return IntervalSet(self.intervals + other.intervals)

def empty(self) -> bool:
return len(self.intervals) == 0

def interval(left: Endpoint, lower: Any, upper: Any, right: Endpoint) -> IntervalSet:
return IntervalSet([Interval(left, lower, upper, right)])
except ValueError:
return empty

def singleton(value: Any) -> IntervalSet:
return interval(CLOSED, value, value, CLOSED)

empty = IntervalSet([])
min_ver = Version(f"3.{tuple(TargetVersion)[0].value}")
above_max_ver = Version(f"3.{tuple(TargetVersion)[-1].value + 1}")

def get_interval_set(specifier: Specifier) -> IntervalSet:
if specifier.version.endswith(".*"):
assert specifier.operator in ("==", "!=")
wildcard = True
ver = Version(specifier.version[:-2])
wildcard = False
if specifier.operator != "===":
ver = Version(specifier.version)

if specifier.operator == ">=":
return interval(CLOSED, ver, above_max_ver, OPEN)
if specifier.operator == ">":
return interval(OPEN, ver, above_max_ver, OPEN)
if specifier.operator == "<=":
return interval(CLOSED, min_ver, ver, CLOSED)
if specifier.operator == "<":
return interval(CLOSED, min_ver, ver, OPEN)
if specifier.operator == "==":
if wildcard:
return interval(
Version(".".join(map(str, (*ver.release[:-1], ver.release[-1] + 1)))),
return singleton(ver)
if specifier.operator == "!=":
if wildcard:
return interval(CLOSED, min_ver, ver, OPEN) | interval(
Version(".".join(map(str, (*ver.release[:-1], ver.release[-1] + 1)))),
return interval(CLOSED, min_ver, ver, OPEN) | interval(
OPEN, ver, above_max_ver, OPEN
if specifier.operator == "~=":
return interval(
Version(".".join(map(str, (*ver.release[:-2], ver.release[-2] + 1)))),
if specifier.operator == "===":
# This operator should do a simple string equality test. Pip compares
# it with "X.Y.Z", so only if the version in the specifier is in this
# exact format, it has a chance to match.
if re.fullmatch(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+", specifier.version):
return singleton(Version(specifier.version))
return empty
raise AssertionError() # pragma: no cover

def parse_req_python_specifier(requires_python: str) -> Optional[List[TargetVersion]]:
"""Parse a specifier string (i.e. ``">=3.7,<3.10"``) to a list of TargetVersion.
If parsing fails, will raise a packaging.specifiers.InvalidSpecifier error.
If the parsed specifier is empty or cannot be mapped to a valid TargetVersion,
returns None.
specifier_set = strip_specifier_set(SpecifierSet(requires_python))
specifier_set = SpecifierSet(requires_python)
if not specifier_set:
# This means that the specifier has no version clauses. Technically,
# all Python versions are included in this specifier. But because the
# user didn't refer to any specific Python version, we fall back to
# per-file auto-detection.
return None

target_version_map = {f"3.{v.value}": v for v in TargetVersion}
compatible_versions: List[str] = list(specifier_set.filter(target_version_map))
if compatible_versions:
return [target_version_map[v] for v in compatible_versions]
return None

def strip_specifier_set(specifier_set: SpecifierSet) -> SpecifierSet:
"""Strip minor versions for some specifiers in the specifier set.
For background on version specifiers, see PEP 440:
specifiers = []
for s in specifier_set:
if "*" in str(s):
elif s.operator in ["~=", "==", ">=", "==="]:
version = Version(s.version)
stripped = Specifier(f"{s.operator}{version.major}.{version.minor}")
elif s.operator == ">":
version = Version(s.version)
if len(version.release) > 2:
s = Specifier(f">={version.major}.{version.minor}")

return SpecifierSet(",".join(str(s) for s in specifiers))
# First, we determine the version interval set from the specifier set (the
# clauses in the specifier set are connected by the logical and operator).
# Then, for each supported Python (minor) version, we check whether the
# interval set intersects with the interval for this Python version.
spec_intervals = reduce(
map(get_interval_set, specifier_set),
interval(CLOSED, min_ver, above_max_ver, OPEN),
target_versions = [
for tv in TargetVersion
if not (spec_intervals & get_interval_set(Specifier(f"==3.{tv.value}.*"))).empty
if not target_versions:
return None
return target_versions

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