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Add new partitioner script, which can do job on first boot
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avnik committed Mar 7, 2016
1 parent 80d0b24 commit 27d5b9e
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Showing 6 changed files with 328 additions and 61 deletions.
53 changes: 12 additions & 41 deletions roles/docker/tasks/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,52 +36,23 @@
- disk
- docker

- name: create backing storage volume for docker storage
- name: configure lvm for docker
sudo: yes
vg: "{{ volume_group_name }}"
lv: "{{ docker_volume_name }}"
size: "{{ docker_volume_size }}"
when: docker_configure_lvm|bool
- disk
- docker

- name: create backing storage filesystem for docker storage
sudo: yes
dev: "{{ docker_volume_device }}"
fstype: "{{ docker_volume_fs_type }}"
opts: "{{ docker_volume_fs_opts }}"
when: docker_configure_lvm|bool
- disk
- docker

- name: create mount point for docker storage
sudo: yes
state: directory
name: "{{ docker_volume_mount }}"
mode: 0755
when: docker_configure_lvm|bool
src: docker-volume.conf.j2
dest: /etc/mantl/filesystems.d/docker-volume.conf
mode: 0644
- disk
- docker

- name: mount docker storage
sudo: yes
state: mounted
name: "{{ docker_volume_mount }}"
fstype: "{{ docker_volume_fs_type }}"
src: "{{ docker_volume_device }}"
dump: 1
passno: 2
when: docker_configure_lvm|bool
- disk
- docker
# FIXME: commented out, it should be done by dependencies from docker
#- name: create backing storage filesystem for docker storage
# sudo: yes
# shell: "/usr/local/bin/mantl-storage-setup"
# tags:
# - disk
# - docker

- name: setup docker storage
sudo: yes
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions roles/docker/templates/docker-volume.conf.j2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
group = {{ volume_group_name }}
volume = {{ docker_volume_name }}
size = {{ docker_volume_size }}

{% if docker_lvm_backed|bool and docker_storage_driver in ["btrfs", "overlay"] %}
dev = {{ docker_volume_device }}
fstype = {{ docker_volume_fs_type }}
mount = {{ docker_volume_mount }}
{% endif %}
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions roles/lvm/files/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError
import os
import sys
import re
from contextlib import closing

DMSETUP_CMD = "/usr/sbin/dmsetup"
PVS_CMD = "/sbin/pvs"
VGS_CMD = "/sbin/vgs"
LVS_CMD = "/sbin/lvs"
PVCREATE_CMD = "/sbin/pvcreate"
VGCREATE_CMD = "/sbin/vgcreate"
LVCREATE_CMD = "/sbin/lvcreate"
VGEXTEND_CMD = "/sbin/vgextend"
VGREDUCE_CMD = "/sbin/vgreduce"

systemd_units = []

def fail(*a):
sys.stderr.write("ERROR:" + " ".join(*a))

def safe_split(s):
return [each for each in re.compile("\s+").split(s.strip()) if each]

def optional(call, sec, opt, default):
return call(sec, opt)
except NoOptionError:
return default

def check_output(c, *a, **kw):
print "READ: ", c
return subprocess.check_output(c, *a, **kw)

def check_call(c, *a, **kw):
print "EXEC: ", c
return subprocess.check_call(c, *a, **kw)

def mapper_device_name(dm_device):
dm_name = check_output([DMSETUP_CMD, "info", "-C", "--noheadings", "-o", "name", dm_device])
return "/dev/mapper/{}".format(dm_name.rstrip())

def pvs():
output = check_output([PVS_CMD, "--noheadings", "-o", "pv_name,vg_name", "--separator", ";"])
for line in output.splitlines():
parts = line.strip().split(';')
if parts[0].startswith("/dev/dm-"):
parts[0] = find_mapper_device_name(parts[0])
yield {
'name': parts[0],
'vg_name': parts[1],

def vgs():
output = check_output([VGS_CMD, "--noheadings", "-o", "vg_name,pv_count,lv_count", "--separator", ";"])
for line in output.splitlines():
parts = line.strip().split(';')
yield {
'vg_name': parts[0],
'pv_count': int(parts[1]),
'lv_count': int(parts[2]),

def lvs(vg, units):
dp = re.compile(r"(\.|,)")
output = check_output([LVS_CMD, "--noheadings", "-o", "lv_name,size", "--units", units, "--separator", ";", vg])
for line in output.splitlines():
parts = line.strip().split(';')
yield {
'lv_name': parts[0],
'size': int(dp.split(parts[1])[0]),

def process_vg(sec, params):
name = params.get(sec, "name")
force = optional(params.getboolean, sec, "force", False)
pesize = optional(params.getint, sec, "pesize", 4)
vgoptions = safe_split(optional(params.get, sec, "options", ""))

# split and check for symlinks
dev_list = set(map(os.path.realpath, safe_split(params.get(sec, 'devices'))))
current_devs = set()

# check for device files
for test_dev in dev_list:
if not os.path.exists(test_dev):
fail("Device not found: {}".format(test_dev))

# check pv for already used devices
parsed_pvs = pvs()
for each in parsed_pvs:
if each['name'] in dev_list and each['vg_name'] != name:
fail("Device {} is already in {} volume group.".format(each['name'],each['vg_name']))
if each['vg_name'] == name:

parsed_vgs = vgs()

this = None
for test in parsed_vgs:
if test['vg_name'] == name:
this = test

if this:
devs_to_remove = current_devs - dev_list
devs_to_add = dev_list - current_devs

for each in devs_to_add:
subprocess.check_call([PVCREATE_CMD, each])
subprocess.check_call([VGEXTEND_CMD, name, each])
for each in devs_to_remove:
subprocess.check_call([VGREDUCE_CMD, name, each])

subprocess.check_call([VGCREATE_CMD] + vgoptions + ['-s', str(pesize), name] + list(dev_list))

def process_volume(sec, params):
lv = params.get(sec, "volume")
vg = params.get(sec, "group")
size = params.get(sec, "size")
force = optional(params.getboolean, sec, "force", False)
size_opt = 'L'
size_unit = 'm'

# FIXME: rewrite due licensing (possible using regexps)
if size:
# -l --extents -- option with percentage
if '%' in size:
size_parts = size.split('%', 1)
size_percent = int(size_parts[0])
if size_percent > 100:
fail("Size percentage cannot be larger than 100%")
whole = size_parts[1]
if size_parts[1] not in ['VG', 'PVS', 'FREE']:
fail("Specify extents as a percentage of VG|PVS|FREE")
size_opt = 'l'
size_unit = ''

# -L --size -- option with unit
elif size[-1].isalpha():
if size[-1].upper() in 'BSKMGTPE':
size_unit = size[-1].lower()
if size[0:-1].isdigit():
size = int(size[0:-1])
fail("Bad size specification for unit %s" % size_unit)
size_opt = 'L'
fail("Size unit should be one of [BSKMGTPE]")
# when no unit, megabytes by default
elif size.isdigit():
size = int(size)
fail("Bad size specification")
fail("size not specified")

this = None
for test in lvs(vg, size_opt == 'l' and 'm' or size_unit):
if test['lv_name'] == lv:
this = test

if not this:
check_call([LVCREATE_CMD, "-n", lv, "-" + size_opt, str(size) + size_unit, vg])
print "Volume {} already exists".format(lv)

[Install] {wanted_by}

def process_fs(sec, params):
dev = params.get(sec, "dev")
if not params.has_option(sec, "fstype"):

fstype = params.get(sec, "fstype")

exist_fs = check_output(["blkid", "-c", "/dev/null", "-o", "value", "-s", "TYPE", dev]).strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
exist_fs = ""

# FIXME: should we stop, if it contain FS of different type?
if exist_fs != fstype:
check_call(["mkfs", "-t", fstype, dev])
print "Filesystem {} already formatted".format(dev)

if params.has_option(sec, "mount"):
mount = params.get(sec, "mount")
mountname = mount.lstrip("/").replace("/", "-")
unit = "{}.mount".format(mountname)
unitfile = os.path.join("/etc/systemd/system/", unit)

required_by = safe_split(optional(params.get, sec, "required_by", ""))
wanted_by = safe_split(optional(params.get, sec, "wanted_by", ""))

if not os.path.exists(unitfile):
with closing(open(unitfile, "w")) as f:
f.write(UNIT_TEMPLATE.format(what=dev, where=mount, type=fstype, wanted_by=" ".join(wanted_by),required_by=" ".join(required_by)))
check_call(["systemctl", "daemon-reload"])
check_call(["systemctl", "enable", unit])

def iterate_config(prefix, fun, cp):
for each in cp.sections():
if each.startswith(prefix):
fun(each, cp)

def main():
dir = "/etc/mantl/filesystems.d"
for each in sorted(os.listdir(dir)):
cp = ConfigParser()
fn = os.path.join(dir, each)
print "PROCESSING: " + fn
iterate_config("group", process_vg, cp)
iterate_config("volume", process_volume, cp)
iterate_config("filesystem", process_fs, cp)

print "ALL DONE!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions roles/lvm/files/mantl-storage-setup.service
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@


[Install] docker.service docker-storage-setup.service

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