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Contributing Code with IntelliJ

Jan Heidbrink edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 5 revisions

Developing Magma with IntelliJ

For IntelliJ IDEA, we provide a set of run configurations that support rapidly testing Magma code. See Testing Tips for more details.

Go Setup

  1. Ensure the Go plugin has been installed by going to Preferences > Plugins > search for the plugin "Go"
  2. Specify the location of the Go SDK by going to Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Go > GOROOT and selecting the relevant location
  3. Create a Go module for the project by going to Files > Project Structure > Project Settings > Modules > Click on "+" sign in the toolbar > New Module > Next. When you reach the new module creation page, enter the following information:
    • Module name: magma
    • Content root, module file location: full path to your local Magma clone, e.g. /Users/your_username/magma

After completing the above steps, restart your IDE and ensure the environment is properly set up

  1. Open "Project" on the left toolbar, and display "Project Files". All the files in the root magma directory should be displayed without a yellow background. This indicates IntelliJ recognizes the files as part of the module.
  2. At the top-right corner of your IDE, you should see a drop-down menu showing a list of run configurations for the Magma test suites, with a green triangular button that allows you to run the selected test. Alternatively, when you open your run configurations (Run > Edit Configurations), you should see something like the below


You can now run all (Orchestrator) tests in one click.

NOTE: a minority of tests require a running Postgres instance, and will otherwise fail with connection errors. You can use orc8r/cloud/docker/ to spin up the required test DB.

Python Setup

In the VM, execute rm -rf ~/python_ide_env && cd $MAGMA_ROOT && bazel run //dev_tools:python_env ~/python_ide_env. Set the Python SDK Path to sftp://vagrant@localhost:2222/home/vagrant/python_ide_env/bin/python This requires IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.