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Smart Turtle

This script provide high level APIs for turtle robot in ComputerCraft mod for Minecraft.

You can access the raw turtle API document here.


  • provide functional style monadic api to use
    • absolute coordinate system based api
    • obstacle avoidance support ( and move.go())
    • auto refuel
    • auto tidy backpack slots
    • provide high level combinators to construct complex logic in a very easy way
  • provide a deeply customized REPL
    • you can use smart-turtle's variables in this REPL directly
    • you can input an IO monad to execute it directly, e.g. move instead of move()
    • support Ctrl+C to abort running process
    • support Ctrl+P to print call stack
    • support Ctrl+U to clean current line
    • support Ctrl+L to clean screen
    • persistent command history
    • you can customize your own repl style by modifing _replStyle variable
  • provide a stack trace mechanism to help debugging
    • you can manually mark functions which you want it to appear in the stack trace


Single Turtle APIs

  • absolute coord based api
    • implementation ideas
      • get init pos & facing & aiming via gps
      • maintains current pos & facing & aiming locally
    • basic concepts
      • turtle's workMode:
        • workMode.destroy: whether auto dig when move blocked
        • workMode.violence: whether auto attack when move blocked
        • workMode.retrySeconds: time to retry when move blocked by other turtles
      • turtle's workState:
        • workState.pos: turtle's current gps position
        • workState.facing: turtle's current facing direction: E/S/W/N
        • workState.aiming: turtle's current aiming height: 1/0/-1
      • about the "tank model" of turtle's state
        • the turtle's state description method is inspired by tank
        • a tank can rotate it's body and it's gun, same as the turtle
        • a turtle's body can face to one of the four horizontal dir
        • a turtle's gun (just image it) can aim to up/front/down
        • so a turtle have 4 * 3 = 12 different state at each position
        • the st apis will reference the facing and aiming state to work
      • pos:
        • short for "position"
        • means a vector with three integer coord value
      • dir:
        • short for "direction"
        • means a unit vector parallel to one of the three axis
        • there are 4 horizontal directions: E/S/W/N and 2 vertical: U/D
        • all directions can be found in const.dir, e.g. const.dir.U
    • usage description
      • turn to face/aim direction d
      • move: move toward the aiming direction
      • dig: dig toward the aiming direction
  • provide high level combinators to construct complex logic
    • usage description
      • io1 * io2: if io1 succeed then execute io2
      • io1 + io2: if io1 failed then execute io2
      • io ^ n: replicate io for n times
      • rep(io): repeat io until it fail
      • retry(io): retry io until it success, with sleep interval increased
      • retry(t)(io): retry io for t seconds
      • try(io): execute io and always return true
      • -io: execute io and reverse the success/fail result
      • scan(area, mainDir)(io): scan an area, and execute a specific action at each pos
  • advanced move apis which support obstacle avoidance
    • implementation idea
      • inspired by the wall-following algorithm for 2-dimensional maze
      • first, we attempt to approach the destPos until blocked
      • second, we choose a detourPlane to detour following wall until closer
      • we repeat the above two steps until we arrive the destPos
    • usage description
      • go to destPos
      • move.go(destVec): go to workState.pos + destVec

Get the code

git clone
cd smart-turtle
cat src/* > st.lua

The st.lua file is a standalone file which you can run on turtle directly.


Single Turtle:

  • digAll(): dig all connected blocks which satisfy a specific condition in front of the turtle
  • search(): a generalized version of digAll, search all connected blocks which satisfy a specific condition and execute a specific action facing such a position
  • copy(): scan around a building and generate a blueprint, which can later be used to paste to somewhere else
  • paste(): paste a blueprint here, note that the turtle's current pos and dir will affect the pos and dir of the building

Turtle Swarm:

  • control center: a specific server which maintain swarm state and send control instructions to turtle workers
  • task: a task is failable and retryable, it cannot be split anymore, and can only have one turtle working on it at a specific time
  • job: a job is just like a function when given number of workers returns a list of task
  • logistic station: a container, such as chest, which allows turtles suck or drop facing it


High level APIs for Turtle robot in ComputerCraft








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