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Beside of understanding how placeholders are important:

Constantly we need to replace some values in a string. For example, if we have a message like this: Hello {name}, how are you? and we want to replace the {name} with a value, we can use the replaceAll method from the String class.

public static void main(String[]args){
    String message = "Hello {name}, how are you?";
    String name = "John";
    String replacedMessage = message.replaceAll("\\{name\\}", name);

But, if we have multiple placeholders, we need to call the replaceAll method multiple times which is not a good practice.

public static void main(String[]args){
    String message = "Hello {name}, how are you? I'm {age} years old.";
    String name = "John";
    String age = "20";
    String replacedMessage = message.replaceAll("\\{name\\}", name).replaceAll("\\{age\\}", age);

How Placeholder4j can help you

Placeholder4j is a library that helps you to replace placeholders in a string. It is simple to use, and you can replace multiple placeholders in a single call.

public static void main(String[]args){
    PlaceholderAPI placeholderAPI = new PlaceholderAPI();
    // Registering a new placeholder for the name
    placeholderAPI.register(new VariablePlaceholder("%name%", "John"));
    // Registering a new placeholder for the age
    placeholderAPI.register(new VariablePlaceholder("%age%", "20"));
    // Calling PlaceholderAPI to replace it.
        placeholderAPI.replace("Hello %name%, how are you? I'm %age% years old.")

Calling it, the output will be: Hello John, how are you? I'm 20 years old.

How to install

Groovy DSL:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.luiz-otavio:placeholder4j:{PROJECT_VERSION}'

Kotlin DSL:

repositories() {

dependencies() {





This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


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