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Personal webpage. Link:

Code to run local version of webpage for testing:

Guide for page building:


To test stuff locally (new plugin, theme, how a new blog post looks):

  • Start local site: Type bundle exec jekyll serve --watch at the command line
  • Visit local site: Open localhost:4000/yourwebfoldername/ in a web browser (e.g. localhost:4000/JekyllDemo/). Don't forget the trailing slash!
  • See changes on the local site as you make them: While the site is running, after making changes to website files: save the files and refresh the webpage to see the changes—except for the _config.yml file, for which you must stop running the website and restart running the website to see changes.
  • Stop local site: Hit control-c on the command line.

To move local changes to your live site (new post, settings tweak, etc.):

  • Make the desired changes to your website's local files.
  • Open the GitHub Desktop app, make sure your website is chosen in the left sidebar's list of repositories, and write your commit message summary (and description if desired).
  • Click "Commit to gh-pages" in the lower left.
  • After the commit has completed, click "Sync" in the upper right.
  • Allow 10-90 seconds for your changes to reach GitHub's web servers, then visit your website and refresh the page to see your changes live.