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Releases: lowcoder-org/lowcoder


13 May 14:47
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Lowcoder v2.4 - a Major Update!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Lowcoder v2.4, an important update that brings a new era of elegance, professionalism, and power for our platform. With v2.4, Lowcoder has transformed into a serious competitor in the landscape of Lowcode Application Development Platforms, setting a new standard in functionality and design. This release establishes Lowcoder as the premier choice for building external applications, customer-facing apps, and complete websites, next to all kind of internal Apps for Companies and Enterprises.

Our unique feature set now positions us as the go-to platform in many sectors, offering capabilities unmatched by others. We see the increasing enthusiasm and confidence from the market, as we welcome a lot of global enterprises to our community too.

Enhanced Components

Calendar: Introducing Premium Views which provide richer and more interactive visual representations of schedules and events. These enhanced views offer more intuitive navigation and greater customization options to meet diverse user needs.

List & Grid Component: Now supports horizontal layouts, giving users more flexibility in how data is displayed. This is ideal for creating more visually engaging interfaces and can be particularly useful in dashboards and media-rich applications.

Tabbed Container: Expanded to support four directions—up, down, left, and right. This versatility allows for a more dynamic UI layout, accommodating more complex application designs and improving spatial utilization.

Sliders and Range Sliders: Added vertical layout support, enabling more spatially efficient UI designs, especially useful in scenarios where screen real estate is limited, such as mobile devices or embedded applications.

Style Enhancements: We've expanded style support across numerous components, allowing for greater customization and consistency with branding requirements. This includes new styling options for backgrounds, fonts, and color schemes to make your applications look more polished and professional.

Style “Reset”: We invested time to bring the styles back to the standards. At v2.3.1 we introduced many new style capabilities, but did not found time to keep everything backwards compatible. Now we did this and things should look good “again”.

Input Enhancements

Prefix Text for Number Inputs: Users can now add a prefix to number inputs (e.g., currency symbols, units) to provide clearer context to the data being entered, enhancing usability and accuracy.

Icon Additions for Number and Text in Table Columns: Introduce icons in table columns to help users quickly identify column types or to highlight specific data fields, improving visual scanning and data interpretation.

Enhanced Fixed Number Precision in Table Columns: This improvement allows for more accurate data representation and calculations, crucial for financial and scientific applications.

Boolean Icons in Table Columns: Replace plain text or checkboxes with intuitive icons for Boolean values, making tables easier to read and interact with.

New Switch Input for Table Column Modifications: This update introduces a toggle switch input for quick Boolean value adjustments directly within table columns, streamlining data entry and modifications.

New Components in Lowcoder 2.4

Layout and Design Components

Page Layout Component: We are proud to introduce the new Page Layout Component in Lowcoder v2.4. This powerful component allows for the free design of page layouts, including the ability to nest layouts and incorporate dynamic elements such as menus and footers positioned as siders (left, inline, or right).

Within the body of the layout, you can embed full Lowcoder applications—even those hosted remotely—or utilize a grid system to place any component exactly where you need it. This flexibility, combined with responsive layout capabilities and screen size information, opens up a whole new world of possibilities for crafting tailored, efficient, and visually appealing digital environments. Whether you're building complex applications or simple, elegant interfaces, our new Page Layout Component provides the ultimate toolset for creativity and precision in your app development.

Card Design Component: A flexible container for varied content types, perfect for creating responsive layouts with grid, overview sections, or feature cards. (thank you @mousheng!)

Shapes Component (Preview): Offers over 100 geometric shapes for adding creative visual elements to projects, similar to capabilities in PowerPoint. As we need to work on the ability to have own gradients, colors and borders for the shapes, we see it as preview. (thank you @freddysundowner!)

Float Text Layout: Allows text to wrap seamlessly around any object, improving content integration and layout aesthetics.
Functional Components

Openlayers GeoMap: The Openlayers GeoMap leverages the power of the OpenLayers project to enhance your applications with sophisticated geographic data capabilities. Whether you need to display locations, track movements, or manipulate geographic data layers, the Geo Component makes it straightforward and efficient. (thank you @sjhoeksma!)

GeoMap Charts Overlay: This component allows you to use GoogleMaps, bot on top of it eCharts as overlay, greographically placed! Now you can show for example KPIs by Locations or movements of Items / Things on the map.

Steps Component: Visualizes user progress through a sequence of tasks or navigation stages, ideal for multi-step forms and process flows.

Tutorial in Apps: Provides interactive onboarding or feature introductions, enhancing user engagement.

Avatar & Avatar Group Components: Displays user profiles with support for images, icons, or text, suitable for social networking scenarios or team displays. (thank you @mousheng!)

Float Button: A floating overlay button for quick actions and navigation, enhancing user interaction without disrupting the visual flow of the application. (thank you @mousheng!)

Transfer Component: Facilitates efficient two-sided data management, ideal for roles, permissions, or grouped data settings. (thank you @mousheng!)

BPMN Component: Models business processes in a standardized format, supporting complex workflow visualizations. (thank you @sjhoeksma!)

Pivot Table (Preview): Enables dynamic data analysis and interactive reporting, crucial for data exploration and business intelligence. (thank you @mat02)

Turnstile Captcha: Enhances security with a user-friendly validation method, minimizing spam and automated submissions. (thank you @sudoischenny)

Hillchart: Provides a novel visual method to track project progress, distinguishing between exploratory and completion phases in project management.

Major Feature Additions

Generic OAuth Provider Support

With Lowcoder v2.4 we introduce Generic OAuth Provider Support. This powerful new feature empowers administrators to integrate a wide array of login sources into their applications, greatly expanding authentication options. Whether it's popular social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn or robust corporate identity management systems such as Azure AD, KeyCloak, and Okta, Lowcoder now should seamlessly supports them.

Minimal Branding in Lowcoder v2.4

In our commitment to providing a seamless integration experience, Lowcoder v2.4 reduces our platform branding, allowing you to use our tools in your projects with minimal visual intrusion. The only remaining element of Lowcoder branding is a discreet "Powered by Lowcoder" label on the login screen, which is mandatory but designed to be unobtrusive.

This change is part of our ongoing effort to ensure that Lowcoder can serve as a behind-the-scenes engine that powers your applications, without drawing attention away from your own branding and design aesthetics. By keeping our presence minimal, we empower you to showcase your brand more prominently, enhancing the look and feel of your projects while maintaining a professional appearance. Whether you're building applications for external customers or internal stakeholders.

Agora Meeting

Smaller Bundle Size for Agora Meetings: We moved the Agora Package to Lowcoder-Comps (remote comps) and upgraded to production state: Agora Meeting has now been fully integrated as a component within Lowcoder, making it easier than ever to embed real-time video and audio communication features into your applications. We moved it to reduce the bundle size for standard Lowcoder applicatios (they may not even use Agora Meeting Components), as the Agora SDK comes with around 500kb only.

User and Organization Enhancements

New User Profile Page: The redesigned User Profile Page now includes a Language Switch, empowering users to select their preferred language, enhancing accessibility and user experience. Additionally, users can manage their API keys directly from their profile, ensuring secure and convenient access to integrations and services.

New Organization Welcome Page: This feature provides a customizable welcome page for new users, making their first interaction with your organization engaging. Admins can select an application within the workspace to be displayed as the Welcome Page, personalizing the onboarding experience.

Password Reset Flow: We've developed finally the password reset process to allow users to independently reset their passwords, supported by SMTP server integration. T...

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💥 Kaboom!

25 Feb 16:16
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💥 Kaboom!

Today is a massive day for Lowcoder as we introduce version 2.3.1, which we've excitingly named "Kaboom". Even though the version number only slightly changes from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1, the update brings major improvements. It marks a big change in how we create and develop applications, showcasing our bold goal to combine an App Builder, Web-builder, Slides & Presentation Builder, and a Collaboration & Online Meeting Tool all into one unique platform. Lowcoder stands alone in this effort, as the only platform where you can build all these tools together, including embedding your own apps into online meetings. There's nothing else like it out there.

Finally, Layers...

Overlapping Components in Layers: Inspired by the versatility of Photoshop, we've introduced the capability for components to overlap within layers. This groundbreaking feature is a giant leap towards realizing our vision of a unified platform. It empowers businesses and application creators to slash application development costs by up to 90% across various domains, paving the way for the creation of native websites with Lowcoder.

We introduce Layers in a way that it is a non-breaking change ... IF you not use that switch. That means: Lowcoder Editor and Lowcoder Apps will behave as always till you switch on the Layer Feature. Currently, it is App-Wide as a setting activated. So, you can use the feature for each app individually. And as soon as activated, apps behave differently! In a way, it "IS" breaking change, as Layouting is different - since currently, Auto-Height of Components is active - but does not "push" other components down (as we have layers now). You need to take your first steps and get a new habit out of these circumstances. It depends on the type of App you want to build if Layers make sense or not.

Lowcoder Layers
Layer Functionality Documentation

Bulk Editing Tool

The new Bulk Editing feature allows for simultaneous editing of multiple selected components, significantly streamlining the development process. Coupled with enhanced Style Support for an expanded range of components, Lowcoder is on track to becoming the quintessential design tool for Websites & Presentations embedded with App functionality.
Bulk Actions in the Editor

Lowcoder Marketplace

The launch of the Lowcoder Marketplace marks a pivotal moment in fostering community collaboration. This feature simplifies the sharing and utilization of applications within the community, offering a global marketplace accessible at and on self-hosted installations. Each self-hosted installation also benefits from a "local Marketplace," which can be either publicly accessible or private, for exclusive use by logged-in users.

Lowcoder Marketplace

Lowcoder Marketplace Documentation

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.3.1

Endless Possibilities

17 Jan 13:08
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We are thrilled to announce a monumental update to Lowcoder, marking a significant leap in our journey. This release isn't just an upgrade; it's a transformation, expanding Lowcoder's capabilities far beyond its original scope. It is also an invitation! We invested a lot of time in the renewed Component Plugin Mechanism, making it a "piece of cake" to develop Components for Lowcoder. Give it a try. You can start from here:

What's New?

Enhanced Styling Capabilities

Enhancements for your App Design: Break the boundaries of styling limitations. With this release, create not just functional but aesthetically stunning applications, suitable for both internal- and customer-facing apps.
Read more here:

Enhanced Table Control & Events

We've extensively upgraded the core table component, the centerpiece of many applications, enhancing not only its styling options but also expanding its functional capabilities, with even more exciting updates on the horizon.
Look here:

Performance and Security Update

Speed and Safety Upgraded: Experience a noticeable enhancement in application performance.
This fundamental upgrade not only makes Lowcoder faster but also elevates its security standards.

Component Plugin Mechanism Overhaul

Simplified Component Development: Dive into component creation without the hassle of navigating the extensive Lowcoder codebase. Develop components locally using individual repositories and share your creativity through the NPM registry.

Expanded OAuth Support

Seamless Authentication: With the addition of GitHub, Google, KeyCloak, and ORY, our OAuth capabilities are now production-ready. Enhanced user management with automatic merging of users with identical email addresses across multiple logins.

Improved OAuth API Integration

Streamlined API Interactions: Leverage the re-use of Auth Tokens (JWT) for Rest-API, GraphQL, and OpenAPI. This feature allows impersonated users to make authenticated API calls, enhancing backend integration.

Administrative Updates

ENV Variables Cleanup: We've streamlined environment variables for clearer administrative settings, particularly for self-hosted installations.

Important Notice: Breaking Changes

Test Before Transition: Due to the extensive nature of updates, existing setups may encounter breaking changes. We strongly recommend setting up a parallel testing environment before fully transitioning to this version.
Styling Adjustments Needed: The introduction of default styling values may disrupt existing app designs. However, these changes open doors to more dynamic styling options and are easy to adapt to.

The Bigger Picture

Unifying Diverse Tools: This release propels Lowcoder towards our ambitious goal of merging three core functionalities - rapid app development, website building, and presentation tools. Moreover, we're enriching this ecosystem with video call capabilities and collaborative features. And our journey doesn't stop here. We are committed to expanding our authentication providers, enhancing role and claim management in JWT, and introducing more user-centric features in upcoming releases.


This release is a giant stride forward in our mission to redefine application development and collaboration. We eagerly await your feedback and can't wait to see the remarkable applications you'll create with these new capabilities.

We wish you a perfect Start into 2024 and happy App Developing!


We are faster together! Be a Sponsor! That helps to support our work on Lowcoder to make it the best tool existing.
Heck here:
Even, you can use the sponsorship to work closer with us and achieve a priorization of a feature that you may need urgently.

What's Changed in Detail

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.2.1...2.3.0

Community problem fixes

15 Dec 20:56
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We are excited to announce the release of 2.2.1!

This release includes a variety of fixes and new features contributed by our talented community members, mainly in frontend components. We appreciate your ongoing support and collaboration in making lowcoder better with each release.

Here are the key highlights of this release:

Plugin Creator Fixes:

  • Fixed issues with the Plugin creator by @FalkWolsky.
  • Updated documentation for the Plugin creator by @FalkWolsky.

Client Build and Editor Fixes:

Account Linking:

  • Introducing the ability to link accounts based on common auth IDs (email) by @aq-ikhwa-tech.

Style Enhancements:

User-Friendly Functionality:

  • Enabled scroll in table columns configs popup by @raheeliftikhar5.
  • Provided functionality to allow users to link to auth providers by @aq-ikhwa-tech.

Workflow Improvements:

  • Handling for LOWCODER_CREATE_SIGNUP_WORKSPACE by @aq-ikhwa-tech.
  • Simplified API service build by @ludomikula.
  • Allow serving static files from a mounted volume by @ludomikula.
  • Updated Component Plugin Demo by @FalkWolsky.
  • Updated docker build to allow arm64 builds

We encourage you to explore these changes, provide feedback, and continue contributing to the lowcoder community. A big thank you to all our contributors for their hard work and dedication!
Thank you for being part of the lowcoder journey.

Better Editor Experience

03 Dec 14:26
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Major Updates to Enhance Your Development Experience!

Hello Lowcoder Community!

We are thrilled to announce a significant update to Lowcoder, packed with enhancements that will elevate your app development experience to new heights. Our team has worked tirelessly to bring you these improvements, focusing on increasing stability and usability. Here's what's new:

Introducing Layout and Logic Mode: We've added a new switchable mode in the Editor, allowing you to seamlessly transition between designing your app's layout and coding its functionality. This feature is a game-changer for Application Creators and Developers, enabling each to focus on their specific roles efficiently.

Revamped Component Properties: We've cleaned up and reorganized the properties for all components, making them easier and faster to find by the Foldable Components Section.

Standardized Default Sizes for Properties: Enjoy speedier screen layout design with more standardized default sizes for properties.

Enhanced Editor Usability: Many text changes and optimizations have been introduced, making the Editor more intuitive and easier to understand.

Expanded Documentation: At many places, we added new documentation for you to get the most out of Lowcoder faster.

Improved Tutorial Walkthrough: We've fixed and enhanced the tutorial walkthrough for a smoother learning experience.

Enhanced Date and Time Components: We've fixed and improved the Date, Time, Date-Range, and Time-Range components for better functionality. They are now translatable too.

Deeply Customizable Table Component: Customize table rows, columns, and individual cells with dynamic data conditions. Enjoy new interactive state color options and the ability to fix the table header and toolbar in the layout.

Dynamic "screenSettings" Global Variable: This new feature aids in creating responsive applications that dynamically adjust to Mobile, Tablet, or Desktop displays. With this variable you can dynamically get to know the device type and control your displayed components by this.

Enhanced Security for OAuth Logins: We've implemented session storage for redirect URLs (redirectUrl) in OAuth logins, bolstering security against potential attacks. Thank you very much @kym.mcgain for your hint!

Increased Styling Support: We're rolling out enhanced styling options, starting with text size and border width, with more to come.

These updates are a testament to our commitment to providing you with a powerful, intuitive, and secure rapid app development platform. We can't wait for you to try them out and see the difference they make in your projects.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your feedback and support inspire us to keep innovating and improving. Here's to creating amazing applications with Lowcoder!

We are happy to get you on board as Sponsor too, so we can even faster develop. Have a look here...

Your Lowcoder Team

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.7...2.3.0

OAuth, Navigation, Documentation, Video

21 Nov 13:01
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🚀 Introducing Lowcoder v2.1.7: Enhanced, Secured, and User-Inspired! 🚀

Navigation with a boost!
We didn't just fix that old, quirky bug in Navigation – we pushed the whole navigation! Our team poured extra love into extending the navigation capabilities, making styling and databinding possible. Now you can style the whole navigation, individual nav entries as also link effects. We also added the ability to construct the whole navigation not "by hand" but as result of a data query.

Community-Driven OAuth Provider Enhancements! 🔐
Thanks to the invaluable feedback from our vibrant community, we've made essential tweaks to the OAuth Provider Settings. Your experience and security are our top priorities.

Documentation Leveled Up! 📚
We enriched documentation. Explore the newly introduced live component documentation and preview feature, designed to make your development process more efficient and informed. We fixed the Links to the individual component documentation: For example Table-Component: Also, we added the Playground to allow getting to know a component and its capabilities. Also for the table as an example:

Video Meetings, Elevated! 🎥
Our Video Meetings just got a major upgrade. Experience cryptographically secured data channels, real-time messaging in meeting rooms, and enhanced screen share support. Collaborative communication is now more secure and seamless.

Together, we're coding a "wow" future for Lowcoder!

If you want to speed up with us and share some love, the best way is to be a Sponsor...

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.6...v2.1.7

Big thanks also to our contributors!

Github OAuth, Google Maps & Fixes

13 Nov 11:18
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This is a very small release, just to mainly fix a bug for the Sign Up /register screen.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.5...v2.1.6

Fixing Fixing Fixing

10 Nov 19:49
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Introducing the Latest Version of Lowcoder: Enhanced Stability and New Features!

Dear Lowcoder Community,

We're excited to announce the release of the latest version of Lowcoder! This update primarily focuses on refining existing features and introducing some exciting new capabilities.

Key Updates in this Release:

Enhanced Google Maps with Interactive Charts:

We've improved the integration of Google Maps, making it more robust and user-friendly. This update includes enhanced interactive chart features, as also the ability to place markers on the map as soon as the GeoMap is instantiated.

Improved API Documentation (Swagger):

Understanding the importance of APIs, we've revamped our API documentation. The self-documentation feature, powered by Swagger, is now more comprehensive and user-friendly, making your development process faster and more efficient.

Introduction of API Keys:

To boost security and offer more control over API access, we've introduced the implementation of API keys. This feature will allow you to manage access to your APIs securely and efficiently, ensuring that your data remains protected.

Finalized Video-Meeting Integration with Agora:

We're thrilled to announce the completion of our integration with Agora for video meetings. This integration means you can now enjoy seamless, high-quality video communication within the Lowcoder platform, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

What's Changed

We thank our contributors very much. Especially @ludomikula, @aq-ikhwa-tech, @freddysundowner and @raheeliftikhar5 !

Lowcoder Sponsor profile is active

We're inviting you to become a pivotal part of Lowcoder's journey through our GitHub Sponsor program. Your sponsorship can directly contribute to the rapid evolution and enhancement of Lowcoder, allowing us to implement more features and improvements faster.

By sponsoring us, you'll be fueling our mission to streamline and revolutionize the way we code. This is more than just a sponsorship; it's a partnership in shaping the future of efficient and innovative software development.

Let's build something extraordinary together. Support us on GitHub and be a key player in the Lowcoder story.

Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.1.5

2.1.3 - Stabilization Release

27 Oct 09:06
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After the main feature round with version 2.1.0 we had together to fix a number of urgent issues.
With 2.1.3 we publish now a stable release and express thankfulness for your patience, as also ask for excuse for ... the need for patience with us.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.1.0...v2.1.3

🚀 The Future of Lowcoder

20 Oct 20:23
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🚀 Introducing the Future of Lowcoder!

Today marks a monumental step in our journey. We're thrilled to unveil the latest major version of our software, packed with innovations that will redefine the way you experience Lowcode.

📊 Charting Brilliance & Mapping Wonders:

Dive into the world of visual storytelling with our new support for Mermaid Charts. Craft stunning structural charts with just text!
Supercharge your data visualization with full eCharts support and the latest version of eCharts. Create mesmerizing wordcloud charts based on eCharts.

Mapping the Future: Navigate the world differently with our Google Maps support. Experience the magic of dynamic charts as overlays, bringing your data to life in a geo-context. It's not just a map; it's a canvas for your data stories!

🔴 Real-time Magic with Websockets:

In the digital age, speed and immediacy are paramount. That's where our websocket datasource comes into play. But why is this such a game-changer? Thank you very much @raheeliftikhar5 for this great contributionn!

Instant Updates: Unlike traditional methods where you'd need to refresh or poll for new data, websockets push updates to you the moment they happen. Imagine viewing a dashboard and watching data points, charts, and metrics update in real-time without lifting a finger.

Enhanced Collaboration: Websockets don't just update data; they transform collaboration. When multiple users are viewing the same content, any change made by one user can be instantly seen by others. This means teams can work together seamlessly, making decisions based on real-time insights.

Reduced Latency: With websockets, the lag between sending a request and receiving a response is drastically reduced. This ensures that your apps feel snappier and more responsive, enhancing user experience.

Endless Possibilities: From live chat applications to real-time gaming, tracking, and monitoring systems, the applications of websockets are vast. With our websocket datasource, you're not just staying updated; you're unlocking a world of real-time possibilities for your apps.

Harness the power of real-time with websockets and watch your Lowcoder components come alive, fostering unparalleled collaboration and interactivity.

📱 Dynamic Responsive Design:

Say hello to our Responsive Layout Component! Designing fully responsive apps is now a breeze. This is not just an upgrade; it's a revolution in lowcode tools.

💬 Engage & Collaborate:

A huge shoutout to @mousheng for introducing a full-featured comment (chat) component and a timeline component. Engage, discuss, and collaborate like never before.

🎥 Video Meetings & Apps merged:

We're making history! Introducing the first version (Beta) of components for Video Meetings. Lowcoder is now the pioneer in enabling app creators to build apps with integrated video meetings, streaming, and full collaboration capabilities. @freddysundowner, thank you for this visionary contribution!

Our vision is clear and bold: To be the ultimate Lowcode Platform for everyone. We're merging Web Design & Content Management with Apps and Collaboration. Imagine a future where you need just one tool to build websites, integrate interactive apps, and foster communication, work, learning, and play. That future starts now!

Also, we want to thank @ludomikula, @aq-ikhwa-tech, and @AyeniAmanda for their endless nights spent and thousands of lines of code written and tested...

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, we're shaping the future. 🚀

What's Changed

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