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fix(locale): alter zh_TW to native language (#2377)
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FPNL authored and logaretm committed Sep 26, 2019
1 parent 36d039b commit 5136f2a
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 20 deletions.
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions locale/zh_TW.json
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
"code": "zh_TW",
"messages": {
"alpha": "{_field_} 只能以字母組成",
"alpha_dash": "{_field_} 只能以字母、數字及斜線組成",
"alpha_num": "{_field_} 只能以字母及數字組成",
"alpha_spaces": "{_field_} 只能以字母及空格組成",
"between": "{_field_} 必須介於 {min} 至 {max}之間",
"confirmed": "{_field_} 與 {target} 輸入的不一致",
"digits": "{_field_} 必須是 {length} 位數字",
"dimensions": "{_field_} 圖片尺寸不正確。必須是 {width} 像素到 {height} 像素",
"email": "{_field_} 必須是有效的電子郵件地址",
"excluded": "所選擇的 {_field_} 選項無效",
"ext": "{_field_} 必須是有效的檔案",
"image": "{_field_} 必須是一張圖片",
"oneOf": "所選擇的 {_field_} 選項無效",
"integer": "{_field_} 必須是整數",
"length": "{_field_} 的長度必須為 {length}",
"alpha": "{_field_} 須以英文組成",
"alpha_dash": "{_field_} 須以英數、斜線及底線組成",
"alpha_num": "{_field_} 須以英數組成",
"alpha_spaces": "{_field_} 須以英文及空格組成",
"between": "{_field_} 須介於 {min} 至 {max}之間",
"confirmed": " {_field_} 不一致",
"digits": "{_field_} 須為 {length} 位數字",
"dimensions": "{_field_} 圖片尺寸不正確。須為 {width} x {height} 像素",
"email": "{_field_} 須為有效的電子信箱",
"excluded": "{_field_} 的選項無效",
"ext": "{_field_} 須為有效的檔案",
"image": "{_field_} 須為圖片",
"oneOf": "{_field_} 的選項無效",
"integer": "{_field_} 須為整數",
"length": "{_field_} 的長度須為 {length}",
"max": "{_field_} 不能大於 {length} 個字元",
"max_value": "{_field_} 不得大於 {max}",
"mimes": "{_field_} 必須是有效的檔案類型",
"mimes": "{_field_} 須為有效的檔案類型",
"min": "{_field_} 不能小於 {length} 個字元",
"min_value": "{_field_} 不得小於 {min}",
"numeric": "{_field_} 必須為一個數字",
"numeric": "{_field_} 須為數字",
"regex": "{_field_} 的格式錯誤",
"required": "{_field_} 不能留空",
"required_if": "{_field_} 不能留空",
"size": "{_field_} 的大小必須小於 {size}KB"
"required": "{_field_} 為必填",
"required_if": "{_field_} 為必填",
"size": "{_field_} 的檔案須小於 {size}KB"

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